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A member registered Apr 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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Cute lil' spooky game! Would be fun too see it longer with more ideas tossed into the mix, but still fun!

Thank you! The ghost is way too fast, which I only realized post-jam haha

Yeah I've had him spawn within seconds of starting a round. I've realized that play-testing is very important! Thanks for playing!

Right now, it's only the web build!

X is A, Z is B, Enter is Start, and due to forgetting about keyboard controls before uploading, Select is Escape! Pressing Select lets you remember what items you're looking for... only a few times!

Sorry about that!

Thanks! And don't feel bad, I added all the remember menus and sounds and stuff because I kept forgetting haha

Thank you! Yeah I wish I had playtested more haha. These issues might revealed themselves sooner! Thanks for playin'!

Thanks for playing! And yeah, the ghost was way more agressive than originally planned! Glad you had fun!

Really fantastic! Loved the artwork!

So wacky! Loved the animations and music! A fun Halloween adventure!

Neat! Wish there was more gameplay, though!

Neat game! Artwork is nice, would have loved to have seen the caves!

Fun experience! Would have been neat to see finished!

An RPG and crafting in ten days? Wildly ambitious!

Once the skeleton looks like a Halloween store skeleton, it's fair game!

OH NO! That shouldn't have happened... and yes, I've noticed the ghost gets a bit too mean too fast. Should have play tested more. Glad you had fun even if it's a lil' wonky haha

Yeah the ghost definitely was a lil' too aggressive! More play testing would have save the poor guy haha. And thanks!

Like Father Like SonMind The Rear

Sorry it took so long to get back to you about this. If you've read the title, you should come to the conclusion that no, this is not in fact Alfred Chicken. I hope that clears up any confusion!

Or is that irrelevant?

This is great! Printed one out, and already love how it looks. I've been using D&D Beyond, but I do really love using paper. Seeing the character sheet more adventurous really adds the fun back into paper!

Awesome! Thanks for the heads up, everybody!

The engines themselves are over the 1.44mb limit, but the games are smaller... is that fine? I know it's semantics, but I'm rather new with a lot of coding languages.