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Ben Webb

A member registered Oct 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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One of the most unique and innovative ideas with being able to swap to a 2d platformer however when landing on the planet I lost instantly and I had to restart the game to play again. Models and player movement are great at the sound effects are really good.

Movement is super difficult to get used to and the fact you get thrown straight into the action gives you very little time to react. The use of the different spells to kill certain enemies types was very unique and interesting and the idea for the game is super good.

This game looks great it is basically a work of art. Models and gameplay loop are all on point and the sound design is really good. Could do with a heads up on what you should be doing and shooting to gets points but other then that an amazing game. 

I really liked this game simple but very effective and the use of white blood cell as a random floating cell gives a good challenge.  Could do with more of a challenge later as once you hit a point it feels like the game just stays the same. 

No collision made the game too easy as there was no challenge or reason to move and some sound effects would have gone a long way. However one of the best controlling planes and the attention to detail with the fire effect when you shot was really cool.

Art and models look fantastic, gameplay loop is great only issue is the aiming system and the speed of enemies as you have to wait until they come all the way into your targeting area to hit them. 

Movement felt a bit clunky and difficult to use and shooting the cannons felt very slow and it was just better to doge out of the rocks way. However the idea for this game is great and the models are really good.

The simple spells and the great level design lead to a very enjoyable gaming experience. The sound effects are nice and retro which fits with the art style. Very difficult game though could do with a few more ease you in levels. Other then that a great game.

The inclusion of the enemy camera and health bar in the top right is genius and I love the art style and gameplay system.  Only issues I encountered where that the spikes hit you even if you are just standing next to them and sometimes your fireballs freeze and get stuck on the screen.

Really well made game with a simple but great gameplay loop. Characters and art style are all fantastic and movement is nice and quick. The zoom out mechanic when you jump felt a little weird but other then that a really solid game.

Art and animation are flipping great and the gameplay loop is challenging. Only issue I had was the fact you get spawned killed instantly if you are not quick enough to react.

The movement system is very clean and quick which gives a nice feel to the game and the art style is great. I was a bit confused on what I was meant to do and trying to kill the enemies while they are the same speed as you is insanely hard.

The switching mechanics between human and spirt is very cool and the music and overall look of the game is great. However the game ran very poorly for me which made it extremely difficult to get through some of the levels.

A really well made game everything works. I love the design of the character and the little intro at the start. I think a way to aim down or at the direction your mouse points would help to deal with some of the goblins.

The sounds effects where amazing and the music was great as well. Art and gameplay was all on point and the only issues I had was a few glitchy jumps. I think to improve I would have liked to see a health bar as the one tap is pretty brutal other then that a very enjoyable game.

The intro is great and the game design is unique and interesting. The idea of collecting crystals while a dragon is trying to chase you down is really well executed. I think having a stamina bar makes the game feel slow though maybe have the dragon go faster with the player being able to sprint for as long as they want would help improve this.

The UI and music stand out from any game as they are very unique. I love the animation of the dancing cow and the use of multiple crazy looking cows. Some improvements I would add would be more features such as an upgrade that gives you more cows to dance along to the music with you.

Interesting and unique spin on a clicker game about blowing up planets. The music, art style and gameplay all work perfectly together and the animation for the planet blowing up is really good. Some ideas to improve could be to add a bit of text under each upgrade so the player knows what does what and have a few more planets to swap between as after a while you have seen them all.

I really like the ideas, art style and 3D world implementation for this game. Only wish there was a bit more of a challenge such as upgrades or the car starts to shatter and crack over time so you have a goal to reach. Really enjoyable premise and gameplay though as who can say no to smashing up a car.

Great game with really cool and unique sound effects. I love the aspect of seeing your city grow the more you invest.  Only issue I encountered where a few buildings would overlap and some of the sounds effects where really loud. Otherwise a very good polished game.

The idea behind this game is great and I love the click sound effect. Really brings you into the life of a game developer for EA. I did experience a bug where if you where quick enough you could click two options at once and go into the negatives and the  Adderall button does not work. Also I think some background music would help cut the silence of making games.  

(1 edit)

The quality of finish on this game is insane. The art style and gameplay is all on point. I got up to round 25 at which point I had all the upgrades. I did however learn about a bug at this point that the boss healed randomly sometimes. So I clicked around and found that if you click on the health bar of the enemy you can change it causing you to instantly kill the enemy so I am now on wave 50. Other then that bug this game is excellent.

The game did not work for me in the browser however once I downloaded the game it ran perfectly.  This brings a unique and interesting idea to the clicker games and I love it. The art style is great and the idea of training a Shinobi warrior to battle enemies using click is great.  I think some sounds would go a long way to help understand some of the battles and, I was one shooting all the enemies so there was not much challenge. Other than that brilliant game. 

I was a bit confused at first at what to click on but once I got going it all clicked together. I love the UI and the idea of an alien making games on clicker games being in a clicker game is genius. A few tweaks that I would recommend would just be change the speed of the auto clicker as it is too slow at the moment and, I noticed there where sound effects in the video but I did not hear any in the game. This could however have been an issue on my end. Very well made!

Really cool sound design and overall look of the game really sets the atmosphere. Managed to figure out how much each item cost after a while and once you get the upgrade for the demon the number start to get massive. I think to improve the game just give the players a little heads up such as what each item cost and what it will do for you. Other then that really cool game.

Loved the idea as it was very unique and interesting and the fact you can see just before the murder turns around with the little on screen mark works great. I think some music and sounds effects would improve the game but overall very well made.