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A member registered Jan 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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I agree! Thanks for playing :)

(1 edit)

Brilliant game design! Really makes you think about getting the timing right for moving & pressing buttons. The challenge is also just right, that you have to be precise in traversing your character.  I also like that every level has different spice & variation to the mechanics to make things interesting (I played until level 3 but watch your video to find out the other mechanics)

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Thanks for letting me to play this game! Really smooth controls for a platformer.  The challenge to me was not really interesting though. All you do is to manage your fuel level (which to me wasn't really interesting) & to bring the slimes to their death.  Probably it's just me but the "rocket boost" was not intuitive to me as i need to hit X + arrow key at the same time. 1 suggestion would be to add some more spice into the mechanics, like if you join your claw with the slime, something good/bad happens, or maybe there is some urgency that you need to kill it as soon as you claw it

Thanks for letting to play your game! Some comments:

  • What I like:
    • Simple, flat & pleasing graphics & art
    • Good puzzle design. Honestly I think i have played several puzzles so far that have the similar concept though, baseically about mirroring movements to find each other touch. Nonetheless it was still good puzzle design.
  • Things I feel can be improved:
    • Camera angle.  Causes the controls to be unintuitive.

Thanks for letting me to play your game!

What I like:

  • I like the concept. Honestly it can be a good candidate to be like one of those .io games.  (kinda reminds me of diep.io, but here you can control other units)

What I didn't like:

  • Art didn't feel cohesive to me. For example the ground has "organic" texture but the units have minimalistic/flat textures.

Overall, good and fun. Keep on improving it!

Simple but good puzzle design. Art was not for me though. Other than that this is a good mind teaser that you can keep on playing

Thanks for letting me play your game! Some comments:

  • Cute & pleasing art (especially the facial expressions :D)
  • Simple & easy to learn gameplay.  I think I've seen something like this before in some mobile games, where you have to match the shape with the incoming hole shape so that you fit well & don't get hit by it. This is slightly different though, where you control the boxes individually.

Overall, really fun & good job!

This game is super fun! The core mechanic of gathering your blobs & throwing them out to fight has a lot of chaotic fun. Just that there is not much progression though. Not sure if it's just me, but no matter what, I think I always have to sacrifice some blobs so after a while there is not much left and the green blob has to die so the game always leads to the end without having a way to progress. Nonetheless it has a lot of potential

Really glad that you enjoyed it!

Thanks for your feedback! Definitely agree with the text, it was a UI design 101 issue XD

Thank you for your feedback! yea, definitely something to improve on controls!

(1 edit)

Thanks for letting me to play your game! Reminds me of moomoo.io. Great mechanics, has a bit of  characteristics RTS games where you need to micro your units to do their actions individually.  Probably would be better if HP bars of enemies are shown. Also, as you progress through the level, the amount of enemy projectile increases too much to the point that there is no point in dodging - at least just from my gameplay experience.

Thanks for letting me play your game! My first impression was the relatively large file size, but the visuals really appealed to me to play it. Some comments:

Things I liked:

  • One of the best visuals I've seen so far. Really good art, colors, animation, effects. Visuals feel so complete, like a full game already.
  • Really interesting concept. Definitely unique - not only you use tether to find & touch other"things", but also to jump and stuff

Things I didn't like:

  • The tether was frustrating. It keeps getting stuck whenever it touches something. This issue is especially significant in those small "maze" where you have to traverse your tether point through the small paths in the maze. Furthermore, it can get stuck to somewhere and never get out, like in the ramp in the 1st level - after dropping the ramp but if your tether is underneath the ramp, I cannot ever get it out
  • Spent too much time trying to figure out the mechanics (probably a personal thing, maybe I'm slow i figuring out things). I think it's good to not "handhold" the player too much, but I think it is important for puzzle games to introduce basics to the player first, then let the player play on. I especially spent too much time trying to figure out level 2. After too long only I realised that I need to touch the "red diamond"

Overall this is already really good & has a lot of potential. Good job

Thanks for letting me play your game! Some comments:

Things I liked:

  • Really interesting concept to tie to the theme. Both the astronaut & ship have their individual use and you have to think about which one to control at which time
  • Movements was pretty smooth

Things I didn't like:

  • Point system. The way you score points is just by surviving. Honestly, after playing a while & realizing this mechanic, all i have to do is just to survive & dodge the asteroids, making the main mechanic of connecting the astronaut & ship pretty useless. Personally I think it would be better if the point system ties closely to the mechanic. Maybe, you only score points if you destroy asteroid & get some valuable treasure.

Overall, it was still pretty fun! 

Hey Brandon, thank you for your feedback! Glad that you enjoyed the good music choice & art.

I agree with your feedback on the 360 thing as I personally felt it myself too, tried to adjust smoothing but was worried it will slow  the rotation by too much & ended up focused on other things instead. Nonetheless it was worthy feedback, thanks and good luck moving forward :)

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Thanks for letting me to play your game!  My comments:

Things I like:

  • Really like the concept of having strategic boxes throughout the map that you  have to capture & also beware not to break the linkage. Pretty good mechanic to make traversing & fighting the sorcerer more interesting
  • Good art & animation

Things I didn't like:

  • Was confused with the control mapping until I asked you on discord to clarify them (Thanks :)). 
    • Sliding hotkey was a mistake (actually E) - that is fine. 
    • "Connecting boxes" hotkey was confusing at least to me :P (IMO the tutorial is actually right but I did not get it 1st time that I need to right click the sorcerer or swordman block first) 
  • Controls: When fighting an enemy that is flying, IMO it is really important to get jumping & attack controls right, but both of them cannot happen at same time. Everytime i want to jump and attack it ends up only attacking without jumping, which was kinda frustrating
    • Having Sliding as "E" is not a good choice when A & D are for movement IMO. Better if sliding can be something done by another finger while 2 fingers are occupied by A & D/ ALso sliding itself doesn't really seem useful for me (I guess you also realise in the tips already haha)

Overall it was still pretty good though, good job & keep up the good work!

Really neat puzzle game. Has the typical good stuff like difficulty progression & introduction of new & interesting mechanics every X levels. 1 complain I have is that there were so many times that i died involuntarily due to the tiny spaces & hitboxes. Personally I would prefer the hitboxes to be smaller/more lenient OR implement movement snapping. Overall great job!

Great game! I think that it would be better for the challenge if you put some limit to the amount that the player can draw. After a few levels it starts to feel really easy as I can just draw however I like. Nonetheless it was a good concept

There are so many interesting mechanics that can be played from joining the metablocks together. Great workout for the mind

Poor cat, someone call PETA on this witch lol :D

Really simple & fun mechanics though. good candidate to be a mobile game

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The plot twist is strong in this game lol!  Super creative, well done! 
With so many things going on, it was frustrating to switch the hammer direction all the time though. Nonetheless still super fun

  • This game has the one of the best art so far!
  • The game mechanics are nice and fun
  • The game feels so complete, polished & bug free. After adding more levels & mechanics, it can be sold like a full game already :D

Thanks you for your comments! Yea, it gets pretty chaotic as you last longer into the game :D (throughout development I was trying to create "controllable chaos" so that the amount of chaos won't get too out of hand, and it was challenging)

Yea, I definitely agree that GameJam games is better to be played on Web, especially when we can try out so many games.

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Really unique take on the theme, & mechanics. Some other comments:

  • Great art
  • I like that the souls have characters
  • Personally I feel annoyed that the soul actually affects your movement.  I guess tries to show some challenge of going against the player's movement but honestly I felt it to be more annoying than challenging. I would prefer if it does not affect your movement - just having the mechanic of it occasionally "rushing" towards you to hit you is already a really good mechanic

Interesting take on the theme.  Having 2 connected objects in a platformer makes it waaay more challenging for me. It was really difficult for me though. Some other comments:

  • Nice & simple art
  • The "CTP" power was inconsistent. Sometimes it starts with 120, some other time it starts lesser, like 60+, 80+, etc.
  • Personally I prefer a level checkpoint system. After dying way ahead, it gets quite annoying to repeat the 1st level with the 3 tiny blocks again and again. I guess a platformer without save can be good & challenging though, but I think this game is better with checkpoints.

Fun game. Has simple tile-based puzzle mechanics yet fits well with the theme. The level designs are quite smart, and I faced some interesting challenges trying to figure out the paths.

1 concern is, I struggled to understand how to join the cubes. After the 2nd tutorial, it was still slightly confusing that the joining of cubes need to be directional (like you have to go right/up to increase the cube size), but got the hang of it.

Hi tipx2, glad that you enjoyed the game! I agree that there is lacking guidance to new players, but I put the effort for implementing tutorials inside the game to be lower priority for a 48 game jam, hence why I try to direct players to the itch.io game page itself to learn the game mechanics. I agree with your feedback though, thanks!

I will be trying yours & others' games too

Fun game! If more interesting progression & upgrades are implemented, I can see it having potential to become one of those tycoon games where you can spend lots of time just grinding and growing. 

I felt some of the days ending felt weird though, I for example could end in 1 of the day having 0 total customers served even though I have served several customers.

Glad you liked the game, & thanks for the feedback!

Definitely something to think about giving incentive for player movement to make the corrupted phantom bullets more prominent. Like your idea for the health pickups, it is 1 way to give incentive for player movement!

Glad you liked the game! Thanks for the feedback, could be something to look into :)

I think randomness is good, it creates good replayability as it makes every play slightly different. However, for the grass level at least, I thought that having unsymmetrical spawn of the boxes was slightly unfair at first because P2 immediately gets access to 1 of the box, but P1 has to jump to higher platform to access the 2 blue boxes. Furthermore, most of the times, the 2 blue boxes spawn at the 2nd/3rd highest of the platforms. 

On the other hand, considering that the player can fall "endlessly", it could be argued that the P1 can immediately reach those boxes if they know how to fall properly & immediately reach the top platform too. So, now thinking about it with this mechanic, it was probably a small issue. 

Castle stage was fine though.

Glad you enjoyed it & thanks for the feedback!

Glad you enjoyed it, & thanks for the feedback!

Nice game, I find the graphics & animations pretty comedic, especially how the guy's hand is rotated to aim.

Controls were weird though. The actual movement direction is towards the right, but the controls are facing forward.

Definitely could improve on hitboxes. It was a struggle to get bullets to hit the crocs because the hitbox was smaller than the actual model.

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Nice to see a local multiplayer game in this gamejam! Nice inclusion of various mechanics & the implementation of rewind on the boxes.

In the grass level, I think its unfair that both blue boxes are at the higher platform but 1 red boxes is immediately available on the ground for P2 to use though

Played & reviewed your game, it was a fun arcade! Checkout my comments on your game page!

Fun arcade, I got highscore of 4k! Some comments:

  • Nice implementation of the planet-like movement area
  • Nice VFX & tron-like effects, but I think it can get slightly too bright when there are many things on screen
  • Nice controls & gameplay for a shooter
  • I find the rewind mechanic pretty basic. It does have the ability to help the player get out of a situation where they are surrounded - quite a straightforward mechanic

Nice game!

  • Nice pixel art
  • Nice comedic story, the idea for the story also seems to fit the gameplay. However, the gameplay does not fit the theme though.

Thanks for the feedback, glad that you had fun!