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A member registered Nov 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! 

The AI is quite barebones, without intelligence to speak of :p

It uses colliders which tell them which buttons to press when they cross into them

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Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the nice message and congratulations on your win, absolutely deserved!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the compliments!

Cool game! 

It was a bit difficult to figure out what trap worked on what units. Adding a tutorial would help. 

Also, I won each wave quite quickly, even when there were still enemies coming. That felt a bit awkward.

Other than that, great game, well done!

Cool game!

The perspective of the gate and whether or not people were through it was quite hard to see, maybe you could add a line on the ground to signify where the gate actually hits. Another way to do this might be to change the ground type (to stone, for instance) where the gate hits. That way, when a person is on/over that line, you know you can re-activate the lasers.

Another small QoL improvement the ability to skip the tutorials/fast forward through them. Maybe also add some subtitles.

Other than that, I had a blast! Well done!

Fun little game! Loved the art, especially that clock :3

Don't have anything else to say what other comments haven't already said, good job!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing!

Glad you liked the puzzles. I find that creating them is very difficult, so I use these jams to help improve that.

There should be a way to get back to the menu, by the way (Escape to bring up the pause menu and there should be a button :p)

Thanks for the compliments!

I had a week off and, since I constantly create new projects and never finish them, I know how to quickly bash something together :p

As for the tutorials, they were added last minute so they're not very good.. I'm gonna try to update those in the future!

Thanks for playing!

It isn't just you :p. The tutorials were added in a hurry on sunday, so they aren't the best. Also doesn't help that the controls can be a bit buggy..

I will update it soon with fixes, hopefully!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Great game, some extra upgrades/enemy variety would help!

Cool game! Could be a cool speed running-esque game!

Thanks for playing! I had some free time. 

I'm aware of the bug and will fix it soon!

Really creative! The only thing is that it's a bit hard to click the little beans sometimes.


Cute little game!

One thing you could add is a ramp up/down in speed of the anchor. That way the speed change won't be as sudden.

(1 edit)

Cool game and idea! Loved that you could create your own 'level'! But, I did find a bug :P

Got to the boss, accidentally got under him, reversed gravity, bounced off him and fell out of bounds :p

One weird thing is that you need to pay coins in order to remove HP potions, as you pay for a harder game. You could instead give the player coins, as if they're selling a good thing.

Other than that, really liked it.

Nice game! Love the idea! One improvement: the switch should be instantaneous, by which I mean that as soon as you switch, you should have the properties of the other colour. The animation can of course be the same. I had a lot of problems jumping from a blue platform to a red one. If you don't switch colours right after you jump, the transformation isn't finished when you land causing you to die.

Other than that, I really like it!

Thought so, but it seemed like it worked :p

I played in Firefox, and it happened after I tried to sleep on the bed.

Great game, well executed. One thing I'd add is a pause at the start of a level so the player can familiarise themselves with the level and the location of all objects. I had a couple of instances where I'd already lost the level before reading the objective, which felt odd :p

I love Tower Defenses, and this one is no different!

I do have a couple of minor points. It'd be nice to see how far along the wave is. I waited ~5 seconds until I discovered that the wave was already done :p.

And, since the gimmick of the game is turning on/off the towers, it might be nice to be able to do that on the map, instead of having to open the UI. It'd make the gameplay more fluid.

Great game! Kept clicking to shoot faster, still don't know if it does anything :p

Thanks for playing and the compliments!

Thanks for playing!

I'd love to create a full game out of it, but I don't know if I can come up with enough good puzzles :p

(1 edit)

Nevermind, just did it again and I just kept on falling. It seems to happen on the right side of the first pit.

I just kept on falling, although I think I hit some kind of barrier at the end and slid to the right. Probably missed a death barrier or something similar?

Great little game, especially for your first! One thing I'd change up a bit is the movement. Sometimes I got stuck between tiles. Maybe a discrete, one move one tile would be better suited.

Great game! Loved every mechanic except the darkness. To me, that didn't really work with the puzzle platformer idea and had a couple too many leaps of faith.

Great idea and well executed! I'd buy this as a fully fledged game!

Cute game, but a bit slow. If it was somewhat faster I'd like it better. 

Some more indication of whether or not a boat crashes or lands could also be better.