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A member registered Apr 21, 2016 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Really cool and unique entry. A good example of gameplay and narrative pulling in the same direction to drive home a message. Also, I really enjoyed how detailed you were with the function of the loom itself. Both satisfying and informative. Very nicely done!

Seriously impressive entry. Great, polished art, cute versions of the main characters, really nice music. Just a sweet game all-round. Great job to everyone involved!

(1 edit)

I'm not sure what kind of progress I made because I wasn't able to find much, apart from the item shop, but I really enjoyed wandering through the areas. Had a strange, eerie vibe that I liked a lot.

I liked this one a lot. Great, cosy vibes throughout. Loved how much flavour text there was for things in the environment, especially the references to the other prompt ideas. Made it a lot of fun to explore. Really enjoyed the GBC sprite takes on the characters, too. Very nice work!

Very fun entry. Loved the new characters created for George's crew. Lovely art style as well. Really nice job!

This was a lot of fun. Loved how all the characters were presented, especially their different animations. DSD Naruto running and Aurora's little dancing kicks were the highlights. The victory cutscenes killed me, too. Such a great job. Here's hoping Kyle adds them to the montage for the stream!

Haven't gotten to the end just yet, but I've enjoyed this a lot so far. Neat concept which makes good use of the jam's premise, and very nicely presented. 
One issue I've run into is an error when trying to select the heart above Big George. Crashes the game every time I try it.

Really strong entry. The visuals and music set such a perfect moody tone, and the game itself is genuinely fun. Great job, definitely a standout of what I've played so far.

Nice job with this one. Zipping around with the fully upgraded tape was sweet, and I loved the presentation of the dialogue. On top of that, a very cool and unique version of DSD. Well done!

This was such a good time. Loved exploring the house and interacting with all the characters. Fun use of the echolocation powers. Thought the depictions of the main characters were absolutely stellar, with Solveig and Seraphina herself being the highlights. Also, the reference to certain things from last year put a huge smile on my face. Great job all round!

(1 edit)

Really loved this. Such a nice, heart warming story. Love the hand-drawn art, especially in the bath shots. Those really cracked me up. And a very different, sweet take on DSD, with a great payoff. Phenomenal work, all three of you!

This was fun! May have lost hard to Seraphina, but I was having fun the whole time. Nice work!

Yep, runs fine now. Looking forward to giving it a go!

Great entry. Strong concept, well executed, really nice pixel art, especially cool Solveig design, and genuinely funny. The ending was perfect, too. Loved this one.

Hey, I'm having an issue running this. Gives me this error:
'Couldn't load project data at path ".". Is the .pck file missing?
If you've renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable's name (without the extension).'

This one was wild. I filled the screen with more bears than could possibly have been responsible. Fun, great art, exceptional Schippie. I love a game that goes all-in on DSD. Fantastic job by everyone involved!

Really enjoyed this one. Unique take on the echolocation, and the darkness as well as the sounds made for a cool vibe. Genuinely got spooked towards the beginning, too. Very nice work.

This one is great. Love the style, particularly the depictions of the main characters. Really did the premise justice, and DSD genuinely cracked me up. Fantastic job all round.

Hey, not sure if this is just a placeholder page for now, but I'm not seeing a download link or a play window.

Nice job on this one. The simple goal of manoeuvring around water and lighting candles was perfect for a short game like this, and combining the dash, jump, and ignite to get over the long gaps was legitimately really fun. Nothing bad to say, I liked this a lot. I think Big George is quickly becoming the standout character of the jam.  

I really enjoyed this. Fun, simple gameplay, and felt like just the right level of difficulty. The pace of introducing a new thing in each level felt perfect too. Honestly, no notes, just a cool short game. Very nice job!

Extremely impressed by this. I loved your game last year, and I enjoyed this one even more. Art and music were both sick, very nice use of the three friends concept, and just a legitimately fun card game. Really great job.

Really cool entry. Love the aesthetic/atmosphere. Great, unique takes on the character designs, and sick music. Just top-tier vibes throughout.

Really liked this. Neat central mechanic and a fun premise, as well as a perfect use of the DSD rule. Particularly liked the visuals during the intro and ending. Great work all round!

Had a great time with this. Really nice story and vibes throughout. Effective use of the pre-made assets, too. Great job!

(1 edit)

Thanks! We are very grateful that Kyle squeezed us in.