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A member registered Sep 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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Sadly yes, thanks for enjoying my game though! :)

Super curious now that you say it! I originally wrote this game’s engine for my own little ARG game that is heavily inspired on Petscop.

And trust me, comparing my stuff to Petscop is one of the greatest compliments I can get, thanks a lot for playing my game!

Oh, that’s the ELMEATB (Evil Lizard Man of Evil and All Things Bad™)

Thanks a lot! I am happy someone also enjoys this aesthetic! My thought process for it was “What if Paper Mario, but it’s actually Undertale”

I am very happy you enjoyed the song! It was probably one of the hardest artistic decisions I had when developing this game, because I both wanted it to be slightly creepy and dark, but also funny and cozy. I eventually found the right balance by having this dissonant creepy dominant seventh chord that would eventually resolve into a fleshed out and more “pop” sounding harmony, with this postmodern earthbound-esque instrumental that cemented the fun aspect further.

The ELMEATB (Evil Lizard Man of Evil and All Things Bad™) was an almost afterthought I had where I wanted to hide something creepy hidden somewhere in the game, so I went on to an AI image generator service and described the main character, just to get an abhorrent, photorealistic image of a crocodile person thing, which I INSTANTLY added to the game just to see if someone would notice him lol, you can also see the original image at your own discretion.

Hopefully one day I can find the energy to finish this, thanks for the kind words, and Good luck on everything!

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Doesn’t seem to run properly on Linux through Wine, so I can’t run it :(

Also, I saw that the game was uploaded to Google Drive instead of Itch itself, Wouldn’t be a better idea if it was published here instead? Perhaps as a zipped game instead of an installer?

Otherwise, game looks nice! Good luck!

Really cool spin on the concept! Very creative and athmospheric, I absolutely adore the soundtrack and it’s whole aesthetic.

Only issue I found is that it ran quite sluggish on my end, maybe is it because I’m on Firefox or something? Good job, anyways!

Thanks for the kind words! If this current game gets enough attention, I will most probably continue it.

Right now I’m working on a super secret internal project using the same engine core, and I plan on publishing the engine as it’s own thing one day, hopefully :)

Yeah, I talked about it on the post mortem post 😅

Thanks for the nice words anyways, though!

thanks man, i am very happy you enjoyed it yourself! might even finish it one day, I want to work on it with more people than just me though, maybe one day…

I really liked this a lot!

thx mate! means a lot to me :)


I for real, actually laughed at this, the way he just spins in the air when jumping is just top notch humor, Absolutely amazing game

But… I have two minor nitpicks:

  • When you resize the window, the joke of the guy being infinite kind of breaks apart, since you can see how many of him are there
  • While I absolutely love the art direction in here, I feel like the palette is a bit hard to read, the colors are too bright and saturated

Otherwise, this is one of the only games to make me laugh in a while, amazing game!

I couldn’t run this on my Linux laptop, not sure if it was because of Wine or the game itself, it might be both, actually

Still, neat game! I’m a bit sad I can’t get to properly play this :(

This is cool, Epic, even.

But here are some stuff I’d recommend:

  • Maybe make the waves come in automatically with a timer, something that turned the waves into this sort of “impending doom” that you have to account for, and be efficient with how you manage the time
  • Remove that little gap of time at the end of the idle song so it can loop better
  • Please change the game over screen a bit so it isn’t as sudden, because of photosensitive people (for example, people who have seizures)

Also maybe this is only my problem, but, is it normal that the game would not exit the game over screen?

Nice gameplay loop! Keep it up!

Thanks a lot! Nice that you got to enjoy my game after all! I was not sure I wanted to continue working on this game but I might give it a second chance after all :)

Absolutely astounding visuals! Really athmospheric game with a lot of really interesting ideas and an absolutely astonishing visual style, both in the hand drawn texture and in the art style itself, A truly amazing game

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I can’t seem to be able to run this on Linux through Wine, is there any possibility of a Linux build?

(Also I think you might have accidentally shipped debug information…?)

This game has a cool aesthetic, I think it looks really cool but I think it would look cooler if the background wasnt a flat color.

I think the music is a bit too repetitive and the map layout is a bit confusing, otherwise, cool game! :)

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This game is so much fun wth

I love how it consists on this random dead guy who goes out there to just kill random people to get random ordinary objects, and the music really aids this sense of mischief, but the music doesn’t seem to loop, is that intentional?

Nice game!

I can’t seem to be able to play this on Linux…

Also, consider using portable .ZIPs instead of installers

Thanks a lot! I really put my soul onto this game, and it feels nice that a fellow game developer can also see this from the gamedev POV.

My main focus on this project has been movement and level design, I tried to make moving the main character as smooth and as nice as possible, so that every other thing would feel natural and logical, I even decided early on to have ZERO UI text to cement this idea further.

Oh, and “scrunge” is a left-over from a little feature where typing out certain “cheatcodes” found across alternate paths in levels, would grant the player useless yet fun effects, like “ASCEND” was meant to make the player float and emit so much light you can barely see the stage anymore, or “EMBOOTZ” which would give the main character squeaky red boots.

Thanks for playing! It really really really means a lot to me.

Wow this thing is fun, took me a while to understand the mechanics though, I feel like perhaps adding some UI for explaining the mechanics in a more organic way would feel better, or maybe some animation for the text box

Really cool game! I like the music a lot, and I think the whole aesthetic is very well done, I just think that maybe it’d look creepier if it was all night themed and blue and creepy

I really liked this :)

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it kind of hurts knowing this isnt my first game

cool as fuck

I mean, the creator of this is also working on Deltarune atm lol

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One of my favourite games ever, from the perspective of a player and from the perspective of a developer. Great job! (by the way, the engine looks super cool! I cant even believe you built all of this on top of Game Maker Studio)

My favourite pixel art font ever

verysoftwares just included a linux appimage build, check it out :)

Thank you! Means a lot to me :)

Yeeeahh, i wasnt able to actually finish it 😅 I had way too much ideas that i wasnt able to implement on time, one of them was fixing said horrible death bug and the improper way of showing how to double jump, and no, there was no more game after said door 😔

Asides from that, yeah! I did not consider the idea of packaging the appimage in a zip file or a tar

Thanks for the feedback, it really was something i put a lot of care into, but wasnt able to balance myself enough. 🫠

I think this game is off to a great start! I am really in love with what you’re trying to accomplish and the overall shape of what it’s trying to become, as in thematic and storywise.

The only thing that doesnt do it for me is how certain things seem to be very unpollished like the lighting and how getting too close to interactable items make them uninteractable for a moment, but i guess those are common problems with such limited amount of time.

Asides from that, this game could be really big with some art direction pollish! it already is a good and functional game that inmerses you into it’s narrative and interesting moral implications, i feel like it just needs some tweaks in the art direction side to be basically perfect.

Overall, Cool game! I would like to see more of it :)

Thanks for the love! I really put a lot of effort into making everything seem cutesy and right in context, I mostly was inspired by Mother 3 and the way Mother 4/Oddity does it’s sprites.

And yeah! it’s intentional! I was playing around with transformations and i made the levels slightly tilted, which was something i reeeeally hated until i started adding things to them and then it felt like it clicked, it made everything look weird and uneven yet interesting and just a fun little thing to experiment with.

And yes, the “emptiness” of everything is also intentional, i wanted the player to solely focus on exactly what i was trying to convey with the design of each stage, alongside making it very square so it felt like some sort of weird comic strip or some sort of square-ish institution, like a hospital, but very crooked and weird. (fun drinking game, take a shot everytime you read me say “weird” and “but”)

And about the last paragraph, yes! i will try it right now :) (though i have some faaaaaint little sense of dejavu looking at the cover so i feel like i MIIGHT have played it already lol)

Thanks for commenting on my game! it’s really something that gives me the strength to continue this game after-jam :D

same, it really kills your spirit when you have one huge ambitious cool game that you simply have to strip out as much as you can because of time or opportunity, but art is never finished until you decide it is ;)

Thanks for the support! So sad that i wasnt able to finish sokamoka anyways 😅

Why does it depend on development libraries? I saw a lot of lib*-dev libraries

Oh wow that’s smart! Very cool idea and implementation, and no, i didnt notice until now but i’ve gotta say it’s such an interesting idea for a game like this! Neat game!

Pretty cool how the blocks seem to shine at the rythm of the music :)

Yes, i am running 0.4.0, and what you mentioned wont work as your binary dynamically links to a library that’s not in my system, also is the fmod source code being there intentional? what if you compile it statically?

I love the idea of running away from monsters like a coward and optimizing away your path to the end lol very fun game! (though i ragequitted lol)