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A member registered Jun 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for being honest with me. I'm sorry you had trouble with our game, and I hope I can spend more time on future projects to make sure that they are more understandable.

What a cute art style! I like the blackjack-style risk/reward system that encourages you to spread out as much as you can in order to cover more ground, but you lose time if you're too greedy.

I do feel that the collision boxes in general could have had more work done. I kept bouncing off of Lele and the fire beasts, but when the water stream was diagonal, I had trouble even damaging the fire. When I swapped to maintaining an orthogonal line, I went from being unable to clear level 2 to beating the game first try.

A rather fun game. Good Job!

Thank you! It's very hard to depict what something can do visually, especially when there is a time limit. Better planning with regards to what assets are needed would have been better, but I'm glad I learned that now, rather than never.

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This feels like a fantastic puzzle game, but I am far too smooth brain for this. I only got to level three, and I can't see any path to a solution. The mechanics are simple enough to grasp from the first level, but I feel like I was thrown into the deep end with these levels.

If you do choose to improve this game after the jam, I would recommend inserting some intermediate levels to help smooth out the difficulty curve.

All in all, excellent work!

Thank you! I'd love to see that too, but that is way out of my skill set at the moment. Maybe once I'm better at game dev, I'll return to that idea.

I feel like there needs to be more gravity-based games, as they seem to make the most interesting platforming challenges. The art style was appropriately spooky, and the game felt long enough, without overstaying its welcome.

The control scheme irked me a bit at the beginning, but I changed my mind by the final level. The introduction of the cannon that only shot right made me realize that the majority of the game's difficulty was learning an unintuitive way of moving, and by the time you got to the end, you should have gotten used to it enough to dodge a moving object in an open room. Adding the cannon at the end nicely combined a final test of the game's puzzle, with an entirely new one. Pretty Neat!

My only real complaint was that the random movement of the boss kinda detracts a bit from the puzzle-solving nature of the game, because some movements make the boss harder than others. I had trouble hitting him more than twice for most of my runs, and then he ate ten shot at once by slowly moving across the floor.

Nice Work!

Thank you! I've already made some improvements to the post-jam version, and I'll see if my brother is up for helping me finish it. However, even if he doesn't, I feel like I've mostly gotten what I wanted out of this jam. Hope that it's the same with you!

Neat cryptography thing. When I first saw it, I was thinking it was closer to the Mastermind style of game, but it is different enough to require other skills. The menu fits well, and the central problem is tough enough to require heavy thinking.

The opponent's ability to make multiple entries every button press would make this game pretty unfair is the opponent was a human, or more understood the nature of the problem. Luckily, it appears somewhat easy to just mash some of the missing character in, finish the code, delete the missing character, and immediately enter.

Rather than have two separate lose conditions, maybe have the opponent's guesses be entered every x seconds, so that if you take too long, it'll just brute force the password, which is probably more fitting with the scenario.

High Score: 3322

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A fantastic game that I am not nearly good enough to beat. The graphics and sound mix together to make a fitting atmosphere, and the central premise is compelling enough to make a full game's worth of levels.

As is common for game jam games, I do feel the levels are massively undertuned. After dozens of levels that required perfect usage of shots, all while avoiding taking a single point of damage, it got to the point that the moment I made any mistake, I spammed the gun to kill myself quicker. I don't know if "Nintendo Hard" was what you were going for, but if it was, I would prefer that enemies outright killed me, rather than giving me the hope that I can still complete the level. If it wasn't, maybe give a bit more leeway with jump height and amount of starting health.

All in all, Excellent Work! One of my favorite games this jam.

Edit: According to the lower comment, I also made it to the last level.

Yes, they are. :)

And here we have a "game that would do well in the mobile market with a bit more polish and touch controls".  The premise and controls are simple, but they combine to create a game that can range in difficulty from trivial to near-impossible. Aside from a developer par system, which only appeared once during my play through, it doesn't subjectively grade you on performance, but tell you the cuts anyways, pushing players to see if they can improve their grade further. I was fairly challenging thinking of the moves I would have to make to fit all the pieces.

One sticking point for me was that, thanks to the game running on an invisible grid, I would accidentally place two pieces too close, and they would stick together, making me waste a cut separating them. The other was the crunching audio, while fitting for a game about cookies, only plays in my left ear, while the delivered cookie is on the right. It makes it feel like the customer picked up the cookie, walked around me, and started eating specifically in my ear. Please either make the audio centered, or if it was an artistic choice, on the right.

You've made a game in 48 hours, that would have taken much longer for me. Good job!

Neat game. While it is might be based on 2048, it is different enough to be called its own game. The coffee-and-creme color scheme fits well with the theme, and it is certainly challenging enough to be a puzzle game.

Sadly, I feel the randomness gets in the way a bit too much for me. When I have plenty of health, I am begging for the last piece to drop, so I can complete a combo, but it only drops one kind. When I am on death's door, the boards is so lacking in water, it could legally be called a desert. Because of this, when I get a game over, it feels a bit like the game doomed me, rather than my own decisions.

I would recommend trying to steal a page from Tetris's book, and making the pieces drop from a set list, but in random order (like Bean, Creamer, Sugar, Water, and then Creamer, Water, Sugar, Bean, etc). That way the pieces have an even distribution, so you don't even up with All Beans, but there is no guarantees that you won't have to make risky decisions to continue your combo.

All in all, Great Job!

This is another one of those "reminds me of old school flash games" kind of games. I dig the art style, and, judging by the fact that the map is tile-based, you probably have a map editor of some sort, which would make it very easy to expand and produce new maps.

It took me two deaths to realize how to damage the frog boss, which was probably not very smart of me. I also couldn't find the last hidden gem, if there is one.

Great job!

Thank you!

I think this is possibly the only buttonless game in this jam, so awesome idea there. It would probably be pretty easy to make a mobile version of this. I also do enjoy flails quite a bit, and it is pretty fun to fling it around.

It did bother me a bit that the red color was used on the health pickup sparkles, but not the health pickup itself. I makes it feels like the lack of a health pickup is more attention-worthy than having one available.

Great Job!

Man, I wish I was good enough at video games to properly review this.

I loved playing the Gameboy series of Legend of Zelda games as a kid, so I do have a soft spot for this, what you've done in 48 hours is remarkable, and for nothing bad to say for most of what you've done. However, after the fifth time solving the first two sections, waiting for the rotating platforms, just to waste my hearts missing a turtle by inches, was too much for me.

I hope to come back to this after the jam to see what this can turn into when it isn't weighed down by such a short deadline.

(2 edits)

Neat game, and cool concept! Having to move back and forth between rooms made this much more interesting than some of the other puzzle games I've seen so far in this jam.

However, I did get soft locked twice, and had to close and reopen the game. First was level 3, when I walked off the ledge with the other key, and was too heavy to jump back up, or progress. The second was in Level 5, when I left the 2-Key in the upper holder, and was too heavy to jump back up to get it to progress.

I also think I bypassed a bit of level 6 by using both black 1-Keys to walk under the bookcase, rather than mess with the gate mechanism.

I had fun playing this, so Good Job!

An interesting premise. I was worried for a bit that I wouldn't be able to play this by myself, as I don't have any friends nearby. Luckily, the 4? button controls scheme is perfectly* usable by one person.

Assuming that y'all were aiming towards a more challenging* game, the choice of having plentiful spears at the beginning is an odd choice. On the other hand, the art style looks great, and had I a friend to play with, I might have had more fun*.

Good* work*, guys*.

* - depending on your point of view

(1 edit)

Good Job! This seems fairly well balanced, as the increasing number and strength of enemies seems to prevent even an optimal build from existing forever.

If there is one thing I would suggest, it would be to prevent white towers from linking to other towers, that way, the player is forced to choose between setting up a network to get the colors everywhere, and creating more damaging towers, instead of just chaining white towers everywhere.

High Score: 570

Thank you! I liked that too!

Thank you!

Thank you, and thank you for reminding me that Plague Inc. is a thing!

Thank you!

The camera does seem to be the biggest issue so far. Lessons for next time!

Thank you!

Had we a bit more time, we would have made a better tutorial, but deciding what is important to work on is the challenge of a game jam!

Thank you!

The (hidden?) option to leave some zombies behind by sending them away was meant to reduce the clutter, but yeah, having dozens of zombies is pretty fun.

Thank you very much!

I am planning to fix the U.I., make it look a bit nicer, and some other things after the jam is over, but my brother and I are a touch burnt out from the stress of the final day. I hope to meet your expectations.

Thank you!

This majestic presentation is what happens when you stay up all night making assets you won't use, and then are too brain dead the next day to fix the U.I. and playtest.

Fun learning experiences all around.

(1 edit)

Thank you! Seeing how many people got tripped up by the camera, if there is one thing I would change after the jam, it would be to add a marker to show where the camera is pointing. Or maybe remove camera collision altogether.

This is a fun little game.

The level introducing the Grabber Robot confused me a bit, because I thought the ceiling was solid due to it being the same color as the walls and floor. I tried to jump past the spikes multiple times before I realized the solution.

The level afterwards appears to be a bit unintended, as the jump robot is already pressing the button, so you can walk right through.

The level after that was a difficulty spike. The deactivated Jumper Robots gave me the hardest time, as their rhythm was different to the jumping of our character. I still don't know how I managed to do it.

I really wasn't expected a boss battle, and it took me more tries than I would like to admit. I do wish you had moved the command prompt away from the sprite, because I kept thinking that it said "E". Unless that was the point, in which case, nice twist!

You made much better use of your 48 hours than I did, making a puzzle game with multiple elements and levels is commendable. Great Job!

Fun concept and neat execution. I did crash the game once with a "Variable greenish.trip_timer(Lots of numbers, lots of numbers) not set before reading it. at gml_Object_greenish_Step_0",  by tripping an enemy before it had spawned, but other than that, works well.

It also has the thing where running diagonally is faster than running cardinally. Combined with the arena, I believe that the strategy would be to place each bloak in opposite corners, controlling the bloak on the side the enemy spawns in, running diagonally around the enemy, and defeating them before another spawns. This is much easier said than done.

All in all, Great Work! I could see someone getting very good at playing this.

High Score: 250

Aside from being a bit finicky with making it rain, this was a cool game. Reminds me of the old flash games I used to play instead of doing homework.

Had to restart once after soft locking myself at the beginning. Managed to beat the maze, climbed onto the wall, look into the sunrise, and plummet off the edge like a brick. 


I do love me some power fantasy, but this might be a bit much. Aside from that, the choice of using your space to either add another tower, or improve existing ones is pretty neat. Nice Job!

Interesting Mashup of Bullet Shooter and 2048

I managed to get to the rabbit twice, and the second one was so covered in purple bugs, it took up half the screen. I don't think there is any gamer skilled enough to find out if there is a level past the rabbit.

Aside from my lack of skill, Good Job!

You could probably get a nice rating by pretending it's a painting tool with a weird filter.

It does look like it had potential. Nice job, regardless!

I was worried for a moment, as my brain's temperature increased a bit, that I was going to be too dumb to play this, and then it ended.


Featuring a five-second music that digs into your mind faster than a quarry-water brain parasite, this nightmarish amalgamation of Bennett Foddy and Knuckles' Chaotix will have you screaming into the uncaring sky: "WHY?!? I WAS SO CLOSE! WHY DID YOU SEND ME BACK TO THE FIRST ROOM?" But there will be no god to hear you. Only Yo.

Yo and his Joe-Joe.

10/10 GOTY

The Losing a Life Screen doesn't respond to my button presses, which means that I have to restart the page after each death. I managed to reach level 2 after about eight tries, and then had to restart at level one.

Besides that, the look and sound of the game is very cool, and having the lose condition being the snake game, but the win condition being breakout, makes this a wholly unique game to both, while requiring mastery of both.

Great job!

(1 edit)

Currently idling this game in the background as I write this. Will update with my high score later.

Having played several idle games, the first test I do is "Does an auto clicker break the game"? And the answer is not really. In the beginning, where all the damage is 1, doing 50 DPS is extreme, but around character level 40, the characters out pace it due to scaling off of two stats instead of one, so the effect of auto clicking dies off. Might be more effective when split, but that would level up one character more than the other, and my perfectionism will not allow different character levels.

One recommendation for the future, however, is to include either a mute button or volume slider. The music fits well with the background, but no sane man would listen to the same song for the hours or days it would take to "beat" this game.

Either way, nice to see an idle game in the contest. Nice work!


High Score: Area Level 44, Character Level 216, About 5 Rebirths.

The strategy seems to be to rebirth constantly until health level 60/70?, when you effectively become invincible, and it turns into a normal idle game.

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I played through the game again, and, yup, I guess I didn't hit him with the bowtie. I feel kinda dumb now.