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A member registered Oct 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Regarding the use of Megascans with Unreal Engine, it seems the guys at Quixel are not fond of open source projects using and redistributing their assets:

Would it be acceptable to submit the project source without the Megascans assets themselves but a list of their ids so other UE users can download them on their own then?

Great little puzzle game!

Hey, this is pretty good! At first I was failing to reach the end in time and wondered why until I understood that golden coins actually slow you down. The running animation could use some tweaking but I apreciate the main character actually has various facial expressions.

Nice work!

Creepyyy! The mouse sensitivity was kind of high. But other than that it looks good and plays well. I didn’t clear it, though.

Great mood! Although kind of confusing.

Thank you!

I see! Much better. :)

Nice visuals, although most of the particle effects are so flashy they make it hard to see anything else.

Hitting the enemies is hard and they seem to take quite an amount of hits before dying.

Anyway, there’s a good base for a FPS here. You even managed to get a bunch of different weapons in. It seems you spent the two weeks of the jam well!

Solid game overall, just missed some hints about were to go and it was way too easy to die. xD

Thanks a lot! Yes, music is in my TODO list. Together with a lot more ideas and enhancements, but first a bugfix release is due! :)

The amount of graphical details and mood you managed to add in two weeks is very impressive! You added details to such an extent that if you look down you actually have a body!

If anything, I think you should change the pirate flag on the cover and put something that could be more representative and get more attention like some of the screenshots instead. I almost passed on this game because I didn’t see what it was about at a glance together with the rest of the submissions, and I think it would be a shame for it to go unnoticed because of this.

Kudos for the great work of the team!

I was a bit lost as to what to do exactly, but also impressed by the sheer amount of work you put into this game. Well done!

Simple and to the point, I like it! It sounds and plays great.

Things that can be improved: -Level design, I didn’t know where to go next each time I cleared a room. -Making Spawn points of enemies clearer.

Interesting take on the theme and good mood! Regards from another Godot user!

I’m afraid this is not ready to play yet. The collision box of the enemies seems to be right in the center of their bellies which makes them really hard to hit and as mentioned, facing who seems to be the boss teleports you right back to the beginning for no apparent reason.

Well, thank you for sharing and I hope you have learned some Unreal Engine during the jam! Which reminds me I should learn some as well. :)

Nice little game! Too bad there’s only one level.

Thank you! I already did.

Thank you! Will do!

… Nice! That’s all I can say so I don’t spoil the fun to others. :D

Very good game, although not as frenetic as in the gif hehe. At first I used a controller and was a bit confused until I noticed the mouse position was used to aim. My suggestion would be that using the right analog stick to do that should be an option as well. The UI element showing your bounty kind of gets in the way, obstructing a good portion of the view.

Anyway, I had quite some fun with this one. Great job!

Graphics are very nice, the colour scheme works well and the illumination effects are cool. I miss some animations for the sprites, specially for the main character because it’s hard to tell if you’ve been hit or not unless you look at the health meter. Feedback from the enemies is good though.

The UI is very basic but functional. The font choice could be better, but this is me nitpicking.

Controls are a bit floaty, there’s some inertia but it’s not bad at all, and makes you be more careful with your movements.

Music and sfx are nice.

This is one of the games in this jam I’ve enjoyed the most so far. Excellent work!

I can report an Xbox One controller works perfectly fine with this game, but I ended up using the mouse to aim and shoot for accuracy.

At first I was a bit lost because I didn’t understand what you meant by JETI, but maybe that’s just me and my grasp of the English language.

Combat is pretty fun although the AI seems to have some problems. Their aim is pretty bad and some ships keep sailing in circles forever.

I have to agree with other comments that the UI is a bit obtrusive. Specially the stats of your ship should be out of the way or at least as the player you should be able to hide them.

In a nutshell, Pretty chill and fun battleship game.

Thank you! Yeah, a fix is on the way after the jam.

Yes, I know the controls need to be fixed. In fact they already are, I’m just waiting for the end of the jam to release a bug-fixed version. Who knows? Maybe you can play it on your phone soon after I’ve worked on it a bit more.

Thank you for playing and the nice words!

Pretty chill game, although those pesky space pirates kept stealing my gold! I noticed the missions repeat themselves over and over, which is good for survival but don’t make the player take any unnecessary risks.

I think having the possibility to play for longer than 50 days would be nice. Great work!

Pretty fun little platformer! The controls are a bit floaty and getting the wall jumps right is quite hard, but good nonetheless. Nice visuals and audio.

Charming concept and hilarious writing! Very enjoyable!

Cool concept and a nice looking game, but as Radam said not being able to move sideways makes it a bit difficult.

Really nice mood here! Hard to get all the lights, but a very nice game.

Nice arcade game, it gets a bit chaotic after a while! :D

Nice job! Oh, dear!

Interesting take on the theme and well done!

Great little game! Really enjoyable to play!

More than Tetris, this reminds me somehow of Klax, because of the rolling elements in perspective, although it was a pretty different puzzle game altogether.

It took me some time to understand how to play, but it’s actually pretty simple. An animation/tutorial showing this would be perfect if you have time to work on it after the jam.

I see a lot of potential in this prototype. Keep it up!

Rincewind… Where did I read that name? Pretty nice take on the theme, I appreciate you made your own art. Some audio would be great.

Very fun game! Sometimes the interval between the rocks falling felt a bit too short.

Congratulations on making a multiplayer game for the jam!

Although the controls may not be the most intuitive, I think left click for laying/picking up eggs would be better and had to scroll through the comments to learn that it is actually E. Anyway, well done!