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A member registered Jul 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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I like to think I can imagine how this can open up into some interesting gameplay. A little puzzle solving using threats to neutralize other threats.

Pretty funny stuff. Not exactly peak gameplay, but I enjoyed it.

It took a hot minute to understand what was going on and what I was supposed to do. I changed the controls to WASD, then figured it out, then thought that maybe the default controls might make more sense now, but they didn't. I'll be honest that I didn't read too much at the start. Pretty fun once you get going.

I like the use of one key to the jumping and the biting. It feels great to play. A little unforgiving, but when has that stopped us from enjoying games?

Interesting. I can imagine the thrill of trying to catch Pacman as he cleans the board and comes after you. Each round ended with Pacman stopping at some point, accepting defeat. Like someone else said, getting stuck on walls was an issue.

Is me colliding with the wall hurting me? That seems to be the only confusion, I think. Seems a simple arcade-style game. I just seem to have my fate randomly decided, after I think I'm doing okay. All in all, nice.

I was a bit confused at first, and for a hot minute. I ended up losing, but still playing until I won. Then I ran into the negative turns. There are some kinks for sure, understandably, but if my understanding of what's there is right, I like it. Good use of output randomness and input, I think. Plenty of strategic decisions, despite the randomness, in fact, because the randomness.

It seems like everything boils down to choosing which number you want to pick, then reflex-checking to get it. I'd like to see some additional options available on the bar that have different effects, specifically things that would allow the player to strategically choose to aim for. For example, a decision based on whether or not they hit the last target or not, or to mitigate some penalty suffered for missing a previous one. Nice work.

Not bad. I recommend designing the levels in such a way to allow for different strategies, depending on the die value. It seems like now, no matter what the roll, I should play the same way. It just takes longer to clear if less damage, for instance.

I can see how this could be part of a rogue-like/rogue-lite. The random events could be layered in some kind of way so that the player can make decisions around them, like the rooms in Hades, for example.

It's odd how the die takes away agency, and yet there's enough to work with that let the player's decisions feel meaningful. Well done.

Neat idea, but the gameplay seems shallow. I wonder how this idea could be fleshed out further.

I like the way the overarching boardgame is simply layered atop the action bits with the zoom in/out. I can see how this could be fleshed out into a larger scale game, or perhaps a multiplayer game.

That's one tricky movement system. Yes, you have control over the movement, but then you get moving and find out you hardly do. After rolling around a bit, I was getting somewhat of a feel for the rhythm of it, the speed it rolls when given a specific amount of thrust. Seems like something approachable, then vast, then maybe even something one can master with practice. Kudos.

Is it just me, or is the dash ability simply non-functional? Similarly, the wall-climb doesn't seem to allow me to climb up the wall, just cling to it and then jump off of it (but not up it). Hopefully, I'm just bad at the game. Aside from that, I like the look, sound, and overall feel of it. I like how the layout seems to simultaneously accommodate the different abilities that one might get. One isn't accosted by an unwanted roll; one just has to adapt to what's been given.

I like the eerie, creepiness going on, sound design especially. Hard to tell what is going on, which I'm sure is by design, for the most part. As a side note, this is one of the uncommon cases of the text going by too fast, rather than too slow.

Wacky. I'd like to see some other means of getting around enemies, for strategizing around the N.E.R.F. gun gifted by RNGsus. I'm a fan of the pencil-drawn gun and whatnot.

I've now gotten what seems to be the same error on at least three different titles in this jam. If I'm not mistaken, this is something to do with Unreal Engine 5? I think it's just UE5 and this old laptop not getting along.

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I'm getting a crash on startup. If I'm not mistaken, this is something to do with Unreal Engine? I've gotten this with at least one other game in this jam, so I think it's just some between Unreal and this old laptop not getting along. Of course, if you didn't make this with Unreal, then I'm way off, but oh well.

First time playing it, a lot of enemies were running around, but they seemed to not really be interested in me, or at least, didn't want to get close. They bundled up a little ways away from me or crowded at the bottom. Sometimes I'd sidestep one that got close as the crowd was on the other side of me and I just let him pass so he could join it. I might have been shot at five times. I replayed it to see if that was a fluke, but the second time, no enemies spawned at all.

My understanding is that the shop upgrades the workshop dice. The numerical upgrades are for the left one, the modifier ones are for the right. When in the workshop, you roll these two dice and choose to apply what you rolled to the main scoring dice.

Getting started was confusing. Not thrilled about a wall of text that I can't seem to access anymore once in game. Once I got an understanding of how to progress, it was fun. Seeing the score ramp up faster as faster as my die leveled up, getting more dice, levelling them up; the feedback loop creating by these interconnected gameplay loops was fun to figure out and run up that ramp. The glaring issue though, is that this loop doesn't seem to go anywhere other than back into itself. I'm racking up score, because it allows me to rack up more score, which allows me to rack up more score, ad infinitum. I played for a while after realizing this and can say that I had some fun just figuring it out and seeing how fast I can make it climb. There's just a certain let-down that comes with no other goal than farming a number higher.

Interesting idea, having variable jumps that can potentially leave you in many different areas, covering terrain differently as you go. The big issue for me is that every action is sluggish. Going from waiting for a jump to charge, to waiting for the die to land, waiting for it to trudge down a slope so that it'll rest so I can jump again; feels tedious.

It took me a minute to realize just how the die was rolling. It's simply rolling over one face at a time, easy to see in hindsight. That's just one little wrinkle that an animation could smooth over. Nicely done.

Cool stuff. I replayed it a few times just to see more.

Fun little game. The tricky veggies seem to like spawning in a way that prevents me from just rolling them all easy-like.

Something about the environment being made out of household items and hand-drawn paper cutouts resonates with me. Other than that, it's hard to tell what can/is happening moment to moment, as I move pieces and they fight it out, or sometimes seeming stand there and get whacked.

I missed my first shot, then the opponent landed his first shot. We then both proceeded to miss the next many, many shots, all while receiving his smack-talk. Figuring out how to aim the ball took me a little longer than I'd like to admit. I like the look and feel that the visuals and audio bring.

I really like the foreshadowing you get from all the levels overlapping. Once I started playing with the blocks that slid into a solid platform, I realized I've never played a game that really captured the feeling of anticipation of being sucked in, when riding an escalator. One thing that stood out that I didn't like was the sound effect that played when respawning; the high-pitched squeak was abrasive. All in all, well done.

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I've gotten it for many of these games, including my own. I imagine there's some simple verification/certification step that many people, myself included, overlooked. Although, like someone else pointed out, this one's just an executable file, not the whole thing zipped, so Windows is extra fussy about it.

My favorite parts were the fourth wall breaks and insight into the design of the game. Overall, the core mechanic of solving puzzle rooms with a specific ability used in a specific way, but not being able to choose to use that ability at will feels bad. I've solved this puzzle; I know what ability I must use and how, now I must stand here and wait for the die to allow me to use it. It seemed like picking it up at a certain angle, and then dropping it at a certain angle, would allow me to force it to land on a specific face, as the simple drop didn't allow it to roll, but that would only work for situations where I could simply drop it, without the need to throw it.

Neatly done. I wonder about the usefulness of the choice between attacking and defending. To choose defense is to not deal any damage, but risk taking some anyway. While attacking you also risk taking damage, since the enemy may or may not also attack, but will likely do damage. Strategically, to me, it seems better to just always choose to attack and let the dice decide who will be blitzed down to zero health first, saving cards for the end.

Going from not understanding how anything works to blazing through hordes of enemies in a few attempts and a couple of minutes felt really good.

Very nice. There were plenty of "ah-ha" moments for me.

For some unknown reason, the game crashes on startup for me.

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That sounds like a mistake on my part. Sorry about that. I must've skipped something in Unity.

I just changed the platform to only show Windows, thanks for the heads up.