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A member registered May 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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Wow, this was so much content! I liked the movement and the combat, felt pretty solid. There were so many moves, at some point it was confusing choosing between all the buttons, but every skill was interesting and the way we get rid of the corruption made sense with the theme.

The map tool was awesome and kept me in track of what areas I hadn't visited, it is very welcome in a game with such a big game area. I did get all the seeds, the fast travel system was also great but it was hard to keep track of the names of each area to know where I wanted to travel.

All in all, a great game, I enjoyed it a lot, it felt like a metroidvania from the start, and the clever way the new skills open up the map is really well handled. Even though there's backtrack, I didn't feel that I was going around without a reason. The map is fast to traverse and the "road" of getting skills make sense so it doesn't feel like you're going from one corner to the other and back.

Overall, a great entry, the sound and music were ok, the graphics and animations interesting, the vines looked good and were my favourite part of moving around, it feels solid and in general it goes to the vine I want to go when I use it, so it's very intuitive and satisfactory of a skill.

Congratulations, this is a great game!

I like the attack animations and the characters. They fit well with the cartooney 3d scene.

This game has very good presentation overall, I like that even the death has its music and cinematic, it's awesome. The effect for the dash is on point, it feels swift, and the sound effect is on point. The steps maybe sound too loud in relation with the rest of the effects, but it is a nice effect anyway.

I like that it has spawn points near to the challenging bits

The enemies are too hard, it's too hard to move around the map when enemies can't be seen and will kill on one hit. the setting is very interesting and the graphics nice. Good job over all.

Wow! Great presentation! From the start, really cool soundtrack, then the intro was great, also with its own great soundtrack.

When the game begins, it's filled with cool effects, the effects of coins drop/pickup is rewarding, the map was easy to traverse and the challenges were interesting. I think I managed to jump in the air before unlocking the wall jump, but once unlocking it, the effect is very rewarding, how the character sticks to the wall right before, it looks cool overall.

I didn't like the attacks on the last fight, they can be memorized, kind of, but they don't give time to react, so when the intro to the attack starts, if you're in the area, you receive the hit. I'd prefer to have a "tell" to react to, because otherwise it feels every hit is entirely by luck. Having that said, the game gave me so much health that it was totally ok to be hit randomly by the boss, because it's still beatable. The effects towards the end of the fight are incredible, and the ending scene is also incredible.

In terms of movement, the jumps feel a bit unruly, specially the time-trial part feels that the jumps are unreliable most of the time. The double jumps require speed but feel good overall. The attacks feel responsive and enemies have fair hitboxes, but it's tough because it feels still to attack. and not being able to attack in the air makes fight moves more difficult.

Overall, a great experience, with a great presentation. Congratulations on your great work!

This game gives a very good first impression. With the cool pixelart and the setting in a cryo-chamber in space, it gives an instant picture of where I'm standing and helps build a story. Great animations and characters.

I like the action. The hitboxes are fair and the enemies leave enough room to jump around and fight/avoid. The first time I traversed it, it was confusing, but I ended up liking the map a lot. Like how the first room connects by two doors, to the same area, selling the idea that I'm in a ring-like spaceship. That's awesome, worldbuilding without a word XD.

The part about the computer codes was confusing, the text was hard to read. I find working with text very difficult. I found an open source font that's easy to read so I've been using it for everything ever since. 

I like the variety of areas, and the water terrain with the affected physics is cool. The dash-jump gives for interesting moves, and the wall jump is very intuitive. The music is good, it fits the action and it's cool that each area has its own identifiable tune. The change in tiles is enough to portray the idea of a different area and keeps the sense of exploration awake. The movement is very fluid.

The animations and lighting look really cool and the 3d is well worked in this game. The theme fits well, though it would have been interesting to see it affect the gameplay in some other way.

This game is amazing! I loved the graphics, the music, and every sound effect. Presentation is awesome. And the lighting effects look really cool. The final boss is brutal. The moment you hit it and start the fight is epic.
I didn't get to beat it though. Having to walk the path all over again when killed is too punishing. But what I got to see the four tries to fight it,  The attacks effects are awesome, and the combination of attacks really took me by surprise. Really awesome fight.

The unlockable skills are cool as well, and traversing the map is fast and controls are very responsive. The combat was very fun and the amount of enemies that spawned health on defeat kept me going at around 1-2 health, so the challenge was real. Congratulations, really good game :)

The graphics give a very good first impression, and the movement is fluid. The moving from foreground to background is an interesting dynamic that is a very good match to a sidescrolling 2.5d game and it seems it is going to give for very interesting scenarios, but in my case it keeps crashing the game,  I can't play further than the initial jumps after the starting point.

From the beginning this game starts with a punch. Nice graphics and the trailing scarf is a really nice detail. Soundwise as well. As you punch the ground, the sound of your fall and a very good soundtrack give a very good first impression.

The movement is swift, and the combat is very close quarters, so taking advantage of the echo is very important. The rooms are interesting and the way the echo plays into saving and opening areas is so cool, the animations as well.

I really liked playing this game! Congratulations!

Wow! This game is so complete in every sense! First of all, the theme fits so awesome. Just starting the game and hearing the first notes of the song, took me back to the classic computer games. The game feels very agile, and everything gave cool feedback. It's cool that it's about collecting coins because collecting them is very rewarding.

The variety of enemies is interesting and I liked the combination of getting rewarded for killing them, but they being slow enough to ignore, made it more relevant choosing when to fight.

The changing of scenery is also very cool. Moving between biomes changes the music and enemies, traps, so that ties really well together the classic theme with the mechanics of metroidvanias.

The difficulty was good, and the skill expression as well. The map system was amazing, overall this game is full of details that make for a very complete experience. If I had to choose something to improve, I'd make the text more responsive. Sometimes it feels a bit slow, or not clear when it responds to input and when it doesn't.

the action is nice and the abilities very interesting. Music is a good fit for a game of this style. Some parts of the map feel repetitive, but I liked the larger rooms where I get to play with the abilities and have room to fight enemies.

I'm not a fan of the S shaped corridors to go up and down the scene, but vertical movement in this kind of games is always challenging to keep interesting.

The drawings got me, the painted style looks good. The setting looks promising and colorful, it would be a good fit for a metroidvania game.

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, the jump was an interesting experiment. The idea was too mimic that when jumping on a bike, first you press down and then jump and "take the bike with you", but it ended up feeling rather confusing and the effect didn't come through.

I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

The bosses are cool! I like that you got each to attack in different patterns. The music is cool and varied, and goes well with the graphics style. I also liked that when I got skills, the game also returned me to where I needed to use them, I think this is good level design.

The combat was simple and felt on point, a lot with the classic theme.

Even with the retro style, it was very easy to know where I was in the map, and the map was short enough that the walk felt "cinematic" rather than annoying. I liked this game.

Awesome game! I liked the way the map opened up as I got skills, and how each area was clearly separated by the skill yet to be acquired. I got stuck one time where I put a skeleton on top of a button and then I couldn't get a crate to the button (I was trying to see if skeletons triggered buttons XD) It got me locked but the music got me hooked so I didn't mind to restart and keep going.

Also the areas are interconected in an interesting way, and I liked that once I got through an area, I could make a short path available to it. In general very good levels and puzzles. I did save the cat <3 

I liked how the level "gently pushed" me towards the next skill by leaving me no other option, while at the same time making me search for the way. This is very good level design.

The darkness and the sewer-underground-like setting match very well, and combining the enemies chasing you in the dark gave for challenging moments.

I didn't understand that much how the rebirth matched gaining skills, but the animations for grabbing them are amazing.

I thought it was a really interesting start screen, and now that you mention the "tutorial without text" it makes perfect sense. One thing that you could find interesting (or maybe I just stumbled upon dev secrets) is that in the start screen, you need to shoot fast to reveal the button, which gives a feeling that it will be heavy action, and then in the actual game you only get 3 bullets at a time.

I really liked the puzzles, they were difficult but logical. I couldn't figure out how to get the four digits code though,  so it was nice to have the walkthrough handy.

Wow I loved this game. It has so many nice details. Especially I liked the music, the atmosphere and the details like the eyes of the character looking at the interest point the mouse is pointing at. The animations were awesome as well.

I love the painting effect for far away objects

I like the animated details for the stuff you can pick up, the subtle ligths and the animated characters