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A jam submission

Qirmiz: The Legend of Curly's GoldView game page

Submitted by Omniclause (@proflonghair07) — 1 day, 9 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Technical Implementation#523.5373.537

Ranked from 41 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game apply the limitation (and optionally, the theme)?
This game takes place on the edge of the galaxy and it has a boss battle.

Team Size

Pair (2)

What main engine/tool/language did you use to construct the game?

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The game crashed during the boss fight for me too

Great game overall, needs more camera work but is great


Dang I wonder why this is just now becoming an issue. I’ve done lots of play testing and it’s been uploaded for almost a week without this happening. What happens when it crashes?


Fun game! I enjoyed the art and the atmosphere the game was able to create!

The game crashed during the boss fight for me :( 


Oh no! That's the first I have heard of that happening.  Wonder what the factor is. Glad you enjoyed what you played though.


I was in the second stage and got hit by one of the attacks right as the boss shot it. I had also died once in the boss fight before. Hope that helps! 


Great game!
Great art, music and sound effects.
I wish there was a hold down to fire button instead of mashing.

Good job!


Loved it. The art is great and I would definitely add the soundtrack to my playlist. I had fun playing it. Would buy the full version of it for sure. 


Thank you so much for the feedback! Glad you liked it!


Take this comment as an echo of the vast amount of others, with one thing to add on as something to look into. The slime HP seemed a bit inconsistent? Some took 3, some took 5, and after dying they'd take a different number. I don't know if some hits aren't registering or if it's a gameplay mechanic or what. It's more weird than annoying


Thanks for checking it out!  The way it's programmed the slimes should be consistently taking six hits to kill.  I think it is seeming they are taking less hits in some cases because of the way the characters firing mechanic is implemented.  The time between shots is really short and the speed of the projectiles are a little slower than the characters run speed.  So if you are running and spamming shots they can kind of stack up and end up being very close together.  So you can have like three or four shots hit the slime in under a second.  If I work on the game any post jam I'll probably either add the players x velocity to the projectile speed or put some i-frames on the slime.  Thanks again for your response!


The art is amazing and the gameplay is nice too! but like someone said, I wish the jetpack works like a jetpack.


Great game, very polished and movement was perfect, both sliding and the jetpack jump mechanic. Honestly, sound design was my favorite aspect of your game, was very responsive and oooh that check point sound, felt so good! The art was also great and mixed with a music created for sure an otherworldly setting! Well done!


Really cool game, great work!


Interesting game like arcade machines. Highly atmospheric music and visuals


Cool game and atmospheric. The level design and the jump with the binding to the clamping of the jetpack are good made.

Good job!


Cool game ! I liked the ambience, the art and the level design. My only nit picking would be the jetpack kind of felt more like a slow jump than an actual video game jet pack, I'd usually expect to be able to tap a jet pack to slow my fall with little burst. The boss was pretty cool. I enjoyed it !

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The game was more difficult than I expected. I think it's a bit easy to slide off platforms or just barely miss them due to bumping into them. And the lack of a charge shot is a missed opportunity, but game jams.

Great game.


Extremely surprised! Tight controls and demanding boss battle.  Every mistake I made was my own and the save points help a lot.  At first I didn't know I could shoot so it became an interestingly difficult platformer, maybe go full metroid and you unlock the gun at some point. 
What a great gun! I love the artstyle and the color palette is perfect. 


Excellent, very good platformer, especially the three-stage boss.


Wow everything was fitting so fantastic to your style. Really fun game with beautiful art, nice mechanics and good music(exspecially the boss music). Really nice setting and creative boss. Just the hitbox of the boss could have been a bit bigger. All in all a fantastic game i will definitly play multiple times,great work!




Loved it ! The platforming is really tight, especially the jump. I would have liked to be able to start my jetpack after falling but other than that solid platforming, the player has the right weight to hit.

Didn't care much about the gun/blaster to be honest, I found the game way more found trying to avoid everything. The boss was pretty intense too, the right difficulty for a jam game,

Nice platformer, good job !


My number one critique ... I want more! This game was a blast to play and I always love when I get the chance to use a gamepad in a jam game.

Positives: I loved the art style. I connected with that round little spaceman immediately and wanted to play more because of it. The animations overall were really well done, great polish for a jam game. The music selection and variance was perfect. With just two enemy types, a few obstacles and a moving platform you designed some fun, tricky portions to navigate. The checkpoint animation was fantastic and I think you had just the right amount! Loved the sound design, but think just a couple more sfx would have gone a long way.

Improvements: It was so polished, that the areas where you didn't add juice it made it seem really off. The particles on the blue blob when you hit it were nice, but an audio cue would have completed it (especially since you got audio feedback on the floating spike balls). Short time to dev and all, but maybe you could have reused the audio from when the boss spawns the jelly creatures, just alter the pitch. The floating spike balls would have had that extra touch of nice with a small shine animation. Just something more to make it feel alive. I know it's a short dev time, but I really wanted some pickups. Not powerups per-se, but there were times when I would think, oh, I bet I'll find a collectable over here, but there's nothing in the game. One idea is that since you suddenly have a life bar in the boss battle, maybe you could have spread out little life capsules in tricky to reach or hidden areas, that way there's a reward for collecting them in that you're stronger when you fight the boss, but also you don't have to get them if you're good enough in the boss battle. I'm one of those weirdos who uses the joystick and not the d-pad in platformers. I think you could have given in a little more buffer space on the stick. My character would stay turned right often enough that I switched to the d-pad and had no problems. As awesome as the art and animation is, I really wish the jetpack was animated, even if it was a simple two sprite swap. You spend so much time jumping and hovering, it seemed off that the flame was static.

Slynrd covers a really simple way to animate flame movement in his blog here: https://www.slynyrd.com/blog/2020/12/14/pixelblog-31-shmup-sprite-design

He also has a good one on items. I think the shine effect would have gone really well with the floating spike ball of death.

Overall: I loved this game! I see myself enjoying exploring even more of the world, maybe gathering some standard metroidvania powerups, a double jump for instance, or you could lean into weapons like Cave Story. Really fun project and I hope you keep building on it.


Thank you so much for playing my game and especially for your thorough thought out critique! So glad you enjoyed it and I will say there wasn’t a single critique you made that I didn’t agree with. I actually had a sound on the slime with the audio source attached to it and the audio source being destroyed and not playing a sound on the death was odd. I tried attaching the audio source to another game object and couldn’t connect to it via scripting. I probably could’ve figured that out with more time, or even disable sprite renderer and collisions and do a delayed destroy function but I did all the sound effect stuff at the eleventh hour so I ended up leaving it on the cutting room floor. If I do some post jam work on it this comment is gonna be the first place I go to get ideas for polishing. Thanks again!


Amazing visuals! Subtle detail but I love the idle animation of the robot where the glass covering his face glistens a little. Amazing game feel as well, the jump felt really good all throughout. Great job!


Good graphics and sound effects! Only feedback is little nitpicky stuff. Slid off the corner of a few platforms which was a bit annoying, and I was confusing myself trying to do all the inputs with one hand. Having shoot on J or K would have been a bit easier. At least for me on a QWERTY keyboard.

Other than that though I enjoyed it and liked the MegaMan feel to it all. Good job!

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