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A member registered Jul 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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I like the calm and slow phase take on the theme, definitely, the only game I play with this calming and relaxing atmosphere in this jam.

The art and music are also top-notch, and the daily-life style narrative approach is a very good angle to talk about the pressure that comes from daily life.

Love this, but, hey, this broke my spacebar, how do you plan to compensate me?(Just kidding)

 I always like to see this type of game on the game jam, it just makes me smile.

Like the art, sound, music, and entire atmosphere, relaxing yet pressuring.

The bird is soooooo cute and the animation is sooooo good and smooth letting me hard to believe it's done in 3 days.

But, when I see the gameplay, I think I knew why, you spend too much time doing art and selecting music, forgetting that you should put more touch in your gameplay right?

If this is correct, then you and I have the same problem, just that I spend too much of my time making shitty art, and you spend too much of your time making high-quality art.

Like the approach, the visuals, and the gameplay, it's very unique and definitely can be a great game.

Shame that, the game is broken on upload. And, even with the temp upload, I think there still needs lots of polishing like a better indicator for the mouse hover button, sonar and battle station relative location and etc.

I will say that this game is too complex for a 3-day game jam, but who knows, I played lots of great games with a shorter dev time,

Like this approach to the theme, the arts style and the music is also great.

Especially that incorporates the character design with the UI, which indicates where to go next to fetch/drop the pizza.

However, the map's design is confusing, some black walls will cause damage when contact, but some black walls can be go through. Hope that the map design can be more consistent.

BTW, I think I face a bug that I take the pizza but the game doesn't update that I got it. So, the arrow just pointing to the pizza in my hand.

A very cool idea and approach to the theme, like the robot and sound effects used. However pumping and the timing is very hard to master, and putting the level of combining everything after just a few tutorials makes the flaw of pumping the air from an interesting idea to a very tedious and boring one, especially sometimes the mouse click/drag don't register on the pump. Making it quickly become frustrating instead of feeling interesting.

I like the idea and approach to the theme, the art is top-notch, and have a story company with the gameplay, it's a very nice surprise and a hidden gem, I can see this as a complete game.

However, as many people say, there have lots of game-breaking bugs, I played until day 2 with multiple resets because of some stupid collision  problem, like the image below (I thought I put the bullets into the box but nope, and now I can't get the bullet again)

Besides the manual text, I think that the "bullets number on the clips" is also hard to read with white text and a similar yellow background wall, adding a black outline on the text will help it more readable.

A cute nostalgic mini-game, and a unique interpretation of the theme.

Most of them are straight forward, but I have hard time to figure out what the wire to cut, and when I found out clicking the icon below will need to wait until the people tell you what to cut is not quite a fun game play I expected.

A solid and polished game!

I do not really have anything to add, what a flawless execution. 

If anything, I think you can add some more to avoid the game being repetitive so fast.

A very cool game design, very surprised that obstacles will occur according to the game progression. The music and art are also great, what a solid game!

However, I think that if there have some indicators for the obstacles' occurrence beforehand like a sound cue and red flashes, would be better. 

Cool game! I like the arts and the style.

Like the concept that going deep down into the sea, the deeper it goes harder it gets, It's basically the very concept I want to use in my game if I have time to actually implement it.

I think you should add some goals on the deep sea or add some more mechanics like letting the sub able to dash to avoid missiles in the deep sea, but hey if I keep telling you what to do it will just be my game but better (X

Anyway, you do a very good job and I like it!

BTW, found a bug that spawn you in the ground:

Look great visually, I somehow think that the "big ready button on the screen can be clicked" but turn out it is just an indicator for the shield.

Love the game.

A unique approach to the theme plays like a simple top-down shooter, it's an okay game.

Took me a while to learn which tool does what. And the gameplay is a little repetitive. I saw lots of comments on your game so, I knew you know that. 

But I would to tell you that I like the entire atmosphere, sound choices, and the arts you make for this game! It's a well-done and polished game!

Cool story, however, the sound at the beginning of the game breaks my ears Q.Q

The text can sometimes be hard to see with white text only(since your background is also black and white), you can add some black outline to the text. To help avoid the white text blending into the white stuff on your image.

Or, better, you can add some speech bubbles or background to make this more game-like!

Multi-tasking in this game really put player under pressure and make me feel like an astronaut that is fixing the spaceship and dodging the asteroid.

Like the art style and approach! 

Wow, 3 in 1 game? 

I have problems just making one game in the time limit, this is absolute speed under pressure (wink wink)!

With how polished this game is, you do a definitely impressive and great job, however, I don't think the pressure translates well to the theme, I have no feeling about the "under pressure" theme, and feel like this game can just exist on any "meta" game jam theme.

This game fits both interpretations of the theme with actually under the water pressure and under the pressure of the works.

You did a very good job here mixing the "among us" style mini-game and putting it in the submarine theme game, creating a very good environment and atmosphere for an "underpressure" game.

When I play this game, it truly put me under pressure, there have so many things need to consider and click to change the track, control the movement, make sure they reach their destination, and not crash into each other.

For the first time playing experience, it's hard to learn what can be clicked and interacted with, would like to see the mouse change to pointer and some hover outline to indicate that.

I like the concept, but I feel the control is a little inconsistent, and the door also moves somewhat weirdly, would like to see this game in a more polished state.

I played some unreal games before on the website, it have no similar problem.

So I don't think it's caused by unreal.

This game is similar to my game!

But, I think we both suffer the same problem that we have no time to make it deep and add more contents. So, can't really say much, but keep up the good work!

A very cute game with cute art and relaxing music! Absolutely love it! 

However, it feels too short...but hey, my game is short too, totally understand that.

I like the interpretation of the theme, it's a very fun game with a cool and hype BGM.

The only 2 things I hope:

1.) Harpoon should be on top of the list since it's the cheapest and the only way to let the player do anything meaningful progress, I was stuck for a while thinking that the scrap will gain over time when I realized that I can't build the first(top) things come to the list.

2.) It will be best if the ship has some way to destroy the obstacle on the road,  I found some time it's impossible to steer and avoiding from the obstacle.

The gameplay is very fun and creative! Love it very much!

It gives me a "BABA is you" vibe but in 3D, changing the rule to get over the obstacles and reach your goal, but with more complex environments and more back and forth!

Just the "code" text in the box can be hard to read, especially with the "no shadow" text mixed in.

Not sure if it's just me or not here is my Fullscreen experience, I don't think it should be like this.

A very addictive fun game. Nice work on the tutorial, love the setting and everything about it.

I think I found a bug in the tutorial you can just drop one iron ingot and the truck will leave without getting 2, but later I can't recreate it. Maybe I do accidentally push an ingot in without noticing.

The BGMs is cool, but not sure if it's dynamic or fixed track, there have multiple time when the BGM change the phase, I thought that I got not time, but end up with still a minute or two, the game is actually some how relaxing when you in the phase, so the pressuring music when you still have a minute feel somehow not in tune with actual emotion.

The single-player version of keep talking and nobody explodes missed the instructions for the first time, but later found it. 

I think it should be included in the game or at least have a hint of where to get those instructions in the game.

It may be a placeholder for the cut scene or something, but I don't think the wall of text is necessary, a button to start the bomb count down and a line of text that tells the player where the instruction should be enough in the starting screen.

Overall a very under-pressure experience and I die multiple times before I success. Good job!

Thanks for giving my game a try and the feedback! 

I do want to add more sounds, like background music/ambiance and swimming effects but it's hard to find something suitable in a short time. Since RPGMaker's pre-made sound assets don't have anything that fits, I'm very rush in making this game.

I think I can make the movement more smooth and add some more leniency for input if I have more time, I don't think it's RPG Maker false since RPG Maker does allow you to change most of the thing by js.

Oh ya, if you are interested to see more interesting usage of RPG Maker , check out my first game jam game: 


It's my proudest creation so far since I join that game jam using all premade assets, I have more time doing the mechanical/program eventing part of the game engine.

Thanks for giving my game a try and the feedback!

I agree that my game is overly simple, I plan to make a more complex underwater area and add some enemies (like jellyfish that will stunt you for a second, and fish that will attack you/ push you backward), I overly underestimate the time to make the pixel art with my skill, it somehow took me 24 hours just to make the arts currently in game, and when I realized it, I just decide to just make a very simple game with winning and losing condition, then called it a day. XD

Thanks for giving my game a try and the feedback!

Glad you like the game!

Oh, I see, no problem. The game is not intended to play on mobile. No wonder I can't recreate it on my PC XD.

 Thank you for the feedback and I will try to make it mobile-friendly next time.

Thanks for giving my game a try and a nice feedback! 

I do not plan to let the ground/maps be like this, but I spent almost 24 hours just doing the art for characters, seaweeds, and bubbles.

I have only weekends two days to create the game, so the only thing I can do is just quickly add some gameplay in the last 24 hours, deciding to just give some blurry shape for the ground.

Thanks for willing to give my game a try, and reporting back the problem.

It's suppose to look like the image below. 

Can you help me by giving me some environment details of you browser/pc I think there have some bugs there.

Maybe you can try the download exe version? and see if the problem still exist?

Tried to recreate it, and I think it happens when:

1. hold the mouse inside the game

2. move the mouse out of the game without releasing the holding mouse

3. release the mouse outside of the game 

4. move the mouse back inside and the terraforming ability is still triggered while the mouse is released.

I tried Windows, and it has no problem.

Thanks for giving my game a try and leaving review at last minutes! 

I like the clean UI and a quite unique concept that reverses a simple wordle game. Loved it.

But, I don't think that there should be a null value in the initial state of each word. Since the color black in the initial state can get confused with the "no word" grey. 

I actually confused for a while, since I only change to green and yellow assuming the starting state is "black(no correct word)", this make me second-guess my ability to read, until I get negative 20 points and then I realize where the problem is XDD

I think I played a few games that also used the "reversed tower defense" idea, however the way that every dev executes it is quite different. I like the BGM choices and simple pixel art visual style!

Thanks for giving my game a try! Glad you having fun with the game!

Now I knew how hard to be a scorekeeper XDD 

I like the concept that you are basically playing as a human score-recording machine. 

Definitely a "role reverse" that I would never think to be gamified. However, you successfully did it, making it a game that challenges the player's observation and reaction skills, instate of making it a boring recording job.

Well done, good execution and realization.

Thanks for giving my game a try!