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A member registered Sep 09, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much!

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Thank you very much!

Thank you for playing!

I love old text adventure games and this was a treat, very well executed. Also glad I tried it on my phone, it works well and makes it easier to type. Well done!

Thank you for playing and input!

Dang it, thank you for bringing the 2 to my attention x)

Thank you!

Thank you for playing and the feedback! I'll try to address your points as best I can:

  • I wanted to have the controls in the same configuration as if using the actual hardware as opposed to everyone else that just says to use arrow keys and spacebar, I wanted it to be more accurate, but everyone is complaining so maybe it was a mistake ;^^
  • Every step of the game is explained in the instructions on the game page, as for the register, you just need to calculate the price of the ingredients you used and charge the correct amount
  • The visual of the assembled ice cream is a bit lackluster for sure, I wanted an indication of the possibility that adding the ingredients in the wrong order could be incorrect, it came together near the deadline so i was a bit rushed
  • I actually wanted there to be a time limit but in the end i had to prioritize getting everything else in working order, I'd imagine you're getting docked points because of the register view
  • : )

Appreciate the input!

Thank you for playing!

That's a shame, but valid criticisms. Most of the required inputs are displayed in the game but I chose to display the keys that would have been used on the Nokia keypad and it seems that pretty much everyone is getting confused by it :')

The physics of it could go a little wonky, but all in all it's well done and humorous

Very polished, fantastic presentation

This was very cool, looks and feels great

Controls is gonna be a sticking point for my game isn't it ^^ It's completely justified critique of course! As for your cup issue, is it possible that you were pressing '1' on the numpad as opposed to '7' which would be '1' on the nokia keypad? (Yes it is confusing, even for me ^^)

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for playing! You're not wrong about the controls, the original idea was to utilize all of the keypad as much as possible. In the end I tried to keep it somewhat consistent between the views, to use the same keys for left/right inputs at least. As for the other interactions the idea was that using the key in basically the same region on the keypad as the region on screen would be intuitive, but it's a hard nut to crack that one! And you don't have much screen real estate for controls either :P

Pretty good, a bit difficult but that might be due to me being impatient

Nice little game

Nice concept, plays well, good job

Nice innovative game, I like the application of the theme and it plays well

Interesting game and a unique concept, nice one

(2 edits)

Thank you for playing the game, the controls are explained in the first "screenshot", maybe i should add them to the game page as well, thank you for your input!

I don't play these kinds of rhythm games, nonetheless this was very good. Polished and enjoyable, good job!

Cool game! Nice graphics and music, i like that there's some variation in the asteroids. Had to play it through twice to see if i could keep upgrading the same weapon, and boy could i. It's solid, good job!

I like the game. It felt like there were some unavoidable damage at places and some enemies were placed with malicious intent for sure : ). I like the capture mechanic, it's like an instant kill but it wont net me any hearts, so it's a tradeoff. A minor annoyance was to have the weapon reset upon death. And I would have liked to have been able to see if i did capture all the aliens when the game was over. It was a pretty enjoyable game overall. Cute dog both in and out of game, good work!

111.38 buckaroos and a cool new hat to boot! I quite liked this game. Great concept which fits the theme both through locale and gameplay. The different variations of gameplay adjustments was interesting and fun. And the dialogue was funny too. Great job!

Without the bugs it would have been pretty good. Not bad at all. It would've been nice with some music. The option to skip when folded or at the very least speed up cpu turns would have been nice. Keep up the good work!

This is pretty good! I like the unique spin on the theme. Introducing new gameplay mechanics as it progressed is nice. It does feel like a gameboy game, good job!

This is so good. I don't even play shmups but this was great. Both graphics and music are top notch. There's so much variety between weapons and powerups. It's just really good, good job!

(1 edit)

Beautiful and polished graphics and music. It could be annoying trying to select slot i wanted but aside from that it's a great puzzler! : )

I liked it, a bit reminiscent of Celeste. The mechanics are nice, the music is good. Keep up the good work!

Fun concept. The controls were a little finicky as others have said. It would also have been nice to have the counter on screen at all times. Not bad!

Great concept, fantastic execution. Love the music and all the particles. The gameplay is addicting and easy to grasp. It's all very polished. Very good job!

It's a neat little game and an interesting take on the theme. The names were punny. Not bad!

This is so good. Graphics and gameplay are reminiscent of Wario Land and Kirby. And that boss fight is straight out of Wario Land 2. It is polished, well thought out and the music was fantastic as well. Great game!

Solid game. It's pretty difficult but it controls well and the sprite stacking is nice. Good job!

This is a nice little game. The presentation is great, the intro cutscene was very nice. The graphics are cute, the music is great. I almost thought that the jumping was bugged because i was not gaining height, then i realized it was the 8 direction jumping. It is interesting, but it trips me up that i want to move side to side while jumping. Overall, it's good! Good job!

Hey, a game with the same name. The concept is pretty fun but i have a few criticisms. The A and B buttons mapped to A and B on the keyboard is a little cumbersome, having them closer together would be preferable. The game controls adequately well. I would have liked some kind of indication that I'm damaging the enemy especially since it takes quite a few shots to take down , and when the enemy has finished its attack it snaps back into position which is some instant unavoidable damage when you're not expecting it. Also when i cleared the first stage screens went by very quickly and i found myself in stage 3, a bug maybe? Overall not that bad, keep it up!

It's a fun concept. My biggest gripe is that stuff can come at you from off screen very fast and decimate you in a heartbeat. At one point i might have had an asteroid spawn inside my face. But aside from that it works well enough. It's a shame about the blurring.