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Doodle Cat Games

A member registered Feb 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey again! Sorry it took a while, but I've finally implemented your suggestion about choosing where the credits are displayed (alongside some other stuff) - thank you very much for the idea, and I hope you enjoy the result!!

Ooh, I like that idea a lot! I've been working on an improved version to-and-fro, I'll definitely add that to it!

Who submitted an actual pre-existing gameboy game to the jam??

Jokes aside this game is flawless! It gives me huge Kirby vibes and I love everything about it!!

Almost forgot to play this one! It's a really cool game for being your first, but it seems a bit unforgiving. If you run out of air(?) it takes 4 steps to die, so if you aren't right next to an air capsule when it happens, you're just screwed. Even if you're next to a recovery kit and there's an air capsule 5-6 steps away, you're doomed... So that could use some adjusting, I've died too many times to a capsule a few steps too far away.

Also, I did not see that there were items to collect at the top until the second time I had picked one up, the colors are too dark! Love the gameplay and having on-screen controls so I don't have to guess at which keys are being used.

Ohh I love this! Graphics and music are both flawless. I went in without instructions, so at first I didn't know you could combine items - I was wondering if all there was to the game was "hurl everything out of the bag ASAP and hope you get lucky", which worked for level 1, but on level 2 I put two of the same item next to each other and they merged! :O It was then I realized the true gameplay.

Fittingly, it was only on level 3 that I realized you could merge them a second time (found while shifting my inventory to clear a way out). The challenge of whether to save and merge items or throw them out half-merged, and having to account for if there's enough space to even get them out, made for a uniquely fun yet difficult gameplay.

Really, my only critique is that sometimes the game just kept spawning driftwood and junk at the opening! Stop picking those up, Edgar!! (And one time the last boss spawned an unmovable block on the opening and refused to remove it, which was rude...) 

Cool little game! I was confused about how the radar worked at first, but once I figured it out everything else felt intuitive. I like the sound effects for locating an item!

That said, when restarting the game one of those survival wave crabs didn't despawn, so I started the next round by stepping on one. That or I got REALLY bad spawn luck for that second round.

If I had any critique, aside from the too-small text everyone else mentioned, it's that the items were placed a bit too far apart for my tastes. Walking around the outermost edges of the map because all the items were laid out in different corners was... a bit much. Especially when I started ignoring enemies and the "enemy approaching" sound got spammed over and over until I took them out, or when no enemies appeared at all so I was just wandering an empty wasteland.

I like the visuals and designs, especially those slime enemies (they remind me of Grimer and Muk!) and the little robot guy giving you tips at the ship! Really nice work on the sprites!

Very cool little game! I like the music a lot, especially the Big Peepers' theme.

Will say though, the controls ended up a bit frustrating - I kept accidentally dashing into stuff when trying to go diagonally because I let go of a movement button a fraction before the dash button and Space Ninja snapped back into side position instantly. Could I have solved this by not letting go of the movement buttons ever? Yeah, but if you gotta do multiple quick dashes for platforming purposes, then holding them down until you're well and truly sure you've dashed is a good way to not redirect in time. So, weird as it sounds, it feels like the controls were a little too responsive.

Very neat little game! My biggest problem is just that I can't play it without an emulator, it adds to the authenticity but ... does mean I need to find and download an unspecified extra program to play it.

Some of the graphics were too non-descript, too. I had no idea what the furnace or storage was, and at first I mistook the lockers for a tall cabinet. I just kind of had to guess at what I was supposed to interact with based on how nearby it was.

Also, found it amusing that my tadpole bot was mentioned as having hands when it absolutely does not have anything resembling hands outside of the title image. Even did the high-five at the end with its foot! Speaking of, if you reset the game after beating it without clearing the save data, you get to see Paul's sprite in the top left corner of the ending picture.

Overall a cute and enjoyable little experience!

Finally got around to playing it, and this game is super cool and really complete! I love it, definitely feels like something you'd see on a real gameboy from beginning to end. I went in blind and skipped the training, but even so could figure out how to use everything without much trouble! (Unless you can aim the boomerangs, I did not figure that out.)

My only nitpicks are that ducking doesn't actually reduce your hitbox, pressing up to climb ladders makes you switch weapon which players may not notice until they shoot something (I appreciate that nothing dies in one hit, so that didn't screw me over), and I'm a little sad there's only one ending. I tried bringing back nothing and still got humanity's praise, so I guess they just assumed there were no aliens out there.

By the way, I'm wondering if I ran into some bugs? Sometimes I could throw way more boomerangs than usual, and I have no idea why. I theorized it was coin-related but that didn't seem to be it. As well, at first when I messed up one of my capture prompts (on the RJ-numbers enemy), it would not let me input the final arrow despite having lives and 1 or 2 seconds left. On later captures I was able to do it... So I'm not sure what happened. 

Note: While testing out various capture-related things, I accidentally died during a capture segment and it didn't break anything, so I'd say you still did a nicely thorough bugfixing job!

Unique little concept! I like that it combined multiple gameplay types, and can see it having quite a lot of content without getting stale. However, the little slimes were hard to see in the flying segments, so it felt unfair to die to them... and, well, the music was a bit painful for me. I find that kind of harsh "ding" note unpleasant and almost all the music consisted of only those. The one section that had other instruments sounded nice though! Keep at it!

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Cute little game! My only real critique is how the character jitters if you press up or down against a wall - if you press down against a wall while the camera is moving,  the character even starts jittering to the sides!

It'd also have been nice to have some kind of ending, or a highscore to keep track of, but it's quite a simple yet nice little romp as-is. I like how the start of each level makes sure you know what you need before letting you progress.

Very cute little game! I like the calm music and overall aesthetic, though I have to ask - what is the thing the cat is sitting on?

Little guy be nyooming! The camera moves if you hold down the run button, even if you're running into a wall, so that could use some adjusting. The defrag game was confusing and if you pressed the up button twice, you could just kind of stash one for later? Instead of sorting them properly, the first time around I just stashed everything then piled it together and it felt like I was definitely exploiting a bug of some kind.

Related, I think that the puzzle being cleared should open the door and then make you go through by pressing a key or something - first time, I cleared the puzzle so early I didn't even get to see the door before the "you won!" screen came up, so I had to replay just to see it.

Overall a fun concept though and I love the designs in this! Protag caught my eye so much in the progress channel that I asked around if anyone knew what his game was, and the enemies are such fun and unique little critters. Would definitely play more of this!

Finally got around to playing this, and you did an awesome job!! I love the music and the sprite work is impeccable. It felt a bit weird to play a Megaman game that doesn't have limited lives, honestly, but I died a good chunk of times so it's not unappreciated.

Some stuff I took note of while playing:
1: For some reason, the main menu theme doesn't loop. Also there's a typo in the options menu - "resart" instead of "restart". Little things to fix!
2: Some control issues - the camera reacts a bit too early, I feel like it'd be better if it only turned when you were near the middle. As is, it can get a bit disorienting if you turn around to shoot something and the camera shifts half a screen. As well, the jump feels a little heavy? I think it's because you don't normally spend enough time at the height of your jump, because I noted that when in space or lightly bonking your head, it feels a lot nicer.
3: I did the levels out of order, so I tried using the fire weapon on Deadeye-rate since he had the plant stage - it didn't work, but turns out Deadeye has a rather bad bug. If you run right up to him while he's trying to back off and shoot, he tries to back through the wall and gets stuck against it. First time it happened I backed up to free him but then he killed me, so second round I just trapped and shot him to death. It felt a bit mean. (Vaguely related, why do the gun enemies in Botanical Garden not fall over upon shooting like all the other ones?)
4: The sound effect for a shield deflecting my bullet is a lot more satisfying than the sounds for hitting or killing an enemy. The hitting sound is just so dull and muted in comparison...

Sorry if these issues seem nitpicky - but everything else is so good, I have nothing else to remark on! It truly does feel like a real, full game and I'm incredibly impressed you managed to make this whole thing in just 10 days! Top scores from me, I look forward to playing the full release!!

I lost when making a row, but I also lost when I ran out of cards without making a row... Is there any way to win?

At least I got 55 points, so I think I did decently.

When you run into another ship, are you boarding it? That's quite an interesting little feature! 

And makes it a bit dark that I blew a bunch of them up ...

Interesting concept and I like the little character sprites! It'd be good to have some kind of explanation in-game, it's quite confusing to just be thrown in with no directions. I'd also like an on-screen score, as you can't tell how well you're doing until you're dead.

Come on guys, you have so many cows! Just let me nab a few! I'm just a cow lover, it's fine!
... Ahem.

This was a fun li'l game! Trying to find unattended cows to steal while avoiding the angry farmers (or grabbing the cows near farmers out of spite) was a good time. After a little while I started toying around to see if I could tractor beam two cows at once, but instead found a bug - if you start to beam up a cow, let it go, and then beam it up again instantly, it glitches out! The cow will either run out of the tractor beam area and go back to normal, only to freak out when you let the button go, or it will float up to your UFO and just hang out there on the side of the ship.

So naturally, I spent a while just messing with the cows by doing that instead.
May also have tried beaming up some farmers, but it seems this alien has no interest in anything but cows. (Relatable, really.)

Very neat little game! Always neat to see some Warioland-style graphics, that's a bit of my childhood right there, and the demolition idea's a fun one I'd love to see more of.

I understand the controls complaint - since I went in blind, when I pressed the X key and nothing happened, I just assumed the "B" key was on something else. Two drownings and several key presses later, I used the hammer by accident and from there could figure out the controls. I saw you'd planned for a normal B action, which would handily solve this issue - if you end up adding that action later, I think an up+B attack would truly complete the different-directions-for-different-moves thing!

Also I love the sprite art. It's got so much charm going on straight from the title screen, and I can easily see it among my gameboy games.

PS: At first, I thought the third level was me going to wreck my employer's house as revenge for making me wreck that outhouse. Still not entirely sure I was wrong, because that was a really good chair.

PPS: Some bugs - if you press "continue" after clearing the game, you get to see Oliver's body floating in the top left corner. And if you hit "new game" after clearing the game without refreshing the browser, it just replays the ending!

This is a fun game! I skipped all the tutorials, other than the few that had no important info ("GUN" and "is that my dog!?", specifically), but the game was quite easy to pick up and understand without any extra help! It also meant that a lot of the conversations started and ended with "look at that, it's a folder" or "that's a gas giant!" like my buddy was just a polite tour guide. I didn't skip the "how to move the camera around" tutorial in time so I just opted not to use that feature until the credits.

I liked the puzzles a lot, they were both fun and intuitive. The last one took quite a bit of figuring out before I got it right, but never felt frustrating!

I did find two bugs: First, for some reason, the boxes that show how many items I'm holding had their top halves cut off. I could see enough to know if I was holding anything, so it wasn't a big issue, but I can see it becoming an issue if more levels are made.
Secondly, on the last stage I accidentally left my dog behind as his leash somehow got caught on the planet, which was the saddest ending possible. I'm glad he was returned to me for the credits stage!

PS. I have the dubious honor of failing the very first stage, haha. Suffice to say, it would be fun to play more of this! Now to go back and check what those tutorials said.

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I like the concept and the characters are silly and cute! That said, I died on the second stage way too much because one of the boss's attacks (the one that summons walls) would cause a huge lag spike! So unfair... But every time I died, I somehow had more cash than before, so I finally said "heck it" and just built a cube of guns which did the trick.

My main complaint is actually the dialogue - there's no way to speed it up at all? It moves so slow, I would dread starting a new game and sitting through that intro again.

By the way, if you buy fuel, but the fuel tank destroyed during the level, your fuel level stays increased. Is that a bug? Also after dying, you can still fly around and destroy stuff while waiting for the "delivery failed" text to go away, which is definitely a bug.

Very cute little game! I liked it, kinda like Pipe Maze without the ability to fail no matter how bad the pieces I get are, and with a lot of different pieces to choose from. That said, the upcoming pieces were tucked away so far into a corner I didn't see them until the third stage or so, and often forgot they were there at all. Having to press a key every time I wanted to move a tile also made it troublesome when I wanted to move far across the screen or put in my name for the highscore.

But the biggest problem was the stage clear animation. There's no way to speed up the bunny's walking, and it doesn't move particularly fast, so in a way you get punished instead of rewarded for making a long path! I ended up prioritizing short paths just so I wouldn't have to wait as long; I think having some way to speed up the bunny (pressing start, maybe?) would alleviate this problem.

Finally, the border was adorable, so I would have liked to have it at smaller resolutions too! Overall a great job, and would enjoy playing a longer version!

Thank you, and ooh, that sounds really fun! I wasn't sure what I could do if I wanted to expand on the game, but having different worlds - kinda like different tournaments with their own unique levels - would be a good way to go about it! Thanks for the idea!

This game's just really cozy and adorable! I love the palette and concept and the simple yet beautiful spritework. I would definitely play this on a real gameboy! Though honestly, I went in blind, so it felt like half the puzzle was navigating to the right spots. XP The controls are rather unintuitive - once I looked up how they worked (after beating the game) it got easier, but they still feel fiddly and I have to consciously remind myself how they work.

Unfortunately, on level 8 of endless mode I alt-tabbed to answer something on Discord, and clicked outside the game window when returning ... after which I couldn't re-focus on the game at all! No amount of clicking on it, pressing keys, or trying to tab back into it got the game to respond, so that's an issue you might want to look into?

A neat concept! I wish Thierry wouldn't stop for a second every time he passed by something interactible though, it really tripped up the pacing. I wanted to have a proper chat with the others...

Also, when I went to sit down I definitely didn't expect Thierry to just pocket the whole chair, haha. Hope to see more of the Chatting Club sometime!

I feel like the aliens would have let me park just fine if I didn't run over one of their pals. That's on them for standing in the middle of the parking lot like that though. I will take no responsibility for my lack of driving skills.

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Best game I've played so far! I went in blind so I beat the entire thing without realizing there was a speed boost key, and I used up my first lovebomb by accident while trying to pause the game, but the gameplay and graphics and music all felt so smooth and professional I could have easily seen this as a full game for sale in stores! And it fit the gameboy aesthetic perfectly, I can imagine playing it on a real gameboy - the only difference I can think of is that this game lags way less than a gameboy would, haha. 

The only possible critique I could have is that a pause menu would have been nice, even if it just brought up a black screen that said "PAUSED". Was watching a stream while playing, so I would have liked to pause so I could reply to something every now and then, but had to settle for between stages and during any brief mid-stage pauses. (Edit: Oh wait there is a pause button, it's just on ESC which is so out of the way I didn't think to press it. Maybe Enter would have been a better choice?)

PS: Fun fact, when first trying to find which button started the game, I somehow hit a weird key combination that shut down my entire browser. Oops. Also, I was weirdly happy to see another game that both used the default palette and had a screen resizing option! I'm not alone in that!

Way less pizza than I expected. :(

Quite a neat little game, though! If it had a visible UI and was easier to see the enemies, I can see it getting quite popular - I had no idea there was a score or a timer until I paused.

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Very neat game! I couldn't make it onto the scoreboard, but I bet I could with enough practice... I wish I could see my own score and roughly where I'd place, or at least what my best score is, so I know how far I have left to go.

I also wish the ship wouldn't "snap back" to cardinal directions though, it makes it so much harder to shoot diagonally. I want to fire back at the ships that bully me! Also, I keep thinking of my own ship as a crayfish. It has a bit of a crayfish shape, doesn't it?

A lot of the papers started spawning out of bounds, and the score doesn't reset upon death, so there are some bugs! I like the concept though. Stay out of my personal space and let me collect scrap papers in peace, people!

The hitboxes feel really unforgiving! I spent way longer than I would like to admit on trying to beat this game and often died when I felt I shouldn't have, things trying to fall past a bat and dying because my white outline brushed against his wingtip. Though I also shoved half my head into a bird's belly at one point and didn't die, so I'm not sure what's up with that?

I agree with the others that the directional dash thing just made things harder, as it meant I couldn't jump while adjusting my position. But you've already heard about that, so instead I'll say: it's a big problem that the ending dog is placed in front of the enemies. I died multiple times because of that thing hiding an enemy from view - and even when I beat it and sat with my owner, starting to scroll off the top of the map (by the way it seems you can do that), I ended up floated into an enemy and killed! That's just not right!

I also got killed by bats in the space section due to not seeing them in time, as ... well, they're black, the background's black, it takes a moment to parse they're there. It may be good to give the enemies some kind of outline (just not a white one) so they're easy to see against all backgrounds. Also the balloon is a death trap in disguise.

All that aside though, the graphics are adorable and so's the music! I'd have preferred a little jump animation to the current spin, but I love the gradual dithering to different colors and the overall visual style is super cute. It was easy to tell powerups from enemies and having three jumps per jump gave me a lot of freedom in scouting out what was above me and choosing where to bounce from. And the fact I played this thing for so incredibly long without giving up, well... That's gotta mean something.

This was fun! I appreciate that you don't die instantly from losing your tether, meant I could just speed through a couple of stages when I lost my tether near the end. I love the random meals being prepared too, it gave that little bit extra. Especially when I won the stage and went "huh? Oh is that what dinner was?" because I thought it was still the previous attempt's food.

I'd love to play a full game of this! Do wish it had an ending though. Maybe with some of that food being eaten, hmm...

I got softlocked by accidentally putting myself in orbit around a black hole on the third stage. I think adding a pause menu where you can undo the last hit or restart the stage would be nice...

Something to explain controls would also have been nice, since there's no way to know about the flag radar thing without reading the description. That said, this is quite good for a solo project! Nice job!

Also, I like the option to change palettes, and appreciate the ability to change the volume! And, the ball being affected by gravity is super cool!

Ooh, pink palette... That would be interesting! I somehow didn't take into account the color palette this time, but next year I want to have multiple color palettes - ooh, or maybe I could add it as a post-jam thing... But either way, a pink palette sounds fun! (Go Bunnova, go!)

I definitely overthought this one, trying to figure out how to stack everything without leaving any gaps! Then I realized the truck was really REALLY long, and the boxes didn't seem able to fill all that space much less fit together in a cube... And after realizing "oh, you can leave gaps", I beat it pretty quickly. Neat little puzzle!

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It's too cluttered! I can't tell what is and isn't important, I keep trying to collect the jellyfish things and often can't read the text saying how many crystals I have left to find. I get stuck on walls, get hit by enemies with no warning, and there's insta-death spikes which I casually walked onto at first cuz I thought they were another background element. Giant plants and hands cover up the background, while the plungers(?) you fire are so small and indistinct you can lose track of them.

All of this makes it a bit frustrating to play. After dying with 18 out of 19 crystals two times on the same level (the giant maze level), I just plain gave up. The music is nice, but I wish there were more tracks, and the alien planet feels more like a scary halloween world than anything else.

All that said, the visuals are nice, and thank you for having save games. Once I'm less tired of dying so much, I can pick up right where I left off.

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I set out to beat the "Robert" guy you mentioned with 980 points, and I succeeded - I managed to get 1000 points!

This is solely because somehow, I got a huge lucky break and when I started the game, a satellite spawned inside the trash compactor. The timer didn't even have time to start, it was at 0 until I placed the trash down.

I had to check the description to see what button used the tractor beam, so I couldn't go in as blind as I prefer, but the game was quite easy to pick up and understand and it's fun enough that I can see people getting quite competitive, trying to get the highest score. Nice job! The audio felt a little bit harsh on the ears, but I got used to it ... though I did also find some bugs.

1: If you're boosting while going into the trash compactor, the boost sound keeps playing the entire time you place down your trash. It was a pain to listen to, so I kept resolving to stop boosting before I got to the compactor next time, but I kept doing it anyway...
2: After you play it once, the main menu stops visibly responding to input. Trying to play again breaks the game completely, as you're unable to move and the timer won't go down.
3: You can stack garbage inside other garbage! You can even stack it outside the compactor, though that softlocks you.

I liked it! The puzzles are nice, and I appreciate that the ship itself kinda points out where each ship part is - the hole for the lower right ship part is in the lower right, etc. I completely missed the lower left ship part at first, and that design decision made sure I knew where to look instead of fumbling around the whole map.

Also, when I first grabbed the rocket thing I thought that was a ship part and took it back to the ship, haha whoops. So in that regard, I also really appreciate the shortcuts opening up as you progress, otherwise I would have had to redo everything I just did!

My only complaint is with the jump - it's way too fast. It doesn't feel like there's any real arc or weight to it, the character just zooms straight up then straight down at top speed. I've barely pressed the button before he's back on the ground, so it's only with the rocket that it feels like there's a proper arc. The walking(?) speed is also a tad fast, though that's understandable considering the size of the map.

PS: I like the little fake-out of starting the game and thinking you'll play as this big astronaut, then you try to move and the head pops off.

Thank you!!

I used my own engine for this project, so basic quality-of-life options like window resizing and remappable controls were included from the start. The way I figured was, "if it's included in the game making programs we're encouraged to use, it should be alright to have it included in my engine too"! (Though I ended up fiddling with them to tailor things to my liking anyway, haha...)