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Comrade Fubbs

A member registered Feb 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ooo, yes! Almost similar to putting something in an oven in a more traditional cooking game, but more optional. Or maybe getting multiple orders at once and being able to hold them in a freezer.

Yes, I can definitely see what you're saying. I thought of having the freeze button not really regenerate and instead have a resource bar that needed to be carefully managed through the whole play session - but after I added overtime I was unsure and reverted to the generating value. I think there could definitely be a balance, because after playtesting a lot, I found myself doing the same thing. It wasn't variant enough.

Thank you! And definitely agree.  I wanted to add additional items such as a snowcone making station and to have the complexity of orders and variety of orders scale as the player progressed through a series of days of service. Might return to the idea in the future!

Thank you for your time and feedback!

Excellent job! Killer pixel art/designs - especially the character portrait in the corner. Enemy variety was surprisingly good for a Game Jam, really appreciated the orthogonal approach to their attack and movement patterns. Kudos and a preemptive congrats for when you win!

While there is not much of a "game" here, I find this art style to be quite endearing - after playing so many pixel art games, the collage/Photoshop style is really nice to see. I even think housing the entire game in the Oscilloscope cutout is extremely funny.

A game with a similar interface that is much more complex, like having every single button perform a hyper-specific task, would be something I could definitely sink some time into.

Fun! I appreciated that you didn't immediately go with  a Christmas/Winter theme and definitely let the game be its own thing while still embracing "Freeze".

(1 edit)

Game looks fantastic, especially for a Game Jam. The Flamethrower VFX rock and the lighting is great. Really showing what a good-looking Godot game can be, even within just a few days.

The gameplay itself is not exactly what I was expecting, the game is almost like playing Powerwashing Simulator. I think if there had been more pressure on the player, an ammo economy, environmental hazards, different means of melting ice, or something like, there could have been more gameplay variety.

You know, I noticed this when I was playing the game on the very last day! If I get a chance, I'll go in and change the draw order so the stations are on top of the ice effect, I think that'll help a lot.

Thank you for the feedback!

Good job! Freezing the falling rocks was super satisfying. I also appreciated that hitting the rock again would un-freeze it, I felt like it did a good job of preventing me from just spamming shots.

I gotta be real - I never made it past the jump where you have to "thread the needle" between the ice hazards on the ground and in the sky.

That said, I am not exactly a Kaizo Masochist, and someone who is would probably really like this game. I found the presentation to be very pleasant and I loved the freezing animation.

Personally, I wish the fires served as checkpoints, but then again maybe the game is much shorter than I thought and I just suck at platformers lol

Either way, good job!!

Great job with the slippery game feel, definitely helped to add to the "freeze" theming - felt like driving on ice the entire time!

Artwork is top notch - love the softness of the pencil texture and paper-like quality to the color flats. Adds a warmth to the game that is undeniably comfy. 

As far as the actual game? It is great! Minimal set of components used in various levels in creative ways. Being able to push the blocks with additional shots from the gun is a great addition. 

Very few notes, the game is a perfect example of a great "Game Jam" game. It could definitely be expanded upon to add some variety, but given the time limit this is dope!

This is a really great game! The visuals are superb, I especially loved the wire-frame effect on the scanner/missing body part models.

Skating and placing ramps felt extremely fun - almost like a Quake-inspired figure skating game.

I would really like to see the original ideas of the game brought to fruition, as the bones here are great. I definitely wish there was a little more going on combat-wise with the robots, maybe something as simple as making them a little more lethal to add some tension of the current version of the game.

But seriously, this is great! The movement and graphics alone set this one apart.

Didn't totally understand the flow of the game at first, but I think this is interesting! I feel like if there was something that differentiated the interaction of each station it might create a little more interactivity or variety in the gameplay, like needing to carry the ice back to the cauldron, or clicking rapidly to stir the cauldron. 

The graphics are nice, especially the snow textures on the terrain!

I really appreciate that I can feel the game design in this game. It is clear, concise, and I quickly had goals and ideas of what to do without being explicitly told "GO HERE".

I do feel as though the timer is a bit too short. I had a frustrating time trying to solve the block sliding puzzle, as I just didn't have enough time to think of solutions. I kept finding myself running back, pondering the puzzle for a few seconds, and then freezing. 

I also understand why, but I wish more of the puzzles could have been solved in a more non-linear fashion. It felt like the "Simon-Says" puzzle with the TV was more-or-less impossible to solve unless I had enough of the items. I wish I could have solved that puzzle in order to maybe get a different item in order to have more time to solve the block puzzle I was struggling with.

All in all, I actually found this game to show a lot of promise! Keep making games! You definitely have a mind for game design, so keep doing it.

Great artwork, I especially thought the parallax(?) backgrounds look great. Loved the geometric look on the trees.

Unfortunately I had hard time with the gameplay - the controls threw me off a little bit with UP being jump and Freeze being SPACE. I also felt like the collision shape sizes could have been tweaked for both the goblins, the ice effect, and the size of the collision of frozen enemies.

Something to explore might be pushing blocks of ice once enemies are frozen, or having a flame that can thaw out frozen enemies (this may have been in the game but I did not make it past level 3).

First off, the game looks great. Really enjoyed the health indicator in particular, I loved that it was unique but simultaneously intuitive.

I think I struggled a little bit with being able to visually assess all the projectiles on screen, as they're pretty thin and concealed by the screen overlay/HUD graphics.

The Freeze mechanic felt great, as soon as I started feeling super overwhelmed it felt very nice to be able to pause time and mow-down enemies.

In short, great work! Especially for you first entry. The pixel art rocks and so does the menu, so kudos to you.

Our games both take place in the same extended universe where industrial food service companies manufacture large, sky blue colored "Freeze" buttons ;)

Just played your game and it was fun! I nearly had popsicles in my game as well, so apparently we were on the same wavelength lol

Great work! I really liked using the rim of the Popsicle mold to show the player where to place the stick - very subtle but great use of design. I think this can definitely expanded upon, I'd love to see the game when it is blazing fast.

I completely agree! I spent the whole last day of development working on sounds, but I definitely would have liked to get way more tiny animations into the game. Especially some squishy ice cream ones and more expression from the customers. I originally planned on having different facial expressions for each type of penguin and each customer satisfaction level, but that slowly turned into make a lot of drawings. Unfortunately I worked through most of the Jam, so I only really had Sunday-Wednesday to make everything. 

I appreciated the feedback and appreciate that you played the game!

As I fellow retail survivor, I thank you for your service! lol My very first day at work they just dropped me on the sales floor with no training, I felt like this game captured the memory well.

Keep up the good work! Will play this soon!

Wonderful progress! I see so much potential in this project. I understand everything is very early on, so any feedback I have is minor. I think you're on track to build something really cool.

I'd appreciate being able to ride the horse in the larger field area. I kept having a problem where the horse would get stuck in the doorway. Maybe a button that summons the horse as long as the player is outside?

Other than that, fullscreen would be appreciated. At least on Windows, Godot games can have some pretty inconsistent performance when windowed.

I'd personally love to contribute to the game if you're looking for any sort of environmental art or 2D/3D assets. I am not skilled at animation, but you can check out my profile and see some of the work I've made. 

if not, that's cool too! Keep up the great work.