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(2 edits)

This is seriously impressive design. The 2D card-slinging feel is awesome and a really neat twist on a Slay The Spire style game. Sometimes a level would fail to complete after defeating all enemies, and I do wish I could see the exact health values of each enemy. Regardless, I really enjoyed this and would 100% buy it as a standalone game. Fantastic art and sound design too!

(1 edit)

Loved the modeling and voice lines with the robotic sound effect. Just one note: the ship being slow in the beginning is fine, but having such low drag means that picking up the items takes some getting used to because you kinda just had to time it right. Regardless, I really enjoyed the game!

Gorgeous art! Took a bit of fiddling to figure out the turn-based combat, and I'm still not sure what each of the abilities does which made it hard to strategize. Also, the activity meter seems to be tied to framerate so the boss comes waaay too early on high refresh rate monitors. Regardless, I really loved this concept and enjoyed collecting a bunch of critters :)

Thanks so much!! Really glad you liked it <3

(3 edits)

Beautiful art on the main character and backgrounds! However, the attack animation is quite sluggish and as a result doesn't feel very impactful even though it oneshots everything. Also a small detail, but lot of enemies spawn beyond the edges of the play field, get stuck, and can't be killed. Regardless, great job!

(1 edit)

Left a rating and some feedback! Awesome submission :)

Here's ours if you wanna try out a chaotic 1v1 fighter:

This is a fantastic idea! the movement was quite rough, and having the lanes be controlled by keys made it so facing different directions got really confusing. Otherwise, I loved the graphics and design, especially all the expletives from drivers :)

Lovely pixel art! My only note is that when you click the rice after serving food, it disappears when the next customer arrives - wasn't expecting that.


This is honestly probably the most correct interpretation of the theme :)

Some suggestions for implementing a sudoku game:

  • Instead of red lines for each 3x3 box, use much thicker black lines. This is the standard in sudoku and makes boxes much easier to discern.  This is especially necessary since changing the resolution can change the thickness of some of the other black lines, which really messes with how you see the 3x3 boxes.
  • You have to make sure that your generated puzzle doesn't have multiple solutions so that each puzzle can be solved properly.
  • As others mentioned, the ability to add notes to cells is a must.

Nice retro feel, liked breaking bushes and the sound they made. It was a little unclear what the pickups did and what the goal was, as nothing happened once I reached 58 monster kills. Was fun regardless :)

Depth was the main obstacle, as it was hard to tell where you would land after jumping. What would be helpful is a shadow cast directly downward rather than one realistically cast by the light. Regardless, I liked the character model and terrain - especially how the water waves got bigger over time!

(1 edit)

very cute, not sure what the various bars were for, or how they were being affected.

Beautiful style, and I loved the murder grandma :)
Unfortunately I ran into a lot of bugs - picking up the hitchhiker gets you stuck in the car, can't enter the bank, and can't enter the beauty salon. Also I was never able to select the "first pig" location.

Great work on visuals, loved the tower animations and enemy designs. A few bugs that hindered progress, but a lot of potential!

(3 edits)

The movement was a little jank but I kinda liked it. The atmosphere and sounds were great too, and I really liked the environment. At first I didn't realize I could swim upward, so it took me awhile to get out of the starting area. Side note - the tutorial was a little hard to read because all the text was overlapping. Overall, great job! Nice name too ;)

Thanks so muuuuch! Clam supremacy <3

Left a rating and some feedback, great job!
Here's ours for you to try out :)

I love inventory management, so I really enjoyed this game! Some feedback: I think the shop should arrive more often, I frequently found myself throwing out items just because I wasn't able to sell everything in time. Otherwise, I had fun!

That was the goal, glad you liked it <3

Left a rating and some feedback, great job!
Here's our game if you're interested in a chaotic 1v1 fighter :)

Great game! I loved watching the logs fly everywhere. I also didn't notice the shops at all, took me a few games to realize I could buy things.

Left a rating and some feedback - really enjoyed it!

Here's ours if you're interested in a chaotic 1v1 fighting game:

Super fun and great game loop! I loved the random weapon options, and I liked trying to build a defense from scrap floating by - great interpretation of the theme! Couldn't tell where the boundaries were though, so I died a couple times because I didn't realize I had backed into a corner. 

Rated and left some feedback on your page! Great job :)
Here's ours if you're interested in a chaotic 1v1 fighting game:

I liked this game a lot! I'm a sucker for space :)
It was somewhat difficult to tell what the upgrades were actually doing, so I just tried to upgrade everything as much as I could - would have been fun to strategize though. I never figured out what the computer was for either, or how to defend myself against the asteroids other than to just keep repairing.

(1 edit)

Rated! Super eerie, loved it. The mishmash of visual elements was jarring, but it felt like that was the point, very creative. In the interest of feedback, I think my only confusion was that it wasn't super clear why the stone was meant for the lock on the tall building. I didn't even try it at first because I though I was looking for a key. I did try the stone on the rusted lock through, as I thought maybe it could be easier to break. Turned out the be the reverse of what i thought.

I'd love your honest feedback on our chaotic 1v1 fighter too:

(1 edit)

Super eerie, loved it. The mishmash of visual elements was jarring, but it felt like that was the point, very creative. In the interest of feedback, I think my only confusion was that it wasn't super clear why the stone was meant for the lock on the tall building. I didn't even try it at first because I though I was looking for a key. I did try the stone on the rusted lock through, as I thought maybe it could be easier to break. Turned out the be the reverse of what i thought.

Rated, I loved your theme interpretation!
Here our chaotic 1v1 fighter, enjoy :)

I love how it gets super trippy, and the NPCs are hilarious. Awesome interpretation of the theme :)

(1 edit)

Fun game, rated! Was really hard though my highest score was only a couple hundred. Here's our chaotic 1v1 fighter for ya:

(1 edit)

Didn't know what to do at all in the beginning, definitely need a tutorial of some kind. Also when I focused away from the screen and went back, I was unable to look around anymore, had to restart. Still fun game! My highest score was only a couple hundred though :p

Unfortunately I can't play, the browser version has some weird scaling issues and I can't see anything. I'm on firefox with a 3440x1440 display.

(1 edit)

Very unique concept, I played for quite a while! A little explanation/tutorial would be useful, as I kept trying to stack boxes in the beginning before I realized you were supposed to be putting things on shelves. I also wish the boxes would stay after you diel, it feels really sad to lose a lot of hard work to build all the way to the top because you missed a jump. Regardless, it fits the theme perfectly and was overall really well done!


Awesome! We had a blast testing it too :)

100%, great minds and all <3

This was incredible! Fantastic modeling and lighting, and great inventory/upgrade system. I only wish you had more room to repair during each wave, as it felt like the downtime between waves was just spent holding R. Regardless, one of the best games I've played yet!

(3 edits)

Really fun idea, loved the silly sound the customers make :) Some notes:

  • It was super annoying to get past that heavy door all the time - actually the hardest part of the game lol
  • Whats uhhhh what's goin on with those arms?
  • Large batches of customers get stuck at the front door, slowing everything down. I got to a point where people were trying to come in at the same as as others trying to go out, and it got suuuper congested.

Thanks! Ya the fatalities happen every 10 kills for either player :)