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A member registered Jun 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Lots of nice effects and an interesting graphical style! It controls very fluidly.

Really incredible animations!

Pretty fun, I like how the more in danger you are the harder you are to hit!

Really cool system, would have loved some juice!

For being kinda clunky to control I actually had a great time and beat the whole thing, even got over the tall wall at the end haha! I do kinda wish the ladders doubled as javelins, that would have been awesome.

So hectic right from the beginning! Great art and a nice atmosphere overall. I'm glad you can progress without a perfect star rating haha!

A really funny way to add a difficulty curve!

I had to hold shift and press J to do the light attacks, and then after doing a few of those was able to do heavy attacks with K. A fighting game is something I don't see much in these jams, neat idea!

I feel like there's a lot of depth to this climbing system and your existing mechanics are used well, great job!

Love the idea and style! I feel like taking away the flag and crown labels on the decision buttons could be interesting.

Really cool! Would have liked some music, but had a good time anyway.

Reminds me of Portal! The motorbike sounds were cool and I liked the setting.

Great game! I really loved how everyone looked like MMO characters, it made them more fun to attack haha

Great combat and nice music! It remind me of playing Jayce in League of Legends.

Cool concept, clean and well executed! Particularly liked the music!

(1 edit)

Felt like I was playing Armored Core, which I did not expect in a game jam! Really wish I was better at it to see what happened as it continues, had a ton of fun though!

Edit: okay I got to the red mech, awesome!

It was lots of fun flying around as the tiny slime! I skipped a lot of the wheels just by blasting a bunch and zooming through the air haha

The aesthetic, the concept, the execution, 10/10.

Love the story and the style!

The animation on the  character is incredible and I really like the mechanic!

Creative idea, amazing execution. 10/10 no notes!

It's cool having different abilities tied to different sizes! The visual style was also friendly and pleasant to look at.

The atmosphere was impeccable, visual design and tension was very nice! I liked getting to take a picture of the statue mid fall.

Creative and fun mechanics mixed with a solid message about how difficult (and therefore bad) it is to text and drive, this is a solid game.

You made Hades in four days? Very ambitious, well done!

Love the building and customization possibilities!

Fantastic! Had a great time throwing stuff around and looking around the room to see what objects were available.

Fun and chill experience! I could only handle about four worker dudes at a time.

Simple, clean and aesthetic!

Fun and clever! Would love to see more cards!

Cool mechanics, I liked the shapeshifting and how challenging it was to be swapping where you shoot from all the time. The flashing is very unpleasant. Other than that great job!

I liked how you tried to balance the role swapping, maybe an incentive to use new roles rather than locking overused ones could be good? Nice art and concept!

Funny idea and well executed! I did think the hooks might let you start your rampage if you were only one food away.

Fun and funny! I couldn't figure out how to get zero heads though.

I thought the game was just one level until I saw the comments. Nice art!

This was really fun! I was surprised by how much skill there was in piloting the mop around. Great job!

Nice bit of fun, ship E seemed to be the best!

We also had bugs that only appeared in our builds, in our case they started appearing in the editor as well once we defined our Script Execution Order!

Neat little game, great job on the combat feel! I liked the slow time and sound effects.

Fantastic polish, really liked the indicators and number of abilities you got implemented. Great job!

We've got a bug fix build already, just can't link it yet 😄 Thanks for giving it a try!