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A member registered Oct 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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This game maximized the use of the "consequences" theme with the reputation system and the time mechanic of the missions. The experience is great and the systems are cohesive. I think the progression was a little slow and the first missions had a repetitive structure. The song is good but it's tiring to hear the same during a big part of the game. For some reason, the game got stucked once I used magic. Out of that, I admire your work making an RPG game with only a few days, so, good job!

I tried playing the game four times (even with Chrome) as I saw it had some kind of plot-twist, but in all of them the game crashed in advanced parts of the story. Based on what I've played, the artstyle is good, it works for what it is made. The music is minimalistic but with enough tones to generate the emotions that the game requires. Menus and systems are clear and well designed. Maybe the game felt too slow as it was made for browsers. It doesn't matter what kind of game you're making, it's important to make it the most accesible as possible and respect the player's time. It might imply searching for new platforms or alternatives in case there's no solution for the game's problems, eventually you'll be able to create better experiences for you and everyone that plays. 

Out of that, this game is a charismatic experience and seems to reach what it is made for. Good job!

This game can become really frenetic and fun! The mechanic is interesting and the physics help to this game's chaotic aura. Environment is a really good way to use the theme of consequences.

It was a great game. The sanity mechanic is really clever, makes the game not only harder but also strategic. Controls are smooth and everything feels balanced. Good job!

I liked the dialogue, it was really fun. The game may feel a little slow, but with time and practice it could become great. Characters are charismatic and the concept is interesting. Just, try to be the clearest that you can with the controls and the ways to interact with the enviroment, the simplest choices could make the difference.

The game was fun! The mechanic of loosing body parts was creative and matches perfectly with the jam's theme. My favorite curse was the one of loosing your eye, I think it made the game more dynamic and fast. Visuals are great, I'm not sure if you created all the models, but if that's the case, you did an incredible job for only 10 days, water looks beautiful and characters are memorable. My only  compliant in that is the use of spikes, as sometimes I wasn't able to identify the dangerous ones and the grass. Good job!

This was mindblowing! It's a great way to implement the jam's theme as your actions have a real weight in the consequences. Maybe with more time the experience  could have been more stimulating, I'd like to see your main character's face, the old lady or the guards. Out of that, the art is cool and the story is interesting, I played it multiple times just to see different endings. 

This game has some special charisma! I like the idea of questioning the role of the superheroes and asking if they are too different from villains. I'm not a huge fan of mashing keys, but here it works creating some adrenaline. Good job!

The game is fun! The beginning reminded me a lot to Star Tropics. Your idea is solid and functional. With more developing time and polish this game could be great. My only compliant is that I didn't understand how the enemies work, maybe you may add some kind of guide or instructions menu. Good job!

Tremendous espanglish momento

I wasn't able to know how to help the other guy, so I didn't discover if there was a good ending. I advice you to be extremely clear with the controls of your game, specially when the game is for PC and the are a los of possible key combinations. It was a good idea! As I read in other comments, this is your first game, so I have to congratulate you for start developing. Keep participating on jams and eventually your game's quality will improve. It's cool trying to make the games you'd like to play!

Thank you for playing! We know that we accomplished our mission when the game was enjoyable, we'd like to make the games we'd like to play.

Well, that's a weird bug. We'll try to fix it soon. We recommend you to try again the game, there are another 2 interesting levels. 

We're glad that you enjoyed the gameplay! We feel immense happiness when someone likes our work c:

Thank you for playing! We will try to add the theme in a better way in upcoming jams. Maybe something more related to gameplay could work better.

Thank you for playing it! Mr. NONE worked a lot trying to make good visuals.

We're glad that you liked it!
What happened in the lava zone that soft-locked you? We want to fix  the majority of problems that the game has in upcoming updates. You can restart the rooms pressing "0" tho.

Thank you for playing!

We're glad that you liked it!

Thank you for playing! We had doubts about making just a short game and not something more arcade. We're glad you liked it.

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Creating games in GameMaker is helpful for us because we like 2D adventures. Depending on the details and effort the games can be really good. Thank you for playing!

(1 edit)

We're glad you liked it!

You had to absorb the boxes and drop them on the red buttons. Maybe we forgot to explain that in the game. Thank you for the comment!

Thank You for playing!

Thank you for playing! Yeah, we could have improved the controls and the menu, specially for this kind of game but in PC. Sadly time defeated us so we just implemented the most basic elements. We're grateful with your feedback, with luck maybe we'll make an update in the future.

Thank you for playing!! are you referring to the movements of the bosses or Clare? If it's the first case, maybe we failed with the rythm of the game and the HP of the bosses, probably they were too slow. We implemented multiple attacks to the enemies, so if you defeated them so fast, maybe you didn't see all. We wanted to add more bosses with different styles, but time was not enough for us. If you're referring to Clare, technically it was on purpose, in comparison to other characters from our games (like ATLAS from PES DX Machine Slayer, who is a "movement god"), we wanted to make her with some limitations with the intention to make more interesting the avoiding of boss' attacks. After all, we're so grateful for your feedback!!!

Thank you! We're glad that you liked the bosses, we tried to polish them the most so it's great that it was worth.

Visuals are beautiful and music fits perfect! It's a very unique way to enter this jam. You can improve the way to explain the mechanics and systems, it will make people fall in love with your game faster. Good work!

Nice entry! The sounds fit good and every boss has his own thing. I liked the controls and the gameplay was smooth and enjoyable. The backgrounds are beautiful and the animated details make them better.

This is nice and polished! Graphics and sounds are great. It's sick how you designed this crafting system, it's an incredible way to implement the theme of the jam. I think my only issue is the integration of the bosses and the crafting system, feels like one is separated to the other, you have to forget that you have a boss to defeat when you're crafting, specially because they have a lot of HP and the weapons break fast. But out of that, it's an incredible entry. Good job!

Hey, this is interesting. There's a lot to improve, but you have a solid idea of what you want. Consider continue with this idea in the future, polish every detail and make it bigger.

Yeah, the transitions between phases were one of our resources to surprise the players, we'd like to have implemented more. Happy because you liked them.

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Thank you! Finally someone liked the deep literature included in this game hahah. We're glad that you liked the art, it was one of the components that took us more time. Don't forget to rate us, we want to make better games in the future c;

Thank you for playing it! We're glad that you liked the art, at least it hides some of our mistakes. We hope fix everything soon.

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing! Despite giving all of our energy making this game, we forgot to fix a lot of details, but once the jam ends we'll probably begin working  in a polished version (or maybe sooner).

We're happy because you recognized ATLAS from PES DX: Machine Slayer, it's a pleasure to know that you got interested in our games. If you liked this one, you'll probably like Plotonium more *wink*.

Don't forget to rate us, we're looking for feedback, we want to make better games in the future c:


Hi. There's an important bug found in the game. When you defeat Pumpo with a proyectile attack, the game will crash. It doesn't mean that the game is over, we just commited a mistake and we are sorry for that.  If that's not the case, you can continue fighting with bosses. As it only happens with the first boss, if you are lucky and you avoid it you can continue. We'll probably fix it later once the Boss Rush Jam is over, in addition to other bugs that we could find. We'll agree your help and again, sorry for the problems.

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, we made the menu like 10 minutes before the deadline, so we forgot to be clear with the options. Probably in a future update we can improve that.

Thanks for playing it! We had doubts about the way we implemented the theme, but is good to know that it works.