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Groovy Goblin

A member registered Jan 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback :)

We wanted to do much more with the theme, but sadly couldn’t do as much as we wanted due to the deadline. It was our first Game Jam after all.

We’re considering polishing up the game some time after the Jam, to really drive the theme of the game home. Stay tuned :D

Until then, thanks a lot for playing and giving us feedback.

(1 edit)

Hello majesity, thanks a ton for streaming TSS. We were super excited to watch your stream, and we’re glad you took the time to leave us such a detailed comment. That’s exactly the kind of feedback we need to create even better stuff :D

We’re planning to make a kind of hotfix after the voting period is over, just to iron out the biggest kinks of the game (mostly the stuff we didn’t have the time to optimize/add).

We’re also considering to rework the game later down the line, and polish it up with the feedback we’ve got. This will be the part where we will add more features to really drive the theme of the game home. A score counter is really a highly requested feature, so we’re considering that too.

Thanks again for streaming the game, we’re glad you enjoyed it. See you in another stream :)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

The lack of health indicators for the player is sadly due to time constraints. We’re considering updating and polishing up the game at some point after the voting period is over, and this is definitely something we want to add. Stay tuned :)

A highscore display is actually a pretty highly requested feature. During development, we didn’t really think of it due to the level-by-level progression of the game. But after the feedback we’re considering it for a later patch.

We’re glad you enjoyed the game. Thanks for playing :D

What a nice game, I played through all three levels. I love me some puzzle platformers, and this one was definitely an enjoyable experience.

The puzzles are varied and interesting, but not confusing. The game does a nice job leading you through it. Level 3 was pretty hard, I'd even say the last jump was a tad too hard, but nothing too crazy.

The movement felt solid. Walljumping took some getting used to, but it didn't detract from the rest of the game.

The aeshtetic is nice and clean. I like minimalistic graphics, so having clearly structured screen with immediately understandable colours and no clutter is always nice.

Honestly really liked this one. Keep up the good work :)

This is really fun.

The looks and music are nice looking, even if it isn't all self-made. The gameplay is fun and intuitive, but deep enough for the player to be able to create a strategy and learn.

Overall a really nice game to play a round of now and again. I've added this to my collection :D

This was a fun little ride. The game is pretty simple but still enjoyable and engaging. The required mechanics are nicely introduced and I can see the premise being polished up and expanded upon, to make a fully-fledged game.

I'm glad I spent a couple minutes on your game, keep up the good work :)

This was a really fun game. At first it was difficult to get used to the movement and the way you have to align the crabs, but the more I played the easier it got.

The puzzles are pretty challenging, but still engaging. It was also awesome how you slowly introduced new elements and strategies and slowly ramped them up instead of just dropping the player in and expecting them to immediatelly understand everything.

This was enjoyable, keep up the good work :D

This left me actually lauging out loud. Wonderful.

I really like the gimmick of combining the sodas. It is nicely complimented by the platforming, because the sodas run out. You often have to time collecting a soda and then beat the platforming as quickly as possible. It's pretty nice.

The look is nice and clean and the music is nicely chosen. But obviously the biggest standout is the humour. The voice-acting and cutscenes are just amazing. Huge kudos for that.

This is really nice, keep up the good work :D

Thanks for giving TTS a go :)

We originally planned to make much more to make the player think about their ship's positioning, from special moves that can be pulled off when together and environmental effects to force them apart. Sadly we couldn't get it all done due to Time Constraints. Right now there are more and more enemy patterns which incentivise the player to split the ships apart the farther the levels progress, which culminates in the final boss, but you are right that there isn't much more to encourage this spread-apart playstyle.

Maybe we'll rework/rethink the game outside of this Game Jam at some point. When we actually have the time to implement all this stuff xD

Regardless, thank you very much for your constructiveness. We're glad you enjoyed our game :D

It'd be awesome if you could give our game a try: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-5/rate/927434

Fultuming Friends has a really intriguing premise, so I'll give it a go :)

This is actually an interesting question.

When I review I usually go with 4, but depending on the situation I might slip into 1 or 2. If the game was really amazing I will definitely go with 2. If someone specifically asks for constructive criticism I'll go with 1.

For what reviews we like to receive: We're actually pretty open for this. 1, 2 and 4 are obviously the favoured choices, all for different reasons. But a 3 now and then is appreciated too.

At this point I basically have no other choice than bringing the usual shameless self-advertising. We'd appreciate it if you were to check out our game: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-5/rate/927434. Just give it the kind of review you feel it needs (preferably 1 or 4 though) :D

Regardless of this, I'll take a look at Chad Flame. This looks like exactly the humorous self-awareness I love in my games.

Quite an interesting game. It looks simple at first, but the way how abilities/tools make you able to interact with your surroundings is really interestingy. Sadly I didn't get as far as I would've hoped, as either the game bugged out or I'm just not big-brained enough to get across a particular puzzle.

Regardless, the idea is super intriguing, and with a bit of polish I can see this being a fully fledged puzzle adventure. Keep up the good work :D

Thanks for this. We'd be stoked if you could give our game a go: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-5/rate/927434

I'll give yours a try right away :)

Thanks a lot for playing TTS ^^

Yeah, positioning your ships next to each other (especially in front of each other) is a very strong strategy right now, since we didn't have the time to fine-tune the level design to really counteract this. If we at some point decide to fix or rework the game this is definitely something we'll rethink.

We're glad you enjoyed the game, and thank you tons for the feedback :)

A very good and nicely realized game, I played through the entire thing :D

The storytelling is really interesting, as you give the player their own path to choose throughout the story. The gameplay is simple yet effective, maybe a tad too easy at the beginning but ramping up hard towards the end. The music and sounds are nicely.

All in all, a very enjoyable playthrough, thanks ^^

(2 edits)

Thanks for checking TSS out ^^

Yeah, we were using Godot for some smaller projects for about a year or two now. It really is our favourite engine at the moment, since all the others we tested were either way too big and bloated or way too small and basic. It was also a fun challenge to learn the ins and outs of GDScript, since we were only using the C# version of Godot up until now. It went actually reasonably well for our first Game Jam.

Regarding the boss: We know of the issue you're having. It's a bug that kinda sneaked its way in there during the last hours of development. Laurence (how we call him) tends to go off screen for a couple of seconds, and then comes back. This doesn't make the fight impossible, but really drags it out. That's a shame because after that there are two more levels, one additional music track (which is my favourite) and the big final boss to finish the game. There's nothing we can do about this right now, but we will fix this as soon as the voting period is over, so stay tuned if you want to play the full game at some point :)

Regardless of this, thank you so much both for checking the game out and leaving such a constructive comment. We appreciate the feedback and are glad you enjoyed our game :D

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot for the kind feedback!

I can perfectly see where you're coming from regarding the jam theme. We originally planned to add special attacks the two ships could perform together, but couldn't include them due to time constraints. It's our first Game Jam, so we still went a bit overboard with our planned features xD

Maybe we'll polish this one up and update it at some point. We'll have to see, since we still have another project in the works.

Anyway, thanks a lot. We're glad you enjoyed TSS ^^

It'd be awesome if you could give our game a try too ^^


Armor of God sounds actually really badass, I'll take a look at it :)

I gave this a couple of tries, it's actually quite challenging to get as many companions as possible, while bumping into as few walls as possible and not running out of time in the end. But I managed to beat the first boss and reach the second.

I really like the idea and the way you embrace the 0 gravity movement. It not only gets you around, but you also use it to defeat the alien kings. And bumping into them and smash them into a wall feels really satisfying. The gameplay is simple, but engaging.

The alien companions (and the spritework in general) look really cute and are well made. And the dying animation of the first boss kinda terrified me at first xD.

The lack of music is a shame, but it is a Game Jam after all. Things sometimes don't get finished completely. Let's just say the game's realistic because there's no sound in space lol.

A couple of nice details I noticed: The inclusion of a pause screen and a tutorial is always a nice. And actually moving around on the menu is actually super cool.

I honestly had a good time with it. It was difficult, but worth to push through, just for the gruesome boss dying animation alone :D

I played two rounds until I eventually lost. This game is short but sweet, and also kinda addictive :)

Somehow it really scratches my zen-game itch, where I just lean back, relax and click on UFOs and asteroids while listening to the chill music track.

The spritework is cute, the gameplay is simple to understand, and I couldn't find any real bugs. It even has a pause screen, which is always a nice QoL feature that isn't the standard in Game Jams.

The strategy of staying in the middle unless you need to regain health is pretty strong right now, but it is fun regardless.

All in all a nice experience to spend a couple minutes on :D

We'd greatly appreciate if you could give our game a try: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-5/rate/927434

Of course I'll give Earth & Cursor a go too :D

Thank you :D

And don't worry, there are four entire levels. The asteroid section at the beginning is just the first half of the first level, where the player can get familiar with the controls and gameplay. There is much more variety shortly after ^^

This was really enjoyable. This is more of a puzzle game, as you have to carefully consider where to "spend" you slime and in what order. And getting it back where you can is also an important part. It really made me analyze the level layout and think about what enemies to tackle first. I like it :D

The biggest standout for me are the graphics. Not only the lightning and decorations but the way the entire world is visible from the get-go. You can see the lower levels and know what's coming to you. You can also see the final boss the entire time. And a nice effect of this is that you still see the fireworks when you go back to the menu. Wonderful ^^

The controls can be a bit difficult to work with at times, especially when you are bigger and try to squash small slimes. But this isn't really a deal-breaker as you can just leave behind slime you don't need for a particular fight.

All in all, I really had fun :)

Thanks a lot ^^

I will post a comment on your submissions page when I'm done.

(2 edits)

This is honestly just awesome. This is such a fully realized game that I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me that this wasn't a Game Jam game.

The gameplay is simple yet challenging and deep. The pixelart is beautiful, coherent and easily understandable when playable, and the added details like the debris in your snowball and the particles enhance the look even further. The music is wonderful, and I love how the theme during gameplay builds onto the menu theme. I also like how the game communicates what you can actually destroy and what not. You really thought of everything here, and it shows. All these aspects really form into a really tight, enjoyable package.

This is exactly one of the gems I hoped to find in this Game Jam, I really hope you crack the 20 votings. Keep up the great work!

It would be awesome if you game our game a try: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-5/rate/927434

Jello Squash looks really nice, I'll give it a go too :)

(1 edit)

Really fun! I played a couple rounds and added this to my collection, since this is exactly the type of game I can see myself play a round of now and again.

The movement is tight and the gameplay is (after reading the instructions) simple to understand. It feels great to amass a small army of satellites and basically be a god later into the game.

Where the game blows it out of the water are the graphics. I always loved this kind of aesthetic, kinda reminds me of Geometry Wars or Pacman Championship Edition. I also really like the banger you chose as a song.

Honestly really fun. I'll play this again.

Edit: It's a shame this got only so few votings. Sometimes really enjoyable games go under the radar. I really hope this beats the 20.

Thanks for this post, we'd be glad if you could check out our game, Twin Ship Shooter: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-5/rate/927434

I'll also take a look at Snowball Disaster of course ^^

A small but fun game. Obviously it's kinda simple and buggy, but this is a Game Jam after all.

Where it shines for me is the level design. The game doesn't have many elements, but how they're put together is interesting and full of variety. The tricky platforming really made me stop and think about how I'll pull off each jump. The fact that dying only resets your position also made the game much more forgiving and enjoyable.

All in all pretty fun, a couple minutes well spent.

This is our game, Twin Ship Shooter, we'd greatly appreciate if you could give it a go: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-5/rate/927434

I'll happily try out your game too :)

Thanks, we're glad you enjoyed it ^^

What a fun little ride. I had a great time having a small army of dragons and wizards behind me and leading them into battle. The AI and procedural generation work well, and it's impressive what you put together in only a couple days. The music and graphics are nicely chosen too.

This could honestly be a fully fledged game. Obviously it has some rough edges, with doors closing in front of your companions and such, but it is a Game Jam game after all. I can easily see this being polished up and being made into a really enjoyable, fully-realized experience. Keep up the good work :D

This was a life-changing experience.

Jokes aside, I love how self-aware this game is. I couldn't not smile whole way through playing it :D

I'll gladly check out you game. I'll post a comment on your submission page when I'm done.

It would be awesome if you could give ours a go too: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-5/rate/927434

Thanks for this post, please check out our game if you like: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-5/rate/927434

I'll give yours a go and comment on your submission page when I'm done :)

(1 edit)

This was really fun, I played through the entire thing.

I love how the game really starts to put things into perspective the bigger you get. Obstacles you couldn't even really perceive at first are suddly really small. And the way the mini-games lead you from level to level gives the entire exprience a huge deal of variety.

The soundtrack is also really nice. Gives the entire game a light-hearted and happy feeling, which is nicely supported by the cutesy spritework.

All in all a very nice experience ^^