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Edaqa's Room

A member registered Nov 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Quality atmosphere!

I liked the drawing mechanic.

Thank you, and I agree about the increasing difficulty. I managed to get overall game difficulty levels in, and the purpose was to control difficulty on each part so I could get the exact escalation you're talking about. It was a bit risky so late in the game, as I didn't want to risk somebody going from entry level to impossible after one component! :D

Thank you.  I'm never certain on button allocation. I'd check more games later to find a kind of common layout, also for the keyboard. Then add a config screen.  Then definitely more bosses will come later, as I think I'll keep developing this.

I quite enjoyed the graphics and animations.

Much appreciated. I'm happy you had fun!

I couldn't develop the story too much in the jam, but if I expand it, the idea would be you discover this abandoned forge of a legendery viking, and retrofit it to fix robots, or something like that. ;)

Looks like right mouse click.

The bouncy explosives really pack a punch. Body parts everywhere!

Cute protagonist.

The visuals are splendid, including the menu animations.

This is showing promise, and I do love my souls games.

Much appreciated, thank you!

Thank you.   For the reverse snowball I had planned to increase the difficulty level, since all the individual components can be more dangerous -- though I'll also look at adding additional attacks.

A good game with a quick tutorial and nice implementation of the exchange mechanism. I appreciate how each loadout creates a different fighting style. This would be interesting to see developed further.

How do I know if it's not the robotic chair using the ape as a disguise?

I like the tail rock slinging idea.

I've been outclassed by a drunkard! :)

L'il slime is fly! :)

Beautiful character and enemy sprites!

Triangle has haunted me my whole life, now I get to kill it!

Lovely cinematic intro.

Thank you kindly!

Thanks. Yeah, I don't think the keyboard is ideal. It's on my post-jam list to survey other platforming games with similar mechanics and find a better default layout.

Thank you very much!

(1 edit)

There is keyboard support: A,D left/right and , . (comma, dot) for hammer and jump.  By the labels on the gamepad image it shows the keys as a reminder.  No mouse support -- there's no aiming either.

I like the concept of fixing things in the levels... we share a design mindset there. :)

Lovely large character graphics.

The graphics are pretty.

I liked the core mechanic of collecting refreshes to eventually spawn the weapons needed to attack.

I found the assortment of projectiles thrown at me to be enjoyably funny.

Everything feels like a good classic game. It fits well and I had no real issues.

Thank you very much.

Thank you kindly.  I would definitely like to create an improved tutorial post-jam to more step-wise expose each concept.

An enjoyable game that I'd look forward to playing more of. There's a lot of potential here.

A lovely introduction. I quite like the sketched art style.

Thank you!  And yes, that sound is definitely on my list of things to replace.

Thank you very much. 

I figured out how it all works so changed my top-level comment. Lovely idea.