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EvaView game page

Outrun the fallout of a supernova that no one saw coming.
Submitted by Amruth Varshan, Blackmafia, satchitns — 28 minutes, 30 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 65 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The main character has to be joined together with her spaceship, and work in tandem to survive.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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Your game was really fun to play! It is very polished, the idea was exceuted well and l love the little story you added. Maybe let the player also move outside the first seen area of space. Anyway I loved the artwork and the music and am very glad to have played your game. Awesome work ^_^


Thank you so much, glad to hear it! ^_^


Very interesting game! The artwork looks pretty good and the SFX is also very nice. The game is pretty easy at the moment and I think you can do something like making the rocks go faster as time goes by. But anyway, this is really a nice work for 48 hours!


Thank you! We'll definitely be making it harder. Appreciate the kind words!


Quite enjoyable, really liked the designerly aesthetics and color palette too.


Thank you for your kind words, glad you liked the aesthetics of our game!


Sadly I can't play the game, because the layout appears to be wrong. I am stuck in the menu and where the buttons are supposed to be, my screen is cut off.


I'm so sorry about that :/ it's an issue we're aware of, the main menu isn't scaled properly for lower resolution screens. We've fixed it, but I can't publicly link you to our latest build during the jam, it's against the rules. I'm again really sorry that you took the time to try our game, but couldn't play it.


Ok thank you. From what I saw and read, your game seems to be very good. I'll be waiting for the fixed version then :D


I'll remember to send it to you! :D


You should be able to check it out now!


A nice spacegame, with an interesting mode-switching and tether mechanic.

Would have really hit home with some on hit effects (sound & visual), but we all now how time can work in a jam :)


Haha, yeah time is the most valuable currency. Thank you for the kind words, we will definitely try to add your suggestions and improve the experience. Hope you enjoyed playing our game!


Really cool game and interesting mechanics. Took me a while to get use to the controls and understand them fully but once i got them everything went smooth.

I would just tweak a bit the difficulty ramping to properly introduce each mechanic slowly to the player and thats it.

Really nice art style and sound fx.

Great work and congrats on finishing the jam.


Thanks a lot for playing our game! Your suggestions are great and would definitely improve the experience, we'll work on it. Really appreciate the feedback!


I love how well all the mechanics blend here to make you think which character you should be using at each moment, making a character for moving and picking objects and another character for shooting is a clever idea! I also liked how you made Eva breath heavily when she's unattached, it gives the game more tension and helps you know when you have Eva attached and when not. Also liked the texts that appeared under the screen, nice detail!

I've made 4116 points btw ;)


Thank you so much for your words of appreciation! Really glad you enjoyed our game, and way to go on the high score!


One of my favorites so far. Was really hoping it was gonna get harder, but it was fun to jump between the two modes and have to make the mental shift.


That's really nice of you to say, I'm glad you liked our game! We will definitely add increasing difficulty once the jam is done, we just didn't have the time to implement it in the 48 hours. Thanks for the great feedback!


Nice visuals.
I don't really get why you can unplug the guy, it seems to me that it is more dangerous than rewarding.
I got some asteroids with boxes but was enable to collect them.

Overall it's cool Gamplay with nice visuals. It could be cool to make more items to collect.

Developer (1 edit)

That's some really valuable feedback, thank you for taking the time to play our game and write down your thoughts! We will definitely take another pass at making the detachment feel more rewarding, and make it a necessary part of gameplay. We'll add some depth to the tuning and balancing of items and asteroids for sure. Thanks again for the feedback!


High score of 2545... That doesn't seem like it's that high based off all the zeros in your score meter, so if it is a good score, maybe a few less zeros would help let me know that? Unless my score really is as bad as I think it is lol

It took me a while to figure out which asteroids actually had something interesting in them, and once I realized I was getting points just by not getting hit, that was the approach I took. Maybe I'm just a risk-adverse person, but why take the risk of letting Eva suffocate if I can get points for just pulling her around? I'm sure you get more points when destroying asteroids, but I have no way of see how close I am to destroying one (maybe add a deterioration sprite like Minecraft does?) and the ones with stuff in them come by so infrequently, that it doesn't feel worth it to me to chase them down.

Your assets are very clean and clear, though, and I love Eva's little quips when you detach/reattach her!


You're absolutely right, the risk vs. reward of detaching could definitely use an update. And your other suggestions are also things that will make our game better, so thank you for the great ideas! And thank you for the kind words. I'm really glad you noticed the quips, because that was my primary/only contribution, lol!


Pretty fun game, but I think the mechanic was a bit disconnected from the game. The visuals were suuuper tight, the vector art on the main screen/tutorial pages is just beautiful! As well, the visuals within the game are clear, and helps make the gameplay concise. Even though I found the mechanic disconnecting from the ship as the player fun, I was never rewarded by using it. Because it was so hard to get back health, and I still earn points by staying attached to the ship meant it was hard for me to attempt to make any risks. It was still a pretty fun dodge-em-up experience. Good job :)


Thank you for the kind words! You're right, there's not a lot to be gained by detatching from Eva, we're working on making that more necessary and rewarding, really appreciate the feedback! Hope you enjoyed playing!


Great game, I really like how good it feels to switch back and forth between shooting and grappling. Eva zooms around a lot, that feels super powerful. At the same time I gotta protect the ship and reel in loot.

I think you got some really cool mechanics in this game that you could turn into a full game.

I love the art style and the SFX too. Giving Eva a breath really sells me on the idea of how fragile she is and how important it is to pick her up.

Great game, congrats on submitting!


Thank you so much! It's really nice when people notice the relatively smaller touches you add, so thank you for that! Hope you had fun playing!


I did!

I'd love if you could take a look at my game too :)


Thanks for letting me play your game! Some comments:

Things I liked:

  • Really interesting concept to tie to the theme. Both the astronaut & ship have their individual use and you have to think about which one to control at which time
  • Movements was pretty smooth

Things I didn't like:

  • Point system. The way you score points is just by surviving. Honestly, after playing a while & realizing this mechanic, all i have to do is just to survive & dodge the asteroids, making the main mechanic of connecting the astronaut & ship pretty useless. Personally I think it would be better if the point system ties closely to the mechanic. Maybe, you only score points if you destroy asteroid & get some valuable treasure.

Overall, it was still pretty fun! 


What you're saying makes a lot of sense! I think I agree that we should reconsider the score increasing for just surviving, it would necessitate that the player actually engage with the mechanics in order to earn points. Thanks for the detailed feedback! Really appreciate it, hope you enjoyed playing our game!


What a nice game! =D The art and music are good and the concept fits the theme very well. Well done <3


Thank you so much! Really glad you liked our game! <3


The tethering was solid! I just wish it had a bit more range. After getting used to the controls, I found the game pretty easy. I think it might be cool if the game got more complex or difficult as you go. What if you could pick up more astronauts with the ship's grapple, and you had to control all of your astronauts at the same time? It might also help the flow of the game if the switching was more fluid--If you mapped shooting to the left mouse button and grappling to the right mouse button, you could automatically switch to the appropriate character by using their corresponding abilities (in addition to pressing the space bar).


Those are great ideas! Scaling difficult was actually something we wanted to implement, but we didn't have the time for it during the jam. The control scheme, again, we ideated around it, but in the end, we had only enough time to pick one and make sure it was functional. Thank you for playing our game and for the thoughtful ideas for improvements, really appreciate it!


Such a cute game! I found myself holding onto the little astronaut for dear life xD


Thank you! And haha, I know exactly what you mean, space is scary xD


Well done! The grappling to objects/Eva certainly felt polished. The gameplay definitely felt like it could use some more work to reach a good flow, maybe having supplies feel more urgent to get. For the 48 hour slot though this was really well done!


Thank you for playing, and for the helpful feedback, will definitely help us tune and balance the gameplay more! We're happy with what we managed to get done in 48 hours, but there's always room to keep polishing!


Beautiful graphic design  for the thumbnails and the menu!
During play, I've found it way easier to just keep connected and fly around in the small space. To really play with moving, attaching, picking up cargo, detaching was feeling like too much micromanagement for me. First time I also left EVA super long outside until she was nearly out of oxygen only to find out that was her HP that would not regenerate - the game suggested  that it was more like air supply, would love to have a way to re-generate that. Otherwise, it is VERY scary to detach her at all.


Thank you for checking our game out! So, there is a way to regen oxygen. You need to shoot and break green asteroids using Eva, and they'll drop oxygen packs. Then you need to switch to your ship and grab the oxygen drop, which will make the bar refill. Once you grab the oxygen you quickly need to connect to Eva again, because the tether is where she gets her oxygen from.

We really wanted to explain all this more plainly, but we ran out of time. Our newer builds have some UI screens that hopefully make things clearer. Thanks again for playing our game and for that valuable feedback! Hope Eva was able to serve you your daily dose of existential dread and a healthy fear of running out of oxygen in space!


Great job! Had fun with this fun!


Thank you, glad you had fun!




Very interesting concept you got there.

When playing, i actually think it was easier never to let go of the astronaut and always tried to avoid the asteroids. That was mainly because if i let go of the astronaut, the oxygen loses and no longer regenerates. If the astronaut would regenerate oxygen, you would encourage the player to let go of the astronaut sometimes. Then it would be more of a rewarding mechanic than a punishing one.

The overall presentation of your game looks really smooth. Good job on that.

All in all, i think this is a pretty polished and well made submission. Great job.


Really appreciate the detailed and thoughtful feedback! We ideated around the punishing vs. rewarding balance a lot, but we had to pick an idea and stick to it because of the time limit. We will try to iterate with the ideas that you've given. Thank you for playing our game, hope you had fun!

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