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A member registered Aug 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Daww this was a super cute entry!  I loved the cute pixel art graphics.  Gave me super cutesy chill game vibes, also from a gameplay perspective thanks for making the main character have a decent walk speed for the size of the world haha.

Super fun and original idea!  I really liked the use of the soft blue glow to highlight things and the really immersive atmosphere that the game has.

This was a cute little game, I liked the sprite for the main character and all her poses in the fashion section.  The little bounce you added to each pose really made them snap.  I also appreciated how you used thread to capture the items you wanted in the tiny mode.  I often had a lot of trouble getting what I needed while I was tiny and I think like 90% of my points came from the Big Mode.  Also I wasn't sure if how I did in one mode affected the other one.

In the end I ended up with a highscore of 690 points.  What was your dev highscore?

I absolutely love the amount of polish on this game!  All the little details from the emotions on the king as he takes his shot and then uses binoculars to view it to the little sparkles on the golden ball.  The theme of mode was well integrated with both shot types offering different tools to complete the game.

I really liked the gradual introduction of mechanics and how you often used the king's shot to demonstrate how each new element would affect the ball.  I also appreciated how when you missed a shot you didn't have to wait for the king to retake their shot.  Though I do wish that it was quicker to get back into the action with that animation of zooming in on the king being angry he didn't get the hole in one.

Also big props to whoever did the background for all the stages.  I loved the hilly landscape with vines, berries, and some rolling clouds.  

This was a cute experience!  I really liked the aesthetic of a super technological landscape.  I liked all the little details that you put into each of the background tiles with different colors, and occasionally even exposed wiring.  Beep Boop herself is also a well animated character with color swaps to clearly tell what mode you are in.

I do think that the gravity and overall speed of the platforming was a bit faster than I could handle comfortable.  With instakill spikes all over I sometimes found it hard to react to them when jumping to a new platform.  Also I could never seem to dodge the high speed enemy projectiles.  

I really appreciate the gradual introduction of game mechanics and how there is an in game tutorial to help you learn how to control everything.  Also thanks for including a pause button!

Overall a cute and fun jam entry!

This is the most polished 3d game I've seen all jam!  Kudos to your art team for a really well polished arena and enemies.  I also especially liked the clean and readable UI with clear descriptions of which buttons performed which actions.

The gameplay itself was pretty hectic, I liked the variety of weapons and the mode shifting was pretty cool in how it changed the enemy behavior as well as the ways that you could move around the map.  I especially liked some of the weapons like the infinite piercing sniper or the super rapid fire gattling.

I did feel like it would have been nice to be able to have a less sensitive mouse as I did find myself turning a bit too fast to make precision shots and also I never found a way to fully dodge all the projectiles coming my way.

Having reminders for what modes were active and how long they would remain active for on the lefthand side was a really nice touch to give the player active info on what was happening and how soon it would end.  

My highest score was 968 with LV 7.  Wonderful entry!

Neat 2d adventure game!  I really liked how unique each hero felt.  Though I will say archer definitely ended up feeling like the most powerful.  I really enjoyed how each hero had quite a powerful thing that they could contribute.  Especially when doing the final boss.  Also nice job using Godot!  I also started Godot this year.  By the looks of things you've already gotten the hang of things haha.

In the end I wasn't able to complete the game fast enough for whatever that timer was for but I had fun overall!

This was such a cute little game!  I was surprised with how clearly each bunny and tile read given that nothing I encountered was more than 5x5 pixels.  I liked the fact that you kept adding more and more bunnies like the fire and water bunnies.  They did a good job at recontexualizing the earlier obstacles like water to be  pathways rather than just identical obstacles to the spikes and fire.

This was a fun and cute game!  I really liked the monkey mode transformation and aesthetic.  Most games tended to have the mode switch be instantaneous but this one had a whole animation and its own theme song!  

I did feel like there wasn't much to think about once you reached monkey mode though, it was more of a victory lap.  Though will say it was super satisfying to be able to run through all the gorillas that were giving me so much grief.  Well done with this entry!

One of the most polished jam games I've seen so far.  Wow the absolute smorgasbord of variety that is this game.  I've seen compilations of minigames in a jam before but usually they involved the heavy reuse of existing assets.  This game had a ton of unique assets for each and every game.  I was also surprised at how good each of the minigames ended up being.  

I felt pretty confident in most of my skills but the visual novel and platformer were the ones I struggled with the most.  In the end this is what I got: 

Absolutely wonderful entry!

Super original game!  I really like the polish on all the little modes like the satisfying spin the guy has when jumping or the grabbing arm when in pushing mode.  Keeping all the different bits of functionality was a bit much for me to process once I started to get to the part of the game where actions were recorded.  I really quickly found myself running out of actions that I could do.  Really cool puzzle game you've created here!

Oh and also big kudos to making a tutorial in game for this project!!! Helped me get a lot further than other jam games I've tried.  Very polished entry.

Super zaney aesthetic!  I really like the look of the cardboard cutout look you have for the trees, buildings, and grass tufts.  Having the whole world in this style is really cool.  Definitely one of the more cool looking jam games I've seen so far!

I was a bit confused at first on how to play but after I got the hang of being a donkey it really started to click for me.  Nice entry!

Really unique artstyle and mechanic.  I liked the painted pipe background and unique mechanic to phase through the ground.  I also liked how you can just tap the phasing power and the game launches you out of the ground and into the air!  I did struggle a lot to precisely unphase in areas like that first patch of barbed wire where you have to phase through the wire but then go solid right afterwords.  I ended up just phasing right through the ground under it and dying a bunch of times haha.  Cool entry!

Super cute game!  I really liked the variety of frogs available though it did take me a little time to figure out how to use em all.  I really loved the super cute aesthetic!

This was an absolute blast, I got instantly hooked on finding out what the new plants would do and seeing how I could best setup my garden to handle the different phases.  I really liked the progression in this game with the skills, weapons, and traps all coming together until at the end you feel quite powerful!

I also totally didn't read so that little surprise at the end completely took me by surprise haha.  Excellent entry!

Really impressed that not only does this game seem to have a large world but it's populated with so many different characters!  I'm glad a lot of them help to explain what's going on though I never did end up finding that watergun I did go into the cave with that crab on the far left.  Also even after hitting down and stopping the clock the bugs still appeared.

I really liked that each npc had their own dialogue and bits of info to share, it made the base feel like it was populated with a whole civilazation!

You know for such simple graphics the style really works for this one.  You've kept everything nice, clean, and readable.  I do wish that there was more ways to prepare for battle other than just choosing a single ball to add to the team.  Also a way to revive past teammates who I've grown attached too haha.  Overall quite the addictive little idle game you've made here.

Pretty cool platformer.  I really liked the hand drawn sprites!  Also it was cool how partway through the game the music changed when you got far enough in.

Yeah bits of F-Zero and a game called Redout

It's so cool to see another racer on here!!!  It looks like we actually had similar core concepts but went in totally different directions with the whole hover vs driving mechanics.

Your game has such tight controls.  I really like the way that you demonstrate the mastery that you can gain with your car with the LIVE ghost that you actually race against.  That is such a cool way to do difficulties in a way that actually lets the player know what is possible with the systems in your game.  I immediately jumped in against the hardmode cpu and got totally lapped haha.

It's also cool that everything reads so clearly with your animations.  I like the sparks to tell when you are drifting, the color shift when the boost is ready, and the different models for which mode you are in.

Graphically I'm a total sucker for some cute 2d art on billboards.  I liked how you really could tell what your guy was doin in the car from the little lean they did.

Great racing game!

This entry at first glance looks similar to Celeste but after playing it for a bit you realize that the mechanics call for a totally different approach to platforming.  While in Celest you maneuver with key or controller presses in Unduster controlling with the mouse calls for a premeditated placement of the mouse for some maneuvers.  The previous jumps can leave your mouse in an unfortunate position if you aren't careful and when approaching the borders of the screen the camera can stop panning meaning that movement may or may not reposition your cursor depending on where you are in any given tileset.  With the addition of the push vacuum causing you to need to be on both sides of the player character this is a platformer with a really high skill ceiling.

This game oozes polish from the little sparks off of the batteries to the immaculate tileset and even the soft glow of the backlit torches(which pair with the slowly rising fire animation).

I do wonder if you are all a part of an established team because it certainly seems like it.  Excellent entry!

Wow this is a really good game, like actually bordering on feels like close to release quality.  Great use of the theme with the main mechanics of the game!  I loved the fluid way that combat transitioned between bullet hell and turn based combat.  Using your turns as a bomb really felt like activating a super move.  Also being able to allocate the dice you were getting was a clever way to add tactics in what would otherwise be a kind of one sided decision of how to obliterate your enemies.

I think there were only 2 things that got to me.  The first is that between waves I got teleported, which would have been fine but bullets didn't despawn so I did get hit with a few bullets without much time to react.  The other thing is that there wasn't damage numbers and I really wanted to know how much damage all my turns were doing especially when I got a bunch of 5 and 6's haha.

This is definitely one of the more solid entries I've seen this jam.  Excellent job overall!!!

Yeah exactly!  That was something I wanted to do but I wasn't sure of how to do it in a way that wouldn't be totally obtuse to figure out.  If I ever come back to this project in the future good minimap functionality and better checkpoint indicators will be top of the list for features.  Thanks for playing!

This is a really interesting demake of the traditional RTS genre.  I did used to watch some SC2 back in the day and the impressive micro skills that were on display were always mesmerizing to watch.  I've tried my best to keep up but some of these levels are a bit too tough for my measly RTS skills haha.  Though I do say I really like the upgrade system you implemented!  I also enjoy that enemy projectiles in particular are actual projectiles with a flight time that can be dodged if you are quick enough.

The handmade SFX and low poly style really gave me TABS vibes.  It was a really cute game.   Overall great job making an interesting twist on an established genre.

This is an absolutely solid experience.  SO much polish and detail was put into this game.  I love the fact that the different modes alter the gameplay in such interesting ways and that you unlock new modes between playthroughs.  Also the fact that there are so many unique modes makes this game like crazy addictive haha.

I also really like whatever you've done with the border how it like gets bigger to encompass frogs which are entering the gamespace as well as hearts.  

This was a neat kind of game, I liked the quick gameplay and puzzle like elements of having both a platformer and top down style gba game.  The sound effects were simple but quite effective and made me feel like I was playing a gameboy game from back in the day.

It did take me a while to figure out that the triangles were meant to represent spikes but once I did it made for an interesting game mechanic.

Oh and this had the most creative level select that I think I've seen so far this Jam.  Well done!

Really fun and cute game!  I love the hand drawn art direction and I appreciate the dynamic menu design with what appear to be manually drawn buttons!  The smooth bounce that all the icons have whenever they move or are highlighted is also quite nice.

The only difficulty I ran into was when I went to go and drop some ice cream often times I had a bit of trouble figuring out how far up I had to move the mouse before it would register that I wanted to drop it on the plate/bowl.

I also really like that you keep the game interesting by ramping up the difficulty fast, it never overstays its welcome or gets too boring.

Yeah with the complexity of the controls having more ways to pilot the ship were something that I really wanted to add.  That and a tutorial haha.  The keyboard controls are definitely a bit clunky to control.  It feels somewhat better on controller, though not everyone has one of those.

This is an amazing entry!  The tons of movement options you give the player make for a really challenging 2d platformer with tons of player expression.  The sharp visual distinction between modes is also really impressive.  Making all the assets for your game twice over is no small feat.  

I got as far as the moving platforms in the cave level and couldn't quite make it past the ones where you have to ride them for a while while hopping over and under obstacles.

I think this game really does interesting things with the mode theme, being able to precision control moving platforms and even change the enemy AI is something that I find really compelling.  Overall great job.

I think this is probably the best jam game I've played so far!  Amazing work with all of the differing animals and creatures you can change into.  I was really impressed that each creature seemed to have so much that they could offer, and how sometimes one creature could interact with another one in-between lives.  

I did run into a few minor bugs like the snake if you respawned but were impatient then it would not spawn properly and I had to reset but overall quite the polished game.

The graphics were all very charming and I loved the gentle sway of the trees, grass, and calm scrolling of clouds in the background.  This paired quite nicely with the ambient music.

Overall very well done!

For the last jump before the finish line you won't make it if you are only using wasd to move.  The arrow keys allow for rolling left and right and pitching up and down.  If you are on controller you will need to use the right analog stick.  Right after you take the final jump before the finish line you will need to just lightly tap to pitch up so you don't end up falling short of the jump.  It's a bit difficult at high speeds so you can take it without boosting if you need more time to react or use the airbrake.  Thanks for giving the game a look though!

Wait what, you got a time of 53.42!?!?!?  Thats actually insane.  I thought my highscore would last a bit longer than that.  In truth I was able to shave my time down to like 59.51 since I posted the game but a 53.42?  Wow you and your friends should sign up for GDQ lol.

You know this game is surprisingly compelling.  I really like the cute graphics!  I got as far as unlocking the first 2 villagers.  I think that I need a non burned out jam brain to do any more quick calculations haha.  Also I want to say thank you so much for putting an in game tutorial!!!  Even for a game as simple as this having a tutorial can make all the difference.  Well done!

I really liked the cute intro and the punny name for this game!  Very nice graphics and overall a level of polish that I haven't seen from other games in this jam so far.  Great menus with readable text, SFX for most game actions, even down to tooltips when hovering over items you want to build!

On my first run through I did end up dying cause I was excited about moats from the intro so I immediately built a bigger moat and only was left with enough money to build a single cannon.  On my second playthrough I made it all the way till day 11.  

Only criticism I have is that in battle mode I didn't really do anything so it kinda felt like there was really only one mode which I ended up engaged with.  Still it was probably the most polished experience I've had so far in these game jam games.  Well done!

You know I could have been given like a hundred, or even like a thousand guesses for games that could have come out of the theme mode and I don't think I would have ever come up with the idea for a clown themed ice cream parlor, not only with ice cream making gameplay but also with a story complete with all the trappings of what it's like to work retail complete with customers coming in after closing.  I liked the change in gameplay that levels past the first one had, though after a while the gameplay felt repetitive.  Also Clown mode didn't seem to change gameplay too much other than speeding things up a bit from what I could tell.  I think this game had probably my favorite graphics of any game I've seen so far, love the pixel art sprites and dithered pictures which have been rendered in GBA style.

This was I think the most engaging interpretation of mode that I've seen so far.  Controlling up to 4 different robots at once was a lot to keep track of by the end haha.  Also individually going through them and manipulating them to get the robot in the exact right spot took some getting used to.  I think this is the first game I've seen with a complete experience that you can win and finish.  Just about the only criticism I have is that aside from the mode where you stretch out and get tall I couldn't figure out what the other modes did.  Really cool submission!  Also cool to see another Godot user.

After a bit of playing this the pixely hand drawn artstyle kinda grew on me.  The short and loud loop didn't so much haha but overall it was an interesting game.  I went south at first and found the secret ingredient, then went north and completed a delivery.  I went back to the pizza shop cause the mode said select but I couldn't seem to get another pizza.  I think the best part of this game is definitely the environment.

Really cool and unique concept!  I liked the ability to defeat enemies not by killing them but rather by changing their mode to be harmless to you.  I did run into a bit of UI trouble with some enemies being difficult to highlight when multiple were on screen and my run ended when the person who I was supposed to deliver the pizza to spawned inside a building.  I tried to use various modes on myself or the enemies around me but I couldn't find a way inside.  Still this is probably one of the more unique entries I've seen today!  Well done.

Loved the cute theming to this game alongside the HUGE amount of customization.  Like seriously this has more different kinds of robot customization than I see in some commercial releases.  I also liked how the rating system had little blurbs about the robot that you've made.  It reminds me a lot of Game Dev Tycoon.  It did get a bit tedious selecting all the individual components for each robot and was mostly trial and error to figure out what the most optimal models were.  I also got stuck trying to figure out where to enter the name after I got to the submit page cause it was on a previous menu.  After tinkering around a bit I think the most I got was like 7k on release.  Overall really unique take on the mode theme for the jam.  Nice work!