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A member registered Feb 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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If you are stuck in a non recoverable position, pressing R resets the current level.

Fun game!

nice game overall........but I think the enemy waves need a little balancing!!

cool game..but maybe improve the controls a bit...i found it hard to control

"huh, kinda reminds of Iron Lung......."

"inspired by Iron Lung"

haha,,,,anyways amazing game man..loved the art , atmosphere , story, everything.......

Concept was cool and relatable.

But i tried like 5 times and gave up lol!

Great game but I feel like there should be a loose condition or maybe make the reeling a bit harder.

Also idk if its just me but I wasn't able to rotate the player all around 

Overall its impressive that you can make a 3D game in just 3 days

Nice use of limitation. And the fishing mechanic feels good.

Great game

love the atmosphere .....but I feel like the button spamming mechanic is a bit too harsh.



nice. Highest I ever got was 280 something.


The screen shake really makes the difference huh?

Yeah and thanks for complementing the art 

All credit to my teammates

Definitely the bird eating and reducing the scores.

Because I had to keep track of what fish the bird eats and reduce the score accordingly.

Had to use Dictionaries and Lists. Made it work somehow with my spaghetti code

Yeah....the scoring takes the average of the three and decides the overall rating.

And if you have bugs the overall rating decreases further.

I think there is some reference issue with the music score so that's why it's always displaying 0.

I'll fix this post jam and maybe make it so that it takes a weighted average so that gameplay has more weight over the overall rating than music and art.

good levels...enjoyed it a lot

(1 edit)

fun to play...but why shift for jump? It was activating sticky keys on windows for some reason...also love how you made the player animations out of shapes

i think the character moves  bit too fast...and also i suggest you change the font color in the website as it is hard to read what is written.

nice concept...nice art...and loved how you named the quit button rage

i think the shapes are moving to fast to move catch all of them

oh tried to to do that but the time ran out so i thought there might be some other trick

movement feels great..art is good. nice fun levels...overall great game for me

great atmosphere and music and visuals......great game

at first i did not understand what was going on and  just watched. But later I kinda got it.

cool but difficult game...maybe add checkpoints to make it a bit easier

really cool game. beat all the levels except lvl 7

Thanks!! Yes there are a lot of bugs....I'll fix them post jam. I spent a lot of time working on the art so I had very little time to code the game. :(

Mine :


I'll play yours in a little while



(1 edit)

The connections to the theme was that the days are counting down (yk.. 3 days...2d days..1 day left).

And yes there are some bugs and I'm going to fix that after the jam ends. Music was sounds I downloaded from freesound are kind remixed or mushed them... idk what you call it but I kinda took bits and pieces and put it together.

Thanks for playing the game and for your feedback.

Fun fact yk yours was the first game i played and rated in this jam

(1 edit)

The music part I think that has something to do with Unity cause I referenced it s slider in the Editor in Unity. I think making the reference in code would fix that. I try to fix that once the jam ends.

About the negative bugs that is something I've addressed in the game description (saying that your game was so good that it had negative bugs). That should be an easy fix.

Anyway thank you very much for the points you highligted and playing my game.



The numbers are hourse you work for. Maybe i should have made that clear by putting a "hrs" at the end of the input box. I try to  do that when the jam ends

Maybe a in depth tutorial would be helpful, I got through the first 2 level thinking i understood what was happening but had not idea on how to get past lvl 3.

story of every gamedev lol

Haha that's how I got the idea while brainstorming... I was like hey wait I have 3 days to make a game.. tommorow I'll have 2 and after that I'll have 1. Oh wait.....

I try to polish it more after the game jam. I think I can make it much better.

The overall rating system now kinda sucks as the bugs bring down the rating a lot. Considering how you got above 4 in gameplay and art I think you should get a good overall score maybe above a 3.5

Played it back when you realised a pre jam version and played it again now. Had fun and extremely enjoyable puzzle game.

Normally puzzle games could be a bit boring if the level design is not good but that's not the case with your game 

Would appreciate if you could rate and review my game and give some advice or critiques 


Mine : 
