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A member registered Jun 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very creative puzzle game! Took a few tries for me to understand what was going on. I still don't quite understand the topology of some of the levels. Glad to see something this novel in GBJAM!

Really fun little RPG! Excellent work on everything from the gameplay to the town which teaches you how to play. Great combat UX. Absolutely captured the soul of the Zelda games for me.

Fun platformer with a couple unique movement mechanics! I love that it's fast-paced and responsive. I died trying to use my attack on one of the ghost guys, which is confusing since the attack works on everyone else. Really captures the Game Boy feel!

I appreciate the love put into the sprites and level design. I struggled with the gameplay, unfortunately. I was able to find and pick up candy, but I picked up a key, and then couldn't open a door that told me it required a key. The enemies were easy to dodge so most of my time was spent walking between rooms looking for the stuff I needed to progress, and the walking was very slow. Definitely hit the Game Boy feeling though :)

I like that the player moves around the screen quickly and smoothly. But I had trouble with the other gameplay mechanics. I didn't understand how to defeat enemies, and I was clipped into the wall several times. My game unfortunately ended on a softlock.

Unfortunately I couldn't figure out what to do or where to go to progress in this game.

A lot of love went into the art in this game! I had trouble figuring out what to do or where to go. But the levels were lovingly crafted.

It's great to see other people building out a music game! Thriller was a great fit for this jam's theme. I found the charts too challenging to complete, and I racked up a bunch of misses on the first track when I was sure I was on beat. Still, lovely game with a lot of soul, and I look forward to seeing more like this.

What a lovely little demo with tons of polish and charisma. I look forward to the full thing!

I really love the art and music in this game, but I encountered some game-breaking builds in the web version unfortunately. I look forward to trying the Windows build soon!

(1 edit)

We absolutely wanted people to get to experience the full game regardless of skill. Thanks for playing! (The other endings are definitely not hidden behind some kind of cheat code, if you wanted to see them...)

Challenging little platformer with a couple of unique movement mechanics. I'm not good enough at this to get past the first real enemy but I liked where the game was taking me!

(1 edit)

I loved the campaign in this game! All the polish in the art for the overworld, battles, and combat animations really shines through. What a fun little RPG.

The art and music in this one are lovingly hand-crafted. Unfortunately I got stuck early – I don't know how to progress the story past the church pastor. I'd love a tip so I can keep trying!

Lots of enemies and projectiles to dodge! I struggled a little bit with the controls, but with a bit more practice I could last longer.

What a fun twist on the classic concept! Brings me right back to my childhood days of binding demons in my living room and putting them in my wristwatch – I mean, rolodex – uh, orbs. As a kid it's always great to have a Professor nearby to guide and protect you :)

What a goofy and fun little game! I had trouble with the movement: my character walked slowly and seemed to get slower as the game went on. But I love the music and it definitely hit the notes of a classic retro game.

I unfortunately was not able to start the web build up :( I would like to try your game! It's exciting to see that someone else has done a music game for GBJAM!

I had trouble figuring out exactly how to play this game. I think I got how to avoid the teachers with Guise, but I didn't find anyone to scare, and I seem to have accidentally gotten into a locker dimension. It's definitely the spookiest game I've seen so far, though!

Goofy pigs are always fun for a game! I struggled with the gameplay – I moved slowly but I still ran straight into some avocados. I wasn't sure exactly where the game wanted me to go.

Love the cozy feel of the sprites in this game. I struggled with the platforming as some of the dialog boxes interrupted my motion. I hope you get to put together more story-driven games like this one!

A fun little puzzler :)

I loved the atmosphere and music! Once I got to the well area, I wasn't sure what to do or where to go. I found the second stamp, but didn't find much to interact with using X and O. Not entirely sure what to do about the ghosts. Still, I love the feel and all the polish you put into the map with only two colors!

Love the vibe! This game was a lot of fun.