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A member registered Jul 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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The soundtrack is a banger! And the sfx are well-picked too. Movement was a little awkward, probably because you can't really tell the distance that well. The idea is cool, though!

A fun experience! Chill vibes and typewriter sounds (my beloved). Simple to a point. Good job!

Nice sprites. As I've seen from other posts in here, this is your first time, so very good! Although I would have made the meteor sprite more horizontal, since right now they take up too much space. Good job anyways, I wonder what you will do next, for other gamejams.

I like the choice of music and the curving of the road on the horizon, it makes this... more stylish, I would say? Although the gameplay part definitely needs balancing, got hit with 3 cars in a row too many times. Chill game.

I feel as if the lines should have been just a little bit longer, since there were too many situations where all three had 2 or less enemies, which effectively made me use all the ammo and lose. I think with a little balancing this could have been more fun, but even so, the concept is cool, reminds me of tetris (I don't know why) and the style + music are indeed relaxing (in contrast to gameplay). Cool game.

Feels good to play. Even though I don't really see how it fits the theme, I really like this game, the mechanics work well!

SFX and background music would have been welcome. The main mechanic is kinda cool, makes you think on your feet all the time. Nice.

Puzzle games are a rarity on a Trijam, glad to see one here! Background music would have been very welcome here, but nice anyways. 

Even with all the chaos, there is still room for strategy. Nice!

Got a high score of 36949, pretty proud of myself. Nice sound design, cool concept.

As with many games in a Trijam, lack of music hurts the experience. I don't know why, but while playing I got Undertale Undyne battle vibes... Cool concept, nice game.

Music and sfx are fitting, but I feel a little uneasy about the gameplay itself. The ball touched the same block 4 times and only brought it down 1 stage, which I think was a little weird, maybe a bug. But otherwise, fine game.

The unopenable door got me to smile, quite funny. Great visual + sound combinations, good stuff.

Music loop got tiring quite fast, even though it felt like it fit the experience. Nice concept, making the player memorize the pattern. Although, I kept forgetting the way... Nice game.

This definitely tests the players reading comprehension skills... Simple concept, but fried my brain completely. Nice!

Funny dialogue options, always appreciated. A background music track could have made the experience better, but still, nice and cute!

Very pretty game, wish it had a background music track.  Controls feel very responsive, which is good. Love the style!

Music is well-picked and the facial expressions are cute. I, however, feel as if the blocks move too slow. Plus the high-pitched sfx for the dropping of the block is really loud, I wish there was a way to tune it down. Concept is interesting, feels like a new twist on tetris-like games. Good game.

Intriguing controls scheme. Music is fitting, but I did feel the sfx for shooting and hitting a fish are a bit overwhelming. I also believe that some variety would have been nice, either in fish movement patterns or in weapon choice (as in other classic shoot 'em ups). Overall, good for such a small amount of time for a solo dev!

Love the visuals. I feel like the experience could be elevated, if there was a sound effect for the 3 outcomes of splitting a geode, but at least the music is well selected. Good game.

Didn't expect a narrative game in a trijam and definitely didn't expect it to hit this hard... Great art and choice of sfx. May not be a real winner because of the broken time limitation, but a winner in my heart.

Nice game, but I wish there was variety to the enemies. And, of course, music would make the experience better. But overall, good!

Charming audio design, definitely a highlight of the game. Solid concept and execution. Good game!

Damn sign kickers, doing whatever they please! Very fun seeing them kick the sign and then trip over a puddle, karma. Saved 57 lives with professional sign placement B). Unfortunately simple graphics and complete lack of sound bring the whole experience down, but it's still fun to play.

While the voiceover was nicely done, the gameplay left me desiring something. The candle didn't do anything, since I could write all the same and there were no ties to the theme of the jam. And seeing that this was probably made with the other gamejam in mind, I understand why. At the very least the game looks and sounds pretty.

Interesting game, although it gets a little boring without any increase in difficulty, with it being hard from the very start. Art is nice and the sounds/music are adding to the experience. I would say the game would benefit from having fewer buzzsaws at the beginning, gradually adding more as time goes on. Although you could just say that I have a skill issue and I would be inclined to agree :)

The feeling of momentum is great, this subtle lack of control puts you on the edge. Color palette is a bit non-conventional, but combined with retro sound and graphics, it feels somehow right at home. Visuals and audio work well together, and the gameplay is simple but gripping. Good little project, that I enjoyed!

A surprisingly polished game with a high concentration of puns. Sound design is on point and a little goofy. I enjoyed the precise hitboxes of the potatoes, which allowed some sick maneuvers between the lines. And never before have I ran over someone and had a blessing because of that. Fantastic.

I tried to play it like a normal racing game and then gave up after 3 minutes, instead deciding that the game is now a spaceship simulator. The car flies off the planet after any attempt at gaining high speeds, but I don't see it as a problem. Was fun to fly around in space for a bit. Once the car turned upside down and I had to drive with swapped controls, was a challenge for sure. I would like to think that all the wonkiness was made to fit the accident theme better.  I had a fun time, even if not in an intentional way!

As a big DnD (and any other tabletop RPG) fan I really liked this little adventure. You can behave normally, or can be a little goofy with your decisions, but still can reach your goal. A shame that no audio is implemented. Bad rolls don't mean instant defeat, usually just advancement further with some losses along the way, which is good and how it should be. And no construction site can stop me.

After finishing the game for a 5th time, I can safely say that people with hats deserve the 90% coffee discount and that the crocodile is kind of a jerk. Art is bit rough, but still has some cuteness and style to it. Funny little scenarios and goofy dialogue. Left me wondering, what would have happened if I chose another path.

Very cute art style! And a creative way of doing necessary exposition with a little rhyme. The music was a highlight, I thought it was made specifically for the game (and looking in the comment section here, it indeed was). Simple but fun gameplay. I unfortunately had a bug, where the congratulations screen had the other character that I didn't play as, but it isn't really a problem. After all, accidents happen.

I enjoyed the chaotic nature of running back and forth from one engine to another, sometimes fixing the steering wheel. Everything that needs fixing is very well highlighted, although sometimes I had to find a very specific tricky place where the wrench would work. I would say its decently polished and I didn't encounter bugs, except maybe some questionable collision with some protruding decoration elements. Good game, I was surprised to see a polished 3D first-person game made in 3 hours!

An interesting little game with a simple concept. At first I didn't understand how it tied up to the theme, since I didn't make any mistakes, but now I get it :). I would say the projectiles should appear a bit more rapidly or be a bit quicker, since its too easy to time things well. Otherwise I like the concept and its implementation, would be cool to see a longer version of this game in future.

It was interesting to see all the pretty car variations in this game, but I think some more detail for the road and the grass would have been a nice visual touch, to liven up the scenery. The gameplay loop is amusing, reminding of some old mobile games about evading traffic. Although I must add, I expected a slight difficulty increase as time went on, but didn't notice any changes in spawn rates or speed of incoming cars. The audio was a great addition to the whole experience, but I would recommend adding a volume slider, since the music way too loud when you open the game. Overall a nice experience.

Adorable little game. I think it got a bit bugged every time I played it, since the madness bar didn't move at all, which somewhat diminished possible tension and made the gameplay loop feel too repetitive. The game got a little giggle out of me when I heard all the Minecraft noises, very creative sfx source. Definitely fits the theme.

This game is short, but it definitely does what it needs to do as a complete game. It has some (even if small) variety of enemies and buildings, and it has a decent difficulty curve, although I did find a big difficulty spike around waves 8-9. The visuals are consistent in style, which is usually what elevates a polished project from a rough one. And the theme is on point. Good game overall.

I liked this game financial simulation. The gameplay loop is engaging and fast-paced. Its simple and requires mechanical skill, which makes it so much more engaging. Although I do want to say that the application of the theme is just a bit off, since technically the player only builds and the cat is the one doing all the destroying. Why is the cat so rude all the time though...