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A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! We tried to capture the feeling of a PS1 game as best we could, it makes me happy to know so many people enjoyed that part. We'll definitely be adding more gameplay elements in a full release when we pursue that.

This is fun, great job! The music really ramps up the intensity and I think it matches the fluid speedy controls. It was cool when the final boss appeared and it used the player model, it felt like I was fighting another player or myself.

Of course there's a lot to improve, but it's a great gamejam entry from an inexperienced developer! Keep making games!

Thank you very much for the kind words! You're right, adding a magic system of some kind would really spice up the gameplay, we'll keep that in consideration for further development!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! 🤘

Thanks for playing! The UI work done by dyve was great, I totally agree.

Thanks for playing! 🤘

Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for playing!

We felt those non-gameplay elements were integral to the experience of a classic PS1/PS2 style game, so we made sure they felt authentic and cool! We had plans to justify the doors further with a big bad "door demon" but things didn't pan out.

Likewise! Thanks for playing!

Hell yeah 🤘

It's great you took notice of the lore, and that it enhanced your experience! I'm glad you had fun, thanks for playing!

Awesome experience! Initially I hit a bug where i glitched through the bathroom door, but I got through properly the next try. I love the oldschool sims-like aesthetic in the upper area, but the lower area was also cool and claustrophobic. The perspective shift was a cool thing I didn't expect. I definitely think an idea like this could be expanded on, so if you were planning on making it into something bigger, I say go for it!

This is a solid little roguelike with a unique gimmick I don't think I've seen before. Gameplay is fun, if a little simplistic, but with more work put into the gameplay, and a hard lean into the door placing mechanic, I think it could make for a really cool full-fledged roguelike!

Very cool visual style during gameplay, and I like the illustration on the main menu! The audio you used really fit the vibe as well.

Need to drop the flowy camera for sure, but otherwise a short fun adventure, good work!

Didn't play to completion, but it's a nice and atmospheric horror game. Despite dying four times, I would always forget about that jumpscare at the start! The monster felt a little too annoying and it became nigh-impossible to complete tasks, which is why I didn't end up beating it, but overall great work for just a week of development.

I love the claymation! There needs to be more claymation, games or otherwise, in the world. I took a brief look at the other game you have listed, and I gotta say I really hope you continue to make games with this IRL prop style.

Using the bee smoke thing to optimally dodge bees was pretty satisfying. Otherwise, the gameplay is rather simple, but it's totalyl carried on the back of the great and unique presentation!

Well, there certianly are doors. A lot of them.

Why does this only have two ratings????????? Out of the 20~ game's I've played so far, this is probably tied for first place to me.

This is a fantastic little puzzle game with a LOT of polish. Very very well done. The fluid and striking pixel art, perfectly chill music, and satisfying sound effects, it's so well put together.

The gameplay is also great, you're a good puzzle designer (except that one where you have to guess doors randomly).

Some suggestions to improve upon this great base you've built:

  • Ditch the keys, or give the player more keys and put in a key-use par system to encourage puzzle perfection.
  • Add a map showing how the rooms link together. This goes against the theme of the game jam, but once the jam is over, this change would help eliminate any wandering around that gets in the way of the puzzles.
  • Work on how box pickup / door enter priority works, because i would sometimes walk through doors when i wanted to pick up boxes and vice versa. This is especially apparent in the last level.
  • Get the movement controls on the arrow keys, jump on Z and interact on X. Or just anything not as cramped as it is currently.

I'll be following development if you choose to continue!

I say this is the best possible way: I feel like an hyperactive iPad baby when I play this game.

I quit out at 50k points because I don't think it would be possible to lose, and I think I saw what there was to offer at that point. It's a fun and addicting sensory overload, and I can see this at home on an app store.

All havoc reigns when the anchors start flying.

Good ambience, but not much to do as it's very unfinished. I would have been interested in finding out what's behind those weird doors.

Opening the door in the top left throws you out of bounds or something, and entering the locked chest's code doesn't do anything.

Hopefully you can complete this game one day!

Super great vibe for a fun little puzzle game! I enjoyed my playthrough, none of the levels were too tough but it still felt rewarding (except room 31, which i was stuck on for over 5 minutes lol).

There were a few graphical glitches (arms joints not being smooth) and places for refinement (hand is a little unwieldy to control), but this is a solid puzzle game with a fun mechanic.

Lore credit goes to dyve! I think it's super cool too, and we have so much more that didn't make it into this release. I'm glad you enjoyed the game, thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

The most intriguing part to me is wondering about who we play as, who the ghostly person at the end is, and why we're in this house of monsters. In a way it reminds me of classic RPG maker horror games. The character and enemy pixel art is also great and I can tell a lot of care and thought went into it, especially the player character's design.

There's a lot to improve with the rest of the experience though, for sure. Combat feels very non-responsive, and to be frank, the music is extremely grating.

I would like to see how the story would develop in a longer version of this game!

Cute little game! I dig the spritework.

Fixed positions is interesting, and I can definitely see where this game could be expanded with things like upgrades and new spells, and maybe some more mechanics to spice up the gameplay.

My initial experience was mostly filled with confusion, unfortunately, it's kind of hard to tell what's going on and I didn't even notice the turn indicator at the top at first. Some work needs to be done to make things feel more alive and interactive - even just adding some animations would make it feel way better.

Sometimes enemies would kill eachother too, which I might doubt was an intentional game design choice, but I think there could be something interesting there to run with.

Good work!

Add a speedrun timer to this immediately! I would be hooked for a good 30+ mins. The movement is really good and portal placement feels (mostly) intuitive. Refine the whole thing a bit, add some variety and other features, and I think it could feel like a neon white-like game. I would absolutely play a more fleshed out version of this!

I'm not sure if something was configured wrong on my end, but there wasn't any sound - just any basic sounds would improve this game a lot. Also, fixing up wall friction and movement on moving platforms would be great. The portals can be easily exploited to get out of bounds, and when you place them on top of eachother you get a funky visual. Some things to improve / leave in for fun!

As for doors... uh... portal's are definitely just really cool doors, so I approve. Nice and fun experience overall.

WOW!! I love everything about this game.

It's very simple, straight to the point, but the loop is so engaging I had a ton of fun and will be playing more to chase high scores. My first playthrough got a score of 165 (if you don't count my first where i died at 2 because i didn't figure out the gun).

The atmosphere provided by the dark graphics and crunchy audio is very forboding. As the game sped up it became a hectic test of quick reaction, but the door being there kept me feeling like I had some control over the situation.

When the door unexpectedly broke with no way to repair, that point forwards was the peak for me. I stopped feeling like I had any control over the situation, but in the best way possible, like it was a true test of everything I learned up to that point. It felt crazy having 5 monsters come at me with no door in a row. Since you can leave candy on the floor, I locked in to a routine of spam dropping candy on the floor where i left the gun right beneath the bowl to auto-reload. It felt very flow-state. I only lost when I accidentally domed a child with high-velocity sugar.

If I could give any criticism, I would say implement some new kinds of monster and trick-or-treaters so it's not as black or white what i'm about to deal with (the fake-out approaches made things more interesting, for example).

I hope you're able to turn this into a full-fledged game, if you ever plan on it!

As a fellow dante-inspired submission, I appreciate the theme!

I think collecting debuffs as you complete the game is interesting, but some of them feel more like glitches than fair difficulty increases. I wanted to finish the game, but I ended up with a debuff that made it impossible to collect enough heart to pay them off, so I ended up losing before I could finish the game.

Maybe a little overboard with the blurriness, but I dig the visual style - It reminds me of that puzzle game qube. The "horror" level was probably the most interesting of the bunch, it felt kind of clostrophobic, and I think that fits with the psuedo-philosophizing of the random notes and the narration. This could fit well within that genre of first-person puzzle narrative style game!

I encountered a softlock in the binary level: When i nudge myself on the outside of the stairs at the sides, it seems to reload the binary level except there's no level.

The art assets you used are nice. Gameplay feels clunky, but as you describe it the game was made quickly and while sick, so good work regardless! Even just allowing movement while attacking, or having attack animation cancels, maybe less floaty movement would improve it a lot.

Though, this game was created as a submission for a different game jam, and you've submitted it to many unrelated game jams, so please consider not doing that.

Good effort, keep making games!

But also, please don't spam game jams with unrelated games, it's very unprofessional.

I'm glad you enjoyed the dagger combo system, and the visual style!

We had higher ambitions for enemy design but had to scale back a little unfortunately. Something to improve with further development!

We will definitely keep all this in mind for a future update to the game. We really appreciate the feedback, thanks for playing!

Thanks for the praise! We put a lot of effort into presentation! I wish we could take credit for the music, but all audio is licensed from various souces, we still made sure to grab what fit best though!

Good work getting a Saintly combo - it's hard to catch sometimes!

As for the theme: We started with the core idea of monsters or helpful items spawning from doors - while we kept that core, we ended up choosing to put most of our effort into refining the whole experience to make a solid enjoyable game. That's where the whole *doors sliding on rails* thing came from, and we had initial ideas for a "demon of doors" to be the big bad as well, but it didn't end up in the final release. So, I understand your comment on this!

Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing!

🔥🤘Thanks for playing!🤘🔥

We appreciate the feedback! I'm also a huge fan on what my collaborator dyve came up with for the death screen and level enter text!

She floats partially due to time constraints and poor prioritzation on the player's animation set on my part, this is for sure on the docket for an updated release!

Thanks for playing!

I can thank a great team effort and close collaboration for that - but don't knock yourself! It wouldn't be nearly as well held together if it was done solo.

We appreciate the thoughts, thank you for playing!

Thank you!

Fun fact: Of all things, the dagger bouncing mechanic was inspired by Draven from League of Legends!

Glad you liked it! We will!

The weirdly intricately controlled VHS player was definitely a choice, I respect it. I'm into the weirdo energy the low res photorealitic rooms have, and the random bird noises. The disparity between the high quality player controller and menus (clearly imported packages) and the low quality environments almost makes it better lol.

Super fun game! Unfortunately, completely unrelated to the game jam. It's difficult to believe this game was developed with the theme in mind at all.

The levels involving swapping with bullets were some of the best. You should definitely make this into a full-fledged game.

A little buggy here and there, but quite enjoyable!

I like the visual style a lot actually, it somehow reminds me of old windows 98 cd-rom games if that makes sense? Something about the camera and black void somehow elevates the barebones unity default rendering style into something a little more otherworldly. I doubt something as specific as that was the intention, but it's cool regardless!

Mechanically it feels very responsive and nice to play, despite some bugs.