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A member registered May 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you a lot for the feedback! There are actually 3 Dicetrises, and each is original! Well take this one as Tetris you can play as boardgame ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I agree that the game would work just as well without dice, but I hope the "physical interaction" gives players something extra. The dices aren't actually complete RNG, the arrow controls the direction and force impulse of each dice.

Thank you for playing my game on the twitch, great stream actually, and for the feedback. I'm glad to hear that you like Dicetris. 

Dear Will Hess!

The game mechanics were really easy to get grasp and even if they are really random as the title promised, it did not ruin the fun for me. One thing keeps bugging me. Why are the Mortys fighting? Where are the Ricks?
Well done overall, good job. Now keep on jaming!

I see. Nevermind, good luck next time. Keep on jaming!

Dear m4nqo!

Your game is really great, it's fast if I want it to be and fun to play. Good length for game jam as well. I really enjoyed the core mechanic and liked the art style. It would be great to give the player some feedback with sounds and f.e. camera shake or red tint when you get hit.

Overall, great experience, I'm glad I randomized your submission! Keep on jaming! 

Dear nickvdmunt!

The game has an interesting idea, but unfortunately, physics doesn't work great for me in some rounds I played. But at least I went on a space trip :). I think it would be great to introduce some more mechanics to the game.

Have a great day and keep on jaming!

Dear  Michael Pan and  Bubble Moon!

The first thing first, the game has a great art style and nice core mechanics! But attacks of the dice do feel really weak. On the other hand, enemies are strong. This makes a very deadly difficulty mix. So I'm not sure if you aimed for the game loop to be this punishing.

Overall good job and keep on jaming!

 Dear Qainguin!

Finally another Godot game, it's like the first in 30 reviews I have done. Are the levels generated? I played probably more than 10 of them. So I'm not sure if there is more to it?

Keep on jaming!

Was the game removed?

Dear slimefriend!

You made really polished and cute platformer! I also like the sound design. I would love to see checkpoints, because I suck at platformers :)

Overall very well done. Keep on jaming!

That would definitely work as well, but I think it would be much harder to implement than a pointer to the fragment. 

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That's what I call a review! :D :D :D

No, really, I am super glad you had a blast! 

Dear Levi Murray!

A good concept I must say. I don't mind creating strategies based on chances. Some more variety would be even better, maybe some kind of deck building?  Does the opponent use the same mechanism, does he have cards as well? 

Overall, well done. Enjoy the rest of the game jam!

Thank you, from a design standpoint it would be probably better to roll the dice somewhere on the side, but I enjoyed toying with it way too much to hide it!

Dear team!
This game look feels and sounds absolutely astonishing. I don't know, how you did it, you are probably a team of geniuses?  I cannot think of more words of appreciation, so I will just say I think you keep enough talent and dedication to go and develop a commercial game if you are not already doing that!

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Dear Zachary Fox!

You proved us with nice storytelling and well-done and stylized art.  I died, got stuck, befriend a robber and played gems to go on my phone. But in the end, I freaking rock and ROLLED! 

Thank you and keep having fun with game jams!

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I know that feeling. In one jam, I was rushing to finish the tutorial literally fifty minutes before the final countdown! Thank you for playing my game as well. I hope you enjoyed it!

Dear elFlashor!

What a great, simple to understand, and very sleak-looking twist on the game jam theme. I think you did a great job at many levels. But, I never thought I would say that, I hate food now. Even if "Another brick in the..." blocked me the whole way during the first level.

Have fun with the rest of the jam and other jams as well!

Dear Liech!

Your game was fun. I felt like a little kid playing tabletop wargame against an adult. Attacking his figures literally with my dice! I would also like to say - well done on the visual design!

Keep having fun on game jams!

Dear Psykraft!

Whoa, nice, Unreal engine :). Was the first thing that came to my mind. But what I have to say, is that this game was just plain awesome. I was playing it for more than 40 minutes and even went for the second round. Developed a strategy, then risked when necessary. And I enjoyed every moment. Thank you for a great experience! Well done.

Dear Kingpengstudio,

the name of the game got me really hyped, what a great idea. Then I started playing and was really confused. So I went back and read the page. With the new knowledge, I went back to the game and guessed a few numbers right. I'm still confused. Anyway, the visual and sound design is very good, I hope you can tell us more about the game mechanics!

Good, I'm Glitshy World boss! :D

Dear EYAD07!

Cool game, nice shader for glow and light diffraction! The feel is very arcadey, which was your goal I hope! Aesthetics and sound design fit that well. I was also able to get a decent score I guess.

Thank you, keep having fun!

Dear Vortex Bros!

Great core mechanic with the design of own attack dice. I just wish there is less grey color. In beginning the fight was tough, but once you get into the "rhythm", it gets much easier.

Grat job, let's keep having fun jaming!

Hello silly0w0!

A nice platformer with I would say almost classic spin of changing the gravity, but also glider element. Cat animations are super cute! I just wish there is an arrow pointing to the next key fragment, that would make the game much easier to navigate.

Well done and keep having fun while making games.

Good puzzle game, nice visuals, and animations!

What a cool atmospheric experience this was. The sound design and visuals are top-notch. I guess life is just a Roll of the Dice. We just all hope, that we rolled high enough when the dice stop spinning. 

Good core mechanics. What I don't like is that many turns just got wasted because I had nothing to do. Otherwise, I like the feel, the music theme is also engaging and your art is great as always!

Thank you for your feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

Dear Geegaz!

What a well-polished and creative take on the theme. The idea is so crazy and I totally love it! Well done!

Yeah, really quickly at higher stage. And still you need to think about the colors at the same time. 

Hello, cyclone 88!

This game ticks all the boxes. Smooth control, good player feedback, simple enough mechanic to quickly get a grasp on and when you got into the right rhythm, you just tear down the opponents. I actually got too much of the good rhythm, because my score and health both kept going up. I even did not use the cover until I needed to take the screenshot.

Good job overall, keep having fun going on the game jam wave! 

I definitely see why. It's funny how sometimes level designing is so easy and other times total hell. I remember experiencing both between levels in various games I've done.

Hello 1studio! 

I definitely love the art, both the monsters, but especially the dice-knight. Too bad, you overscored as you mentioned, but I think the game has very good potential. I think you need to work a bit more on strategic options.  

Overall well done, I hope "The profitable adventure" gets its well-deserved update after the rating period ends!

Hello Dimesto!

I think controls still need some work to feel better. Sometimes it was really difficult to jump at the correct time. Because of that and the multiplicator over the player's head got me thinking, that it would be great if the multiplicator at the time give you a boost to jump. Small jump on one and enormous on six. 
Anyway, good job and keep having fun on game jams!

I did what I had to. I dealt with Mr. Zombie man. Put my artifact in a GOOD PLACE. 

I guess this is a good thing, right? xD

Hello Celestial!

Good game, great tutorial - the gem on top is not really an obvious end-turn button! Without it, I would be lost. :) The game is fun, but I cannot shake my disappointment when I roll really badly. I think there should be something I can do to balance that. Or maybe I missed some game mechanic. Otherwise very well done!

Keep having fun while jaming!

Great game, stunning visuals. Not much more to say. The fifth level got my brain spinning, ooh...

... and best credits so far :)

I'm glad you enjoyed the game. I'm always here to keep your OCDs happy!

Hello M-Parameter!

The concept of your game is really nice and drives one to keep playing. I also love graphical design, it's simple, yet very effective. I was aiming to get to round 10, but it gets really hard by then, so I left at round 9! Some sound effects or screen shake would go long way to give the players even better immersion.

Good job and keep having fun while making games!