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Ben Slinger

A member registered Dec 18, 2014 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Mex did a fantastic job on the music, I agree :)

I'd advise not to second guess yourself on the killer if the case seems pretty, ahem, Open and Shut, but there _may_ be more to it than that. :D

I thought we'd caught all the multiple document possibilities, but clearly not! Thanks for the report.

Thanks for playing! Hacking does actually come into it as a key part of the case later on, glad you enjoyed the rest of it!

The overall idea of hacking enemies to take/annul their abilities is great! 

I found the keyboard controls pretty difficult -  brought me back to my Doom days, but not in the best way unfortunately.

I liked the retro aesthetic too, well done!

The music was great, and the coloured platforms looked great against the duller background. I was clearly too bad at the game to get past the purple section though.

Thanks for playing - I miss LAN parties too, I feel like there's nothing quite like it anymore!

Thanks so much! I'm glad the audio worked out as I dashed to get that done in the final hour or so of work before submitting, haha.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, and that my writing evoked the period well enough to resonate with you! 

Thanks! Obra Dinn is definitely there in the chain of influences, but if you liked this and haven't played Case of the Golden Idol (or the sequel, Rise of the Golden Idol) then go check them out and you'll see the more direct influence (ie. we 'borrowed' their exact gameplay) :D

That's a tricky one - I remember seeing the spots on the ground in the playground, but without a way to go back and look at them again I would never remember the order. Maybe some dialogue that indicates it's worth remembering?

(1 edit)

Oh interesting, I clearly didn't find the solution to the coloured buttons if you're not supposed to switch from that room, haha 

Fun puzzles, looking forward to the full version!

I loved the player switching mechanics and the banter! Unfortunately I discovered a bug that crashed the game:


When Rose is in the mainframe room, if you click back to Robbie you're able to click 'The Device' hotspot again, which seems to re-trigger the destruction cutscene and then crashes (presumably because Rose is no longer in the room)


This was fun! Shades of Portal and Stanley Parable - the blobs were... something. I loved watching those come together in the discord. Voice acting was great!

Oh, haha, I'd assumed AGS because of the virus issue I was having with some of these downloads - gotta love Godot though, I had a lot of fun working in it for this jam!

I had no idea AGS could do 3D stuff now! Loved the humour, I got the answer wrong but all the clues made sense so that was just me not paying enough attention. I laughed out loud when I realised the cause of death was also a take on the jam theme. Nice work!

This was a really cool concept, reminded me of a novella I've often gone back to called "The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect". Great use of unsettling visual effects, I love the idea that this is how she chooses to present herself and her world. I'd love to see another game in this world that explored other people's realities.

Loved this! The voice acting was superb, especially the main character Val. I did find the puzzles a little simplistic, and the drinking puzzle could have done with a way to gauge the alcohol level of each drink rather than being trial and error, but it was more than made up for with the world building, art and story. Well done!

FYI, it looks like your web version isn't working correctly, it loads up the AGS player but asks to select the files to play. The Windows version worked fine though!

This was a wonderful experience, beautiful pixel art and animations and a gripping story. Well done getting it done in just two weeks!

Thanks for playing!

I kept the grid based movement to make it clear when you would or wouldn't smash into a wall, etc - smooth movement would be interesting to try but would come with some challenges to make sure players aren't crashing when they didn't think they would. Thanks for the suggestion though, and thanks for playing!

Well done putting this together - my main issue is I couldn't figure out if I was converting the enemies or killing them when I fired the projectiles. Controls were well, and good job putting together the level.

Cool idea, and really well done implementing in JS in this timeframe. The physics worked well!

I played the fixed version, but I had a hard time figuring out the mechanics - I was pressing the number keys that corresponded to the rocket and was proceeding through waves, but it wasn't clear if I was passing or failing?

Bringing the rogue-like/survivors-like gameplay to Asteroids is a great idea, I played this a bunch! I agree with sezdev that the stats should be explained a bit better, it wasn't clear what was an effect or what the cooldowns or power affected. I'd also like to see a better explanation of how the meta-currency is earned, it took me quite a few tries before I got a high enough score to get any. This has such great potential though, well done!

Very well executed! My only gripe is that it didn't seem like there was enough power from the cannon to get a hole in one on some levels. Good work!

Oh, this is definitely some of the most satisfying gameplay from the jam so far, well done! Love the upgrades and the overall game loop. I unfortunately ended a round with too many explosions from the star and my camera ended up somewhere I couldn't see myself anymore so I couldn't continue, and on my second round the enemies maybe started doing less damage as I launched them? With a few fixes I could see myself playing this a lot though!

Thanks so much for playing and for your feedback! If I expand this after the jam I will make sure to keep accessibility in mind more and will re-think the colours.

Different obstacles/maps is definitely something else I have in mind, and there's probably some balancing to be done there as you noticed - my only concern with a smaller map would be having it be too difficult at top speeds, but that's where playtesting comes in!

This has great potential, I'd love to see it developed into something like Burrito Bison where you have to get as high as possible to start, but then have items to bounce off or target to continue getting higher and higher. I think some more feedback on your speed and how much time you have left to launch would be good.  It was fun though, well done!

The graphics are great, did you draw the sprites yourself? Unfortunately I found it impossible to hit a duck so wasn't able to get a high score, but as a remake it's very well done otherwise.

Haha, love the wacky concept! Not a ton of game here unfortunately, but nice job getting it submitted!

This was super fun! I laughed out loud the first time I got killed by a second reload, haha. Great animation on the main character, and love the atmospheric effects.

The only improvement I can think of would be some sort of health system to create a bit more tension - coming back from a single health point by getting a random pickup is always a fun tense situation.

Great job!

Fun game! Took me a moment to realise I was going to be blasting my beaver into the sky with rockets, haha. I ended up with 3rd on the leaderboard, but to be fair I figured out you could spam rockets downwards to mostly stay up in the air :D

This was fun! I like that the meteorites leave the pickups behind, as that provides a good balance between putting yourself in danger and getting a high score.

As others have said the sound effects were very loud, but I'm sure you're aware of that already :)

Love the sprite art, I could see this being a fun game to have a short session every now and then!

The water effects are great, and I love the way the rocks look under the water. The reeling in feels great when it works, but unfortunately was a bit buggy so often didn't seem to recognize what I was trying to do. The casting feels great though, nice job!

Oh darn - hopefully that's not happening too often! I don't think I've run up against it myself so it must be a pretty rare occurrence, I think I actually know where that might be happening so should be able to fix it once the rating period is over. I'm so glad you're enjoying it enough to keep playing!

Thanks for playing!

Glad you enjoyed, thanks for playing! I was inspired by the recent UFO 50 where they took some classic game mechanics and went deeper on them, I'm really happy with how it turned out!

You got a new high score, nice one! I'm curious how long it took you?

Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm actually considering polishing this version up for a mobile release, perhaps with a few extra levels or with some power ups. Good luck getting a higher score (I've been trying all day to beat the Unknown Player at the top of the leaderboard currently!)

(1 edit)

This is a great concept that deserves some more time put into it for sure! The UI is a bit rough so it was hard to figure out what was happening to start with, but once I got into it it was a lot of fun. I think a clearer indication of how your score is affecting what you can buy, or why certain items are available at different times would be good (I had multiple rounds where I couldn't buy a plain block to put a new gun on)

I hope to see more from this concept in future, great work!