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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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i figured it out 😅 i was just making an edit after replaying it once i learned how to exit cams

(1 edit)

It's so cool to see a fnaflike in here, and I really enjoyed what I played!

But for some reason, when i go into the cameras, it's really hard to exit them... it's hard to explain, but it feels like i'm missing something. I saw the mans nearby but i couldn't react because i couldn't put away the cams, so i got jumpsacred 😱!!

Edit: apparently shift is how you exit the monitor... i thought that was the first thing i tried, but apparently not.

oh, also the reason the web version is janky is because the ui is scaled to the resolution of the window, and the default html5 embed window size is too small, try making it 1280x720 in the itch page settings

very scary though, i feel like the concept of the hiding space could be explained a bit better, but it still spooked my socks off!

I considered making falling deal damage, but decided that would be too much! I also considered tweaking the movement a bit so it's more precise, but I didn't have time to do that...

Glad you enjoyed tho!

i like koo. the cannons didn't seem to do anything, but koo had many trees and mad cash :)

Had another go at it with the newfound knowledge! I don't think I'll get a higher score than this 😅

randomly clicked on community tab and saw this... here you go! https://itch.io/jam/acerola-jam-0/rate/2583249

For your first jam, excellent job!!! It took me a bit to figure out that the clicks did more than just shake the screen, but it was a really cool feeling to see the cake and think "wait, was that there before?"

Seeing the contrast between the "happy past" and "sad future" (and everything in between?) is a really interesting concept for a story-driven game, and it could be a cool idea to revisit in the future!

Good work!

It almost feels like a combination of powerwash sim and papers please! I didn't really like how the lmb was both "shoot" and "advance dialogue", because I kept accidentally shooting things when trying to do dialogue stuff.

On the subject of shooting things, I got the gun, and it took me a while to figure out how to switch back to the water sprayer... I killed a lot of people... Fun game 👍

(1 edit)

I like it! Though, I couldn't tell if it was looking for the center of mass, or the geometric center... But they'd be in similar places, so it didn't matter too much!

Big fan of the pun in the title, and the ending made me smile! :)

(edit: sorry if this gets posted multiple times, it gave me an error the first time i tried posting it)

The base movement speed is a bit slow, and a map would be nice- I got quite lost, and the slow base movement made it just kinda "slowly bumbling around these areas where i already killed the enemies"

Despite that, it's pretty fun! The first time i found a "Multiply yourself" upgrade I just kept going for them! by the end, i had an army of like, 10 slimes, each firing 4 shots per click. It was very enjoyable to see a boss and just unleash a tsunami of bullets at them! The xp didn't seem to do much, or rather, even after beating the game, i only had maybe 1/10th of the bar full.

Overall, pretty good!

It works!

My only criticism is that it doesn't feel like there's a jump buffer or coyote-time at all, which made some jumps feel tighter than they otherwise could've been.

Aside from that, it was really fun!

Made me spooked, which is impressive for a jam game! I noticed some weird lighting stuff happened occasionally, but I think that was mostly a webGL thing.

I remember seeing this one on the discord! Turned out really well!

It got really tense once my door broke, and I was just pointing the gun at the kids just in case there was a monster!

Needs more feedback for successful/failed note hits, but really fun!

I want to redownload osu now...

I really like how this game looks, but something is wrong with the jump- I can't get past the tutorial because one of the little pillars is too high. Looking at the screenshots, it seems that the jump is supposed to be way higher than I could get it 🤔

I have a high refresh-rate monitor, and sometimes games tie gravity to refresh rate, which can cause gravity to be waaay stronger than it should be. Idk if that's the problem here, but it might be a good place to look for fixing it!

(Also, I feel like it counts as game-breaking enough to update during the voting period! If you fix it, I'll give the game another try because it looks good in the screenshots!!!)

i was referencing the original video that the loot bug mod uses! thanks for playing!

It feels so polished! My biggest complaint is that the ending part is slow, and I couldn't find a button to speed it up. I want to try to get more endings, but having to sit through the ending text thing every time is a bit boring.

Small problem in an otherwise fantastic game, well done!

Really good overall! A bit short, maybe- but that's just how jams are.

Some text on screen that says "The end" or "To be continued" on the ending picture would be a nice addition, just to show that it's supposed to end there.

Loved the atmosphere and ideas at play here!

I plan to make plenty more! :)

Interesting idea! As someone who only speaks English, it took me a minute or two to figure out how to change the language from (What I believe was Chinese) to English.

The translated dialogue was a bit hard to follow, but I was able to get the general idea of what was happening. I think it's an interesting idea for a story.

The art is well drawn, and the "black and white" color makes it feel classy.

Well done to everyone on your team! 👍

The limitation was admittedly pretty underutilized, It's mostly just the fact that you control a stack of multiple things- even though all 6 of them control the same as just 1 of them.

Thanks for playing though!

Nice work! I will say, godot dev to godot dev- make sure you save all your materials/shaders as their own files, instead of them just being saved inside of the scene.

When you first shoot, the game stutters for a second, and saving them as their own .tres files has fixed that for me.

Very fun! Shifting my attention from one board to the other after every few moves is a great addition to Tetris and kept me on my toes. 

There were a few misinputs- like I'd hard drop on right when I meant to hard drop on left, but I eventually found a rhythm.

I got into one of those "Tetris Trances" and before I knew it, I'd been playing for half an hour! 😅 It's addictive!

Good puzzles! The final one made me feel especially smart! :)

I didn't really like how the eraser moved only one tile at a time, but it's wasn't a big problem and didn't hinder the fun.

V cute art as well!

The presentation is a bit minimal, but the gameplay is solid! Level 3 was especially tricky!

Also, Godot dev to Godot dev, I'd recommend turning off (or setting to 0) "snapping_length" I believe it's named in the characterbody controller- that feature's for making a platformer character, and have them stay on the ground while walking down slopes- but it causes some oddities when in a top-down game.

Good game though!

Nice concept! It seems to only have two levels, but the first level is significantly easier than the second one. I was able to figure out the trick for the second one, but it felt like I went from the tutorial to the final boss (which with two levels, I guess I kinda did.)

I liked it! :)

(1 edit)

Awesome seeing the gameplay! I added a bit to the description to make it a bit clearer that you need a running (or rolling) start for a lot of the jumps.  I also improved the mouse cursor camera based on your feedback.

I don't plan to do much more work on Meatball Man Mania, but I plan for future games to be in a similar style. Thanks for playing! :)

Hi there! Cool game!

I have some feedback, if you would like it-

I used the joystick, and it worked well, but during the charge, it seems like its either "fully to the left" or "fully to the right". There isn't like "turn slightly to the left" with the joystick. Or it was at least very sensitive.

I also felt like the normal walking animation was a bit weird looking, but the charge and gliding animations were really good.

I really like how fast and smooth the gliding is, and the somersault thing that you can do out of hover adds a lot of fluidity to the movement

Something about the camera felt a little off... maybe it was too zoomed in for me? I tried increasing the FOV, but I would prefer if you could increase the distance.

I had a bunch of fun though, big spyro 1 vibes.

I like it, but there are a few key problems I had:

1. Up/Down Camera- When you're on the big tree or have a lot of stamina, things can get pretty vertical. It would be nice to be able to look down- especially if you miss a jump and need to find a safe spot to land!

2. Camera Collision- You already acknowledged it, but it would be nice to have. :)

3. No Deadzones(?)- I played on controller and noticed that the deadzones were either very low or nonexistent. Sometimes when I stopped moving, my joystick didn't return to exactly the middle, so I would kinda drift a little.

4. This one's both praise and criticism. I really like the way that the bug things emit sound, so you can find unopened ones based on the sound cues- This is genuinely one of the best ways I've seen to remedy the "can't find final collectable" problem.
The problem is that they open when collected, but from a distance they look pretty much the same as a closed one. A more distinct change between open and closed things would be nice, but I was able to find them all with no trouble because of the sound thing.

5. The movement was also a little stiff. It was fine, but I personally didn't like how you stopped moving during the landing animation.

Overall: Really fun! I felt like some of the collectables were a little same-y, and some alternate colors for hair / some shirts would be nice. Nonetheless, great for a jam game. 👍

sorry about that part, glad you liked the game though!

lol i was using the forward+ renderer, i haven't messed about with mobile or compatibility, though i really should since i do html5 games...

i initially didn't have shadows because i was worried about performance. but after reopening the project and seeing what it would look like with shadows, i'm gonna say i didn't do shadows because they add a lot of visual clutter that makes it harder to see things

the starting rocks were largely to teach about attaching rocks and to allow the player to kinda get a safe place where they can make different shapes- initially the game was almost impossible, so i may have gone overboard in making it easier...

i originally wanted to make an action-y song for it, but ended up deciding i'd rather add things like better menus and controller support.

i actually made the music volume a separate slider from the sound effects volume so that if you wanted, you could mute the music and listen to something else.

i'm glad you liked it though!

who can say what the best way is, game making just be wack like that

if you dont already know about them, the Vector2 (and Vector3) .rotated method may be good to know for future games

before i learned about those, rotating a vector was like 3 (very long) lines of code and a stinkin load of trigonometry, but with them its just "Vector2(10,0).rotated(45)"

a bit short, but i had a big doofy smile on my face the whole time

also i really like the music, the intro song gives me big yume nikki vibes

until next time :)

super cool game!

i will say that something with the camera (maybe the fov or the bobbing? idk) gave me a bit of a headache... but i think the sticker idea is super cool, so i powered through!

i like how much player freedom the stickers give, idk if i actually cheesed any puzzles, but i feel like i did and it makes me feel smart and creative :)

that was a quite good puzzle game, i liked the puzzles where it was just kinda you showing off your mechanics, like the one where you just press down and the moving plates solve it for you

the puzzles were a good difficulty- challenging and rewarding while not being annoying

i appreciate the sweet sax at the end of each level, and i too cant stand unity

I WIN!!!!!

i like the graphics, and i also found a bug where if you just stand on a fan, you can use your mouse to pull it upwards and fly!!!

very cerebral!

im very glad you included those gifs of how to play, because i would not have understood what to do otherwise

i like it

some of the "jump -> grab -> place beneath you -> land" things were a little too tight for my liking, but i think it only showed up in like 1 level

i really like the different colored hands, i never realized seeing a green hand would make the game feel that much more polished!

also, with the particles thing- i've found that gpu particle nodes don't show up in html5 exports, but cpu particles do show up