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A member registered Apr 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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I loved the bow mechanic, great job! Really fun game! I'd add some music though.

Awesome as last year! Love it :) We need more games for Franks;p

Hahaha that is funny. :D  I would add some more music and sounds! Also for some reason I stayed blurred after poop...

Awesome, looks really nice, I would probably add some sort of indicator on the main screen where is the direction I should be following as this little map was a bit confusing for me at times but it looks and feels AMAZING and I like the colors and music! well done!

So far my favourite game here ! LOVE it ;p It  looks very professional and all the details are super well taken care of! <3 Pixel art looks amazing. Great job!

Hello All :) How are you today? I am cheking out some of your games and the creativity level is very high:) I love how people difrenty see the same theme!  Have a wonderful day everyone and have some fun with the games ! :)

Really impressive! But I have to say I didn't get the mechanics until seeing your description in the comments :) It's a bit confusing at first, so it could be a good idea to do a little tutorial with a few first platforms. With that, the game is really worth further development!

Looks good and forces you to think a bit. Good job!

I had to give it a second try to understand what's going on here ;) I have to say that it's a very interesting way to show some concepts of alghorithms, simulations and life.

It would be good to put there some in-game information about rules to be able to read it while watching the simulation working. And some music too!

Hahaha! Love it! This is why game jams are amazing, because those kind of small games can be done ane be played by others! <3 I want more of this!

I really like to art style, looks pretty cool, it is simple and fun game. Good job!

AWESOME! Very fun! I can easily see it as a mobile game which I would play during commuting to work for example! Nicely done, sounds and music too!

AWESOME! Very fun! I can easily see it as a mobile game which I would play during commuting to work for example! Nicely done, sounds and music too!

Ncely done, it is relaxing. Looks pretty, I would probably add some  sounds for jumping and dimension switch :) 

I love it <3 , is this only one level? I want more :) I am not the best player but I was able to finish in a first run and it was super fun, so it was really well balanced for me ;p

I love it <3 , is this only one level? I want more :) I am not the best player but I was able to finish in a first run and it was super fun, so it was really well balanced for me ;p

I am not a big fun of games like this but it is well done, nice music and sound, everything suits together. I just don't know where the zombies are... maybe some indicator ?

Like it! Simple but fun! However the music was a little bit annoying after longer time :P

I loved the concept, really cool!

Sadly sound didn't work as it should on my computer - It sounds shattered for some reason.

Really hard not to hit anything :P sometimes even just driving out of the road made the car explode. Looks nice, would be good to add some music.

Really cool game, I loved the ambience created by music and the cutscene. A bit creepy, yet cool! :D

The only problem is that I found it a bit difficult - I'm not a master of this kind of games... 

Puzzle game <3 This is great game ! and it is not easy! love it! I would appreciate some crazy sweet particle system when finishing the level :D

Love to story! the art is great, There is no quest :( I was looking for it, then go checked the comments for some hints and I was disappointed seeing that there is nothing more :(

This is one of the prettiest game here, It is also fun and very playable, it was smooth and I definitely want more! please make some more :D the only think that I would change is the music , the rest is perfect! Awesome! Good job!

LOL this is weird game, I was not prepared for that XD I like it and the idea is good but It was creepy to eat them alive :O

this makes me laugh I love it ! It is simple but really fun to play I have great time with this game !

Awesome, it works very smoothly and it is easy to get addicted to^^  I would probably make the weapon more powerful...but probably because I'm not the best shooter ;)

It is quite a difficult game for me. And probably I am not patient enough to fully appreciate the atmosphere and the gameplay:P however I like the idea and the performance, the music is very relaxing.

Nice one! I like this game but it was quite hard for me to finish levels, dead bodies are rolling around everywhere and I needed to die  22 times to finish second level XD

That is new! I love the way how ut works! It is very different, I really like this idea. It is a pity there are no more levels I want to play it more ^^

The tutorial is amazing, it is really simple and catchy and it made me want to play fuhrer levels.I like the music and art style. I would probably make the player more "jumpy" :P

Really cool, looks like a lot of work! I loved the caracter graphic and animation!

This is really nice game, great work! The only thing is that I would like to fly faster :P

(1 edit)

Hahahah this makes me smile:D It is so cooool ^^ 

A bit like Overcooked, especially when you're supposed to burn the body ;) I liked it a lot! Cheers!

This is great game, it is relaxing and challenging at the same time, I can play long hours.

Mixture of score and life points is quite unique and actually works awesome here, which makes it really playable in the long term. WELL DONE!

Really cool game - a mixture of Soldat and rouglike. I like it. I'd add a reload gauge as I didn't know if I can shoot again already or not yet.

This is like overcooked buy better :P  I love de idea and the art It is simple and sweet, AWESOME! It was hard to know what should be the next prepared dish, did I missed something?

This is like overcooked buy better :P  I love de idea and the art It is simple and sweet, AWESOME!