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Under The LampView game page

Upgrade your equipment, until you can reach the light on the other end.
Submitted by Coloured Studios — 3 hours, 5 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of Theme#64.2504.250
Overall Enjoyment#133.3503.350

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I love the atmosfere, and the first time I heard a crack and a tree falled in front of me was terrifying!


Thankyou! And haha, the enemy animation has given me micro heart attacks more times than I'd like to admit when I was playtesting in a hurry and just trying to get to the end without paying attention to the trees xD

Jam Host(+1)

wow, great work here may revisit when i have time to get further. keep it up!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

That means a lot, I'm glad you liked it. I admit it takes some time to complete the game based on how you invest the resources, but if you give it a visit again, make sure to keep a stack of bullets with you the first two runs and after that, invest in the gun upgrades. You'll be able to complete in just a couple runs. The smallest amount of runs I've managed to reach the other end in so far has been 5 runs. 

Anyways, thanks a lot for the feedback and I sure hope you revisit the game some time and manage to finish it :)


There's a lot i like about this game, crafting system, graphics sfx. More variety would have been great when you recall. And the UI overlay can you put on another layer so that when you change direction it doesn't jump around?

Great job one of my favourites so far.


Thank you so much for all the compliments, I'm really glad you liked the crafting/upgrade system, its one of my favorite parts of the game. And yes ofcourse the UI overlay, I tried and I tried, and it didn't work normally, so I had to go ahead and make a hacky workaround which created the new problem of it jumping around when you switch sides :( I'll still look into it and see if there's maybe a way. Thanks for the feedback.


I wanted to do a visual upgrade system like that but its so much work, who made your art very cool.


It's definitely way too much work, it was my first time implementing a UI system like this even though I've used Godot's UI nodes before but never made them work together with textures like this. Out of all the individual systems or features, the crafting UI took me the most time to complete.

And thanks for the art compliment. I'm no proper artist but I did the art. I randomly started learning pixel art to make games a couple years back and it has improved to this over time.


Solid job with the game.

Best attempt i could only make it half way before accidentally spending all my soft/hard light on gun upgrade instead of bullets lol. Then i had to do death by monster as no way to get past it. Will have to try again.

Really nice graphics and atmosphere you accomplished though. The tree creatures are quite spooky and sound effects were great.

Only nitpick maybe is  making a way to get soft light if you screw up like i did so you don't have to commit suicide :)

The imagery of title screen and start point of the game i was half expecting Mr Tumnus to come out of the bushes at the start welcoming me to Narnia lol.


Hey RicoTV! Thanks a lot for the feedback and I'm glad you found the game atmospheric. There is actually in fact a way to respawn the soft lights by holding R and recalling to base manually. When you hold R, you'll see a meter fill up at the bottom right and once it fills up, you'll be back at the base with all the soft lights respawned and available to collect again. 

Do try again if you'd like, while using this recalling to base mechanic, and it is sure to make the game easier to progress when used correctly.


Cheers for the heads up! Will give it another go.


Thanks for the tip just clocked it. I stocked up plenty of bullets and faster boots of the bat. Once i had 80 bullets i blasted my way to the end. Nice work again this was quite a unique and very creative game.


That sounds great, I've also found this strategy to work best so far in all my play-testing. Stacking up on the bullets early on, and then getting gun upgrades and boots allows you to complete the game in the best time. Not sure if there's a better strategy than that, might have to experiment a little myself.

Again, I'm really genuinely thankful for all the compliments, I'm glad you were able to enjoy the game fully.


Great use of the theme. My only issue is that the Recall to Lamp didn't appear to work; was it supposed to automatically jump me back or was I supposed to constantly be backtracking? My only suggestion would be to put more of those lamps around and make them like checkpoints if that is the only place I'm able to create bullets.


Hey! So are you sure you were holding down the recall button? A bar should become visible under the recall button hint and start filling up which will enable you to instantly jump back to the lamp. If you were holding down and no bar was showing up, let me know and I'll try to figure out how to reproduce the bug and fix it. And thanks for the feedback, helps a lot!


Okay, that was on me. I didn't notice the bar as I was trying to escape! It worked. I did notice a bug that when I am in full screen and recall, the UI in the lower right gets offset when the screen comes back after the fade to black, but it appeared to fix itself as soon as I started walking again.


Mechanical interesting, nice visual, all clean.


Thank you Ale, glad you liked it :)


Visually and musically, it's really well done.
The animations are great, and the atmosphere is very successful.
I personally find it a bit unfortunate that we have to repeat the same phases so many times to progress further, even if it's an integral part of the concept.

Congratulations, because in terms of ambiance and graphics, it's really really cool!


Thanks a lot! We definitely paid a lot of attention this jam in trying to make a artistic experience. For the repeating level mechanic, we found inspiration from the various souls-like games where you keep dying as you slowly invest in your character to make them better until you're able to easily beat the tougher enemies. Our twist on the genre was that while souls-like games require you to improve your combat skills alongside your character, our game requires you to improve your resource management skills alongside your character, essentially a resource management souls-lite.

Thanks for the feedback though, we'll make sure to take it into account for all our future games/jams.

Fantastic art & music made for great ambiance, I'd love to play again when things are a bit more balanced and the UI is a bit less buggy. The further to the right I got, the UI was nearly completely off screen. I did start to lose interest when I had to keep resetting but I really think this has a lot of potential!


Hey! Thanks a lot for the detailed feedback, we love it! I'll get on to fixing the UI as soon as possible, seems like an issue with different screen resolutions scaling differently. On the other hand, having to recall/reset multiple times to get better each times is part of the design we had intended, it makes the final run to the end feel as much glorious.

Either ways, we're really thankful for the feedback, it has helped immensely!


you made a game or the next goty? Very good game bro!!


Thank you so much, genuinely appreciate the compliment! Glad you enjoyed and found it to be nice!