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Bruno Beghelli

A member registered Apr 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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I don't want to break the rules and get our game disqualified, but I managed to implement the controls that allow mobile users to play the game. Can I update it? Thanks in advance.

Very nice color palette!  

Cool intro music, reminds me of Stranger Things! :)

and no, I didn't create the art. It was my wife :) I'm just the programmer / animator. I'll let her know that you liked it, thanks for the feedback

are you playing in a mobile device? if yes, try with a computer. I didn't create the mobile controls yet :P

I like the Dragon Ball look of the character :) Why not using W as the jump key?

thanks for the feedback, I sent a new version of the translator forcing English as the default locale if nothing else comes up from the browser. It was Portuguese :P

Diverse enemies and a not so small map. I am not a fan of the attack mechanic, but I see it actually did help to increase the mental engagement. Well done!

(1 edit)

thanks for the feedback! :) yes, I like the idea of rewarding combos. Landing jump combos is already satisfying but if the game rewards you for that it could be even more fun. Another game play feature I'm thinking about adding is an "economic" jump reward. The "economic" jump would be a jump that has a height as close as possible of the platform that the player is landing on. That way the game would reward players that can control better the charge time of each jump. The reward could be a momentary speed boost (both vertically and horizontally).

Actually, this one is better :) When you like your job, all you need is some stretching before you start it over again :)

Nice implementation of the theme. I hope you keep working on it, it was a fun but short (as expected for a jam) experience. Once I got purple job and got rid of social media, my life was a piece of cake :) On that note, maybe have an attribute in the player that doesn't work well with the so called "right" life decisions, like less social media or time spent on games, etc. It would be more challenging to balance those things, like in real life. Overall, congratulations! :) 

I am continuing to develop the game and, while testing today, managed to do 6.42 for the first stage :P It was locally but with no game play change. 

Very ambitious project! :) I liked the idea but I felt it was hard to feel the difference between each card power. Not sure if I understood how the aging affected the game play, but I'm sure all those issues will be solved when you have more time to develop more the game. Great work so far!

help! Where can I see the mixed chemical color? :) I could not make it after that point, but I really liked how you implemented the theme. The transition between present and future is pretty obvious, well made.

Gorgeous graphics. Liked it a lot. Really impressive what you guys did in 2 weeks, congratulations. One possible feature to add is, while we are waiting for the potion to be ready, organize back our shop :P it hurts me leaving all that mess 

could the icons roll a little bit slower? maybe that way we could see what's part of the pool of spells we would be able to cast if we clicked that falling piece... maybe that would add a new layer to the game play :)

The planet information panel is blinking to me, which makes it very difficult to read it. I like a lot management games. One of the things that makes this kind of game enjoyable to me is being able to feel the impact of my decisions, either by graphics or directly in the game play. I felt that the expansion to other planets and the amount of connections between them gave me a little bit of that but at the same time I feel it needs a little bit more time to improve (as one could expect from a game developed in 2 weeks). Very ambitious :)   

Nice, I also used Phaser. I like the idea of having to plan the path and test to see whether it is the best to get most of the coins or not. Cool level design.

I wasn't able to see the emoji options in the select box. Am I missing something? 

I also did a race against time game :) I found it difficult to handle the character, acceleration was too high for me (maybe I'm getting old). But I like the idea of the blocks and interacting with them to complete the stage. I don't know how to complete without them.

I'll do that. :) thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, the idea is to keep working on it :)

Very nice graphics and idea. I suppose you are planning another way the fast forward power could affect the game play? It could be really awesome. Also it could be fun to add some challenges that seem impossible the first time you encounter them but, after you play the second time it is easy to avoid. Take a look at the Edge of Tomorrow movie to see what I mean :) 

thanks for the feedback. The idea is exactly that. I will try to support it with an online records table and a replay export.

thanks! I will make that happen, but couldn't make it before the dead line :P Thanks for the feedback.

haha, I agree. I managed to execute stage 1 on that time as well. The only way I can think of improving that is to start earlier the horizontal movement, but if you do that too soon, you won't be able to jump the first platform.  Stage 2 and 3 have more room for different paths, I think. Thanks a lot for playing and posting your time and feedback! :) 

Nice idea bringing some mythology into play :) The camera could follow the character movement a little bit faster, I got myself waiting for it to arrive to my player before moving again. And yes, it is very difficult. But I understand it is hard to dose the difficulty with so little time :P

didn't had time to create the music or sound effects :) Reaching the end of the level stops your timer. If you press P or ESC, you'll be able to get back to the stage selection again and play another stage. Yes, it is not a finished game :) Thanks for playing! Just out of curiosity, what was your time in the first stage?

When I interact with a door I get a console log with some errors trying to load the cartridge :P is that part of the game? I'm confused :)

Hi all. Very excited with all the games, there are lots of great ideas :) Congratulations to everyone that is participating.

I managed to send my game but not fully finished (as I believe many of us did :P ). My game is a jump / platform / racing game and originally I wanted to implement a replay recording, best times, etc, but, of course I didn't had the time to do that. 

So, if it is not against the community rules (if it is, feel free to delete this topic), I wanted to invite everyone to try the game here: And, if you liked the game, post a message with your best times (by stage). I'll start with mine and my daughters's time:


  • Stage 1  -  00:06:46
  • Stage 2 -   00:12:81
  • Stage 3 -   00 :37:91


  • Stage 1 -   00:06:44
  • Stage 2 -
  • Stage 3 -   00:51:56

I'll post some videos of my runs if there is interest :) Anyway, congrats again  to everyone involved, this is a really fun jam.