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A member registered Jul 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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Pretty neat game, being able to move onto platforms that you can spin is a really good idea. It really enables you to dodge attacks, especially the laser ones. Also like how there are these things you can obtain throughout the arena to attack the enemy with so you are constantly moving around the boss. I don’t have the skill for it, but I really think that if you become a master of this game’s mechanics, you will really look like a pro. It’s a really challenging game, and it feels a lot like doing a puzzle when trying to pick up those dots from the platforms to attack the boss with. Unfortunately, I was only able to get through the first boss on easy because I quickly got a headache from both spinning the platforms and by freefalling due to my lack of skill lol. Still, very well made, good job!

Very nicely made game, I love the concept of spinning a ball and growing it from the ground, and also being able to ride it. The bosses are also great, and I liked each of the cutscenes. I know this is skill issue, but I failed like 75% of all of my throws, so it was pretty difficult to beat the bosses lol. I think it would help to make it more lenient when you are throwing the ball at the bosses because it’s really satisfying to throw it at the bosses, and I wished I could do it more. Still, this is a really creative and fun entry, good work on this!

Very nicely made game, I really love how you can both parry and heal yourself when you do that melee attack. My favorite boss has to be the second one with the spinning beams because of that feeling of not dodging but instead deflecting their attack is just huge. All of the bosses felt extremely fair and balanced, even though I thought some were challenging at first. One thing that I would love to see is more opportunities for melee attacks on the bosses since it’s pretty fun to do it. Good job!

Very, very good game! It is unreal how much quality is in this game and I like so much stuff about it. The dialogue is pretty funny, and the bosses look amazing, it’s always clear what their attacks are and how to dodge them. My favorite part of the game has got to be when you charge up all of that debris the player collects and throw it straight at the boss, because it feels immensely satisfying and polished. Good job on this!

Very, very good game! I really like how you implemented the spin theme in this game and it’s lots of fun. I love how the reloading is not just pressing ‘R’ and then forgetting about it, but rather something that you have to aim. This makes it so the player has to figure out a good time or moment to focus on reloading as part of the gameplay, which is pretty neat.

I also really like the implementation of the health in your game, when the hearts are in the tense state I start to lock in and avoid taking damage, but when it’s in the normal state it allows me to take more risks, which is part of the fun. I also tend to only reload when the heart is in the normal state because it’s less risky to do so then. So great work on this!

Love the arena and setting with the audience all around and also the cutscenes were a pretty nice touch. I think you guys do a good job on the bosses, and I like how they seem to be interacting with the audience lol.

Some feedback that I would give is that when I first started the game, I spent a couple of minutes trying to figure out why I could not shoot my gun, but then I figured out that I had to refill the ammo. I think that it does help let the player know how to refill their ammo, but I would have loved a tutorial that went over the purpose of the ammo box before you put them in a boss fighting situation.

People have mentioned the bullet speed problem already, and as a fellow game developer, the problems are completely understandable due to time constraints.

In any case, good job on this entry!

(1 edit)

Very interesting game that goes beyond what I usually think of in a boss game! It’s actually pretty challenging to time both of the orbits to be at the designated areas simultaneously, and it makes up for a really good puzzle game! Though, I am terrible at multi-tasking, so when the boss shot projectiles I always just took the hit because I was too hyper-focused on trying to sync the two orbits up. However, when there was the ray attack that basically sliced through the two orbits, it was pretty easy to follow and that was definitely my favorite attack. In any case, really good job on this!

Great game. I really like the concept of having the ability to spin the world in order to help travel through the map. I think it’s very nice that there are these batteries that restore health and energy throughout the map so there’s a clear incentive to try and explore the map as a strategy to recover resources. Additionally, spinning the world also lets you avoid the boss attacks, which is pretty neat. I think that the eye and the brain bosses were the most challenging (2nd and 3rd bosses), and I was only nearly able to defeat them before dying. However, I think if I played a lot more and mastered the mechanics of your game, it would be very easy. Good job on this!

Thank you for playing and the kind words!

Thank you for playing, I am happy that you think highly of the game :)

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing, I am glad you liked the bosses!

(1 edit)

Great game. I love how you get to control the shape of the orbit and how you can teleport to a different part of the orbit to dodge stuff. Additionally, shooting out that laser from the special attack is pretty neat.

This is just an opinion, but I think it would make the game a lot better if you could teleport a little more frequently and also anywhere or farther on the orbit. I think it would allow the player room to react and dodge stuff from the bosses more, and also allow them to take more advantage of a strategically shaped orbit. Also because I think it’s pretty fun to teleport in this game lol.

In any case, really good job on this, especially for the first ever jam you have done :)

Thank you for playing :)

Thank you for playing, I am glad you liked the weapons from the shop and the clock boss :)

(1 edit)

Cool game, I liked the variety of weapons you randomly got as the wheel of weapons was spun throughout the boss fights! Additionally, the character movement was quite nice, and the third boss’s attacks with the arms flying at the player was really neat.

Some feedback that I would give is that the first boss’s immunity phase is a bit too long, and the bosses have too much health which makes things a little frustrating for the player.

Instead of a time countdown that is below the boss’s health bar, I think it would be a lot better to see how much health the boss has exactly to give the player a better sense of progress.

Additionally, the upgrades that you occasionally get don’t feel impactful because I usually don’t hold the weapon that’s being upgraded. I think it would be better if the upgrade happens to the weapon the player is currently holding so that they feel the impact right away!

Hopefully I am not being too harsh on feedback, really these things I mentioned are just pretty small details. In any case, good job on making this game!

(2 edits)

This is a very, very good looking game. The animations of the player and the bosses were great, and I also loved the boss arena with the gears. Additionally, that fire attack that was alike a laser beam was satisfying to use and I really liked how one of the bosses had multiple segments to attack.

Some feedback that I would give is that the melee is just too good of a weapon. At first I was afraid to use the melee, but when I used it, I realized that the bosses would be gone in like 10 seconds or less. Additionally, I would say more SFX or clear SFX would massively improve this game, because it would give tons of good player feedback.

In any case, you guys did a great job on the game, and it’s clear how hard you guys worked on this!

(1 edit)

Pretty neat game! I enjoyed being able to both attack and also use a gun to shoot the bosses. Additionally, I think that spinning a wheel to obtain an ability which related to the boss was very cool. Good job on this!

Cool game, I really like the boss attacks in here and also the setting and animations of this game! I really like how the shop pops up from the center, and dashing is pretty fun and effective here against these bosses. I think this has been mentioned already, and this does not impact gameplay to me at all as a fellow game developer, but I wonder why there’s only the option to quit to desktop after you die lol.

In any case, good job on this!

I’m glad you liked the game!

Thank you so much for playing, I am happy you liked the spin mechanics :)

I’m very happy you thought shooting a lot of projectiles in the game was fun! Don’t worry about defeating all three bosses at once, since the purpose of Double Boss mode (or in this case, triple?) is just to make use of the last boss item and to present an extra challenge.

Thank you so much for playing!

Thank you so much for your kind words!

I am very happy to see that you liked the boss item ideas, and that you felt the overall difficulty was fair and handled well!

I’m very happy to see that you thought it was an amazing game :)

Very nicely made game! Initially at first I thought that I was the knight fighting the dragon so I thought it was funny how I was actually the player and the knight was the boss instead. In the first few fights against the knight, it was definitely a challenge to fight. However, after getting used to the controls of blocking, attacking, and the fire attack, I could nearly no hit the knight with the use of blocks and it made for quite a fun experience!

The witch was a little more difficult to fight, but that’s when I found good use of that fire attack, especially on the minions! Oh and by the way, I really loved using that fire attack because it was incredibly satisfying to use. Great work on this!

Very neat game! I really like how the whole game is about moving around some kind of tower which really opened up room for very cool boss mechanics. There is a significant amount of challenge that goes into this game, but it still feels extremely fair, especially with hearts dropping that allow you to restore health during battle. Additionally, the game looks great and polished.

This is a very nicely made game, it has polish and everything is smooth. I really like how satisfying it is to spin the wheels to either choose a boss or an upgrade. Additionally, all of the boss attacks were interesting and balanced. Good job on this entry!

Great game, I like how you can obtain a weapon from spinning a wheel after obtaining enough medals from enemies/crates! These weapons are also quite satisfying to use, and it felt like a significant powerup. Some feedback that I would give is giving some way to skip dialogue/cutscenes after you restart the level and making it a little brighter for the player to see stuff (However, the boss location is always clear since they glow, so it did not impact gameplay that much). In any case, great work on this!

Very, very good game! The idea of attacking by moving around the boss is simple yet effective. Usually in a bullet hell game, I would always be either focusing on attacking or dodging, and I am pretty bad at multi-tasking, so this game really felt like it had the best of both worlds. All of the bosses had very interesting attacks and always felt fair and balanced. Additionally, the game looks extremely good and polished. Good job on this!

I’m glad that you found the game satisfying to play, and that you enjoyed it a lot! :)

I’m happy that you found the game fun! It is indeed intentional that you keep money & your weapons each time you die as a part of the game mechanic.

Very nicely made game, it looks very good and I like how there are extremely clear times when the boss is vulnerable, both when the boss grows claws and smacks the ground, and when their face appears right before they heal. Hurting them with the charge is satisfying, and I like how you bounce off of the wall so when the boss appears in the center, you’re guaranteed to hit them. Good job on the game!

This is a very good game! I like how the bullets in your revolver as it spins shoots out different kinds of projectiles, and I also love the design of each of your bosses! It was also cool to see each of their unique death animations after I defeated them. Great work on this.

Thank you for your kind words, I am very happy that you liked the bosses and the time stop mechanic in my game!

Interesting game, I like the idea of taking bananas off of the ground and having them serve as both a healing item and the weapon itself. I think something that would make the game better is if you give a little more opportunity for the player to attack the boss. For example, when I fought the tiger and it was laying down all of the traps, I always have to wait until all of them were placed before getting another opportunity. In any case, good job on this game!

I absolutely adore the setting of this game where you are a drawing, which is up against a super villain drawing. Then, after defeating them in each iteration, the super villain gets imagined with an additional power (That you could choose!), which I found quite creative and interesting. Only one thing that I would mention is that after playing the game, I realize I totally forgot about the dash feature. Personally however, I think the dash feature is totally unneeded anyway and it did not impact the gameplay at all. Good job on this game!

Great game, I like the idea of a spinning wheel deciding both the weapon you get to use against the bosses, and also the effects that occur during the boss fight! Good job on this!

Very interesting game, I really like the mechanic of spinning around asteroids to pick them up and using them in battle! Good work on this entry.

Thank you for playing and enjoying the game, and I am happy that despite the difficulty you faced, you still liked it!