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The scaling bearView game page

The scaling bear made for GMTK Game jam 2024
Submitted by Fooggu — 2 days, 8 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 64 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The bear is scalling up after you feed him and you can randomly scale blocks on map.

Development Time

48 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
Skybox series free asset by AVIONX

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I liked the idea of the game. I understand the game is still in a very early stage yet, but the idea of continiously feeding the bear keeps you entertained. I observed bugs in the movement of the cows. 

Great idea of game, but it needs a lot more of workaround. From my perspective, I think that what you can improve aside from assets quality and bugs:
 - Add ammunition to the game that has to be obtained instead of constant ammunition
 - Increase a bit the time it takes for the bear to be hungry. I would add something like the bear gets more hungry more quickly as you the playing time increases. You can also add something like waves, and after each wave the difficulty increases.
 - Add some story/lore to understand why you have to feed a bear.

Hope I could help you and keep up the good work!


You mentioned you wanted some feedback in Discord, I'm not sure if I'll be of any help but I'll give it a try 😅

It seems like an alright start and I liked the bear, though there are definitely ways things can be improved.

One thing I look for with games is interesting interactions between the game and the player. Ways you can affect the game and ways the game affects the way you play. It was pretty much just basic shooting mechanics with enemies walking towards you. Combat just didn't feel great since the only interactions are you or the enemy soaking up damage.

Mechanics in the game should also compliment each other. I saw that you could resize blocks and sort of use them to get the high ground and avoid enemies or to slightly divert wolves around it, but it didn't mesh with the fast paced nature of the game. It felt slow to use and didn't offer the player much. When coming up with mechanics just make sure they reinforce the core idea of the game

Lastly is to just watch out for bugs. I saw some wolves tipping over and while it's funny, it can hurt the experience a bit. That can be helped a bit with some playtesting throughout making things

I hope I'm not being confusing. All in all, it mostly just comes down to experience. Keep making stuff and learning new things and this stuff should come naturally. Good luck and I hope you keep enjoying the process of making games 😁


Thanks for the feedback!


What would u suggest to do abt the shooting


You can definitely try lots of things and see what you like! Just think about what you want you think would be fun and give it a go!

There's no one way to improve combat. I'm no expert myself, but here are a few examples of things I could think of:

  • Combo meter - This can be a good risk/reward mechanic and it can be pretty fast to add into a jam as well.  You could make it so each kill increases the meter, you could make it so picking up the meat fills it, or even bringing it to the bear. There's lots you could do with it, maybe the meat that drops scales with the combo meter and is worth more, maybe there could be points and getting them scales with the combo, or gain a special move when a high enough combo is reached
  • Enemy behaviours - Be creative and give some varied mechanics to your enemies. Maybe grey wolves just move towards you like they normally do, but white wolves could move in a way that's harder to predict. Maybe add some new enemy types like a bird that drops down when you're below it. Maybe have some rare enemies that don't really attack you but steal meat. Just think through what could be interesting and give it a try, if you don't like the way an enemy behaves you can always go with something else or iterate on it
  • Different player moves - There are lots of games out there you could pull some inspiration from. You could give your player a dash, a melee option when you're up close to enemies that deals extra damage for some risk/reward, you could throw some bait or a stun grenade to keep the wolves away from you in a tight situation, or you could have something like an explosive attack on a cooldown that is good for occasionally taking down large groups. Not everything will work, but it can be fun to try different things

Keep in mind these are just some basic ideas to get started. I'm not saying these will fix your game or have to be followed, just think of them as a jumping off point for generating ideas. Just play a bunch of games and make a bunch of games and you should have an easier time coming up with interesting ideas


Thanks for submitting your game to the stream! If you wanted to look at it again in the future heres the vod timestamped to your game


Alright that was pretty fun. Bizzare and chaotic, bear lines are fun to read, the whole context of the situation is hilarious, CUCUMBER cuz why wouldn't you add a cucumber to the game, and phase 2 with delicious white wolves meat. Cool. I would greatly appreciate mouse sensitivity option. Also, in a game like this, it's crucial to add sound cues to telegraph the approaching of the wolves, otherwise a lot of players will be disappointed of dying for seemingly no reason. Same about anger meter, close to full it must telegraph the danger with sound as well, it's impossible to keep attention on all elements of screen at the same time. I completed the game and enjoyed my time. I wish you keep improving and keep making awesome bizzare games!


This is a fun and fast-paced game. Although I found it a little bit difficult to play but it was definitely fun. May be tweaking the difficulty level or introducing a better difficulty curve would take this game to another level. Well done!


Quite a difficult game! It may be because my laptop is a bit of a potato but I had trouble aiming and shooting sometimes. That said, it's a fun concept, and I love the chaos and the art direction! Great work!


Nice game! It was hard to keep track of everything happening, but it was incredibly thrilling!


Nice game, perhaps we could see some special attacks from the bear, which would kill the nearby foxes easily. We could also perhaps have some sort of system where we also need meat to survive. And so we would have to coexist, to add challenge to this we could cook the meat before consumption and so we would also grow indefinitely.  This would lead to a nice challenge between prioritising your health and hunger over the bear's health/hunger/anger.  


That would take a lot of balancing or making a easy mode bc at this point a lot of people says that the game is hard. Thanks for the feedback tho i will think about ur comment after the jam ends and my work on the game starts again


Fun little game! I was so focused on killing wolves and delivering the meat on time that I didn't realize that the bear was growing until it was absolutely MASSIVE! It made me laugh, good work!

Submitted (1 edit)

I like the hurt effect and the shooting particles. The bear was also funny to me. So I liked him. :) It might be nice if there was a sound/nice satisfying effect when you pickup a meat. I did find there were always a lot of wolves near, who came very quickly. Maybe if they spawned farther out, so you could take them out from a distance more often-- that would be fun.


Really awesome game! I think some UI and UX improvements could go a long way in helping the player understand where the meat is and such. I also think some balance improvements could be really helpful. Nice work!


Nice game! As other said it would be cool if the bear ate just enough food to be full!


Cool game, i think that feeding the bear shouldn't use up all of your food each time, only take what it needs


Interesting game for sure ^^ There should be an indicator for how much meat you’ve fed the bear already and additionally the wolves should not be able to spawn this close to the bear/player, made escaping out of the feeding area rather difficult sometimes. Regardless good job making this in 48h =)


The Hunger meter fell too quick and there is too many wolves and not enough health!!
Streamed today!!


Quirky concept and game. I think it's a bit too hard, wolves always spawning and the quick hunger meter.

 nice cucumber!


I admit that I am not especially good at this type of game so I did get killed by wolves a lot but it was still quite fun to play! I enjoyed all the random little quirks you put into the game like the pickles and the cheese :D


Pretty hard game. I get killed by wolves everytime :D

Would not load in browser

Developer (2 edits)

could be slow internet no one had that issue, u can still download and play


I don't really understand the blocks, unless you could pick them up they seem useless. Plus you never really leave the bear cuz his anger goes up so fast. Otherwise a quirky lil game

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