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A member registered Dec 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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I like the retro artstyle, but I find the game to slow, maybe add the hard drop of the falling tetromino ;)

Thanks a lot, I see what you mean. You are used to having the up arrow rotating the tetromino, am I right ? If so, something I want to improve for later is to have custom controls.

I will, thanks ;)

The graphics are amazing, I really dig this art style. I wish we have a game that looks like that !

I really like the atmosphere, it feels like being in a sand temple !

Nice animation on the nanobots ;)

Nice one ! I love the base music, I don't know but I was in the zone thanks to it ^^

Wow, the game is amazing, a real hidden but but way too hard in my opinion. Great job !

Thanks, that means a lot !
I worked on the game feel a lot, this jam was a way for me to improve on it so I'm glad it worked ;)

Thanks, it made the same for me ;)
If you made a good score, tell me I'll had it to the scoreboard. 
One thing I'll do in the future is add an online scoreboard

Thanks for the feedback, tell me your scores if you beat one from the leaderboard.

The game can be difficult if you haven't played tetris before, indeed.
For webgl, no there were no limitations, I just am not used to make web game so it didn't even cross my mind but I stupid because it's a jam :/

Thank you <3

Thanks, I really worked on the polish side of things but I had a blast playing my own game too ;)

Wow, nice one here !
I implemented a system where I have all 7 tiles randomly put in a queue and filling this queue when it's empty so you always have the 7 serie.
Thanks for the controls advice, in this game I tried putting a lot of different controls but in the future I would surely put some custom ones.

It's part of the game to tunnel vision, and if it help, then good :)

Really good looking game and I loved the atmosphere !

Electrical engineer in da place !

Make more puzzles and the handles easier to grab and you have an interesting game ! Congats!

You love cars, you love destroying things, then this game is made for you !

B-Cell rush !

After playing Scale Stacker, I feel like the objets around me a looking at me funny.

Good puzzle game, I had my "haha" moment. Good mecanics too !

Beautiful game, I would love to see the main mecanics expanded and more juice !

I want a game where I gun down mecha-snail ! Build it please !

"Cheese !" Gromit

At least, I tried to save space but couldn't :(
Great visuals !

Burn baby burn, but think about it ;)

Ditch the mini game, more dice building ! Great visuals, overall a good entry !

Make more, I would play it !

Best game jam ending so far ! Grab everything and cry in the end !

Really cute, had a lot of fun at first but the gameplay loop should be more disrupted !

Good idea, I would love to see more puzzles with this mecanic.

Incredible, the art style is so beautiful, the music is awesome.
One side note is that the controls are a bit strange but you get use to it.

I had a blast, it really made me laugh, the voice, the freezing oven, the throwing orders, everything works well !

Really beautifull game, with a lot of juice !

Want to see more of it !

I would love to see it as a sidescroller ;) and secret !
Good entry with a good ending !

Really good entry, strong sense of style ! Make more !

Nothing more to say than you got to play this !

Go try this lovely game, you'll have a blast !