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Space Station SurvivalView game page

Submitted by shortstring, RogueCortex — 4 hours, 31 minutes before the deadline
Rated by 23 people so far
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How does your game fit the theme?
This game follows a calm-storm cycle. During the calm phase, the player collects resources for upgrades, while the storm phase brings waves of asteroids that threaten to destroy the space station.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
We created most of the project from scratch, including all the code, voice acting, and most of the models were made specifically for this jam. We did use model assets for the station decorations, pre-made sound, and effects assets.

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interesting concept ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!


So much potential in this little game! I love space and sci fi so this was right up my alley. I was so hyped the first time I entered the ship and found an even semi decent UI and first person gameplay. I feel like that's such a hard task for a jam game. Well done on that.

As far as improvements: I could tell where you were headed with the game, but it seems like the time frame forced you to pivot or leave some stuff unimplemented. The UI seems to get stuck sometimes, and it seems like it has some balancing issues. Either you get a really easy run or a really hard run and there isn't much in between. I had a hard time finding an equal amount of components at the beginning and didn't realize there was an upgrade mechanic on first play through.


I really like the idea! The controls are a bit funky but almost satisfying!


i liked the outer space exploration part and you have to gather resources to repair the ship. We both made a space game XD. It needs some work with movement i feel like i am moving really slow when i am out in space. But all in all good game!


It's a really fun idea, just needs a lot of polish. I like the fusion of multiple genres. Gigachad pictures floating in the vacuum of space 10/10.


Pretty good game, the controls were a bit hard to understand at first but I liked how the game transitioned between top down and first person, great job!


The framerate was awful for my device (which is a fairly beefy computer), and the movement was unbearably slow. Was that tied to the framerate?


Thanks for the feedback! I actually did not test on multiple devices.. I just downloaded on my older pc and the 3rd person game has about half the frame rate as my new computer.

I will look into optimizing!


The optimization isn’t too important to me, my game is quite poorly optimized (particularly with lightin) I just wanted to know if the slow movement was intentional, tied to frame rate, or a different bug, for my own curiosity. 

If there is a fix, I’d be happy to do that and rate it. As it stands it felt unfair to rate based on the incomplete experience.


Should be fixed now - at least it was for my older computer, I had the movement being applied on event tick which seemed to tie the movement to how fast your cpu is. It is maybe a little too fast now, but I think it is at least consistent across different computers now.


Wow I really loved driving around and collecting everything! The controls were a bit challenging but fun to get used to! I don't know if I'm dumb but I had no idea how to get to the cannons on the first time playing, but it was awesome you had high scores! I'll definitely play this again when the jam is over. Great work!


Pretty cool - I was pleasantly surprised by the seamless transition between 2D and 3D. Very unique and fun game!


How did you guys developed it with two people, would be a heavy workload. I love the graphic, and the highscore board surprised me the most, awesome guys!


Thanks! We started with a Kanban board on the first day to plan a 22-story sprint. By Thursday, we had completed 14 of the original tasks, so we spent the last two days focused on QA/testing and polishing things up. We originally had planned for an oxygen system and a few other features that we just didn't have time for.


shortstring is an awesome, we implemented features quickly thanks to him!


Really cool game. although I did not realize there was a turret at first lol but that one is on me. Also your highscore list being a global one was pleasant surprise. Great job!


That was really fun! It's really cool that you can actually walk around the station in first person


Really impressed you got multiple modes working in such short time! Simple but fun game loop. Destroying the asteroids had good feedback and felt satisfying.

Really liked the way the "tether" worked as a diagetic method of always finding your way back to the station.

Might be becasue I have a 16:10 monitor, but the all the UI elements on the left were cutoff, so I couldn't see info like how many resources I'd gathered (just fyi, not expecting you to build for all hardware on a jam timeframe!)


Got the high score! I really like the shift between two different games and the feeling of panic when you have to rush for materials. The music and the sounds are solid.


I liked this game a lot! I'm a sucker for space :)
It was somewhat difficult to tell what the upgrades were actually doing, so I just tried to upgrade everything as much as I could - would have been fun to strategize though. I never figured out what the computer was for either, or how to defend myself against the asteroids other than to just keep repairing.


played a couple waves and upgrading the ship a bit. very fun implementation of the theme, i like the gameplay loop of cycling between looking for resources/upgrading and then using your upgrades. the outside ship exploration was a fun little minigame, i wish there were some obstacles out there to make it a bit more intriguing.

i thought the upgrades were a little basic, but given the time frame of the jam that makes sense. specifically though, i didnt like the second upgrade for the gun, i thought the spread made it hard to shoot asteroids. also, if you hold left click while in the shooting stage and your at zero energy, it spams you with the audio clip of being out of energy.

overall, great submission and creative use of the theme!!


too bad i can not play your game, i’m on a Mac. Still, i rated your game based on info and screenshots :)


You... shouldn't have done that. Don't rate games you haven't played.


I liked the idea, keep making games! On the other hand, I didn’t like the controls. I struggled a bit in the first few minutes. But overall, it was fun! I also liked how you mixed 2D with 3D at the base.


Game Design:  

The overall design of the game is inivative. the upgrade system was good, I wish there was more to ship to upgrade but considering this was made in one week it's enough.


Most of the asteroids just straight up missed the ship. so it more of a "oh that ones gonna hit, lets hit it first" rather than "oh no I'm overwhelmed by them" which I think was more the target of the rest of game mechanics.


Well done on that part. you took the idea of the simple asteroid shooter which is a lot of peoples first game and expanded it.


Personally my own game uses this system of calm/storm phase so no objection there. I think you could have made the "calm" phase a little calmer by extending the timer.


The art style is at best inconsistent. a lot of textures where out of place, some of them wasn't even correctly displayed. the UI was littrely outside my screed. from the top right corner I could just see the numbers and not what they represent. Also the particles that are shoot from the back of the character in space are sideways for some reason.


The audio was just enough. not too great not too bad.


Overall the idea was certainly something you could make a game out of, but the execution wasn't the best.

Also I wouldn't mind you playing my games, cheers.