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I'll rate your game if you rate mine! [PC and Browser Only]

A topic by IanGoGo created Feb 22, 2021 Views: 794 Replies: 83
Viewing posts 1 to 42
Submitted (2 edits)

Hey everyone!

This is my 9th game jam and I'm super excited to see what sorts of things you all made! This was my first time trying to create a narrative based game for a jam. Here's a link to my game:

For the Blackthornprod GAME JAM #3 I was able to rate 78 games, and so far I've rated 48 games for this. I've found some truly inspiring stuff. It's super sad to find amazing games with so few ratings. I can't wait to see the amazing thing you created!

*Note* If I see you have rated and commented on my game, I prioritize you over people who have just posted links in response to this community post.

Have a great day!


ok heres mine


Interesting game, I enjoyed the gameplay. It reminded me a lot of the scroll levels in Mario but felt like it had more of a purpose with the other character moving and trying to keep up with them. 

If you wanted to improve, checkpoints would be nice as well as some additional sound effects. I also think a health bar would be nice instead of the instant death state that currently exists.

Overall really cool game, I hope you keep working on it. If you do, feel free to ping me after the jam and I'll play it again!


Hi there, will play yours later today :) This is mine:


Overall very fun game. It worked really well as a puzzler, the physics was fun and I had a good time. Level 11 had me stumped for a bit until I figured out how to get the strength power up down without dying. I think this game has a lot of potential, with the simplistic controls it could work really well as a mobile game.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest adding a timer to encourage people to speed run. Maybe a rating per level based upon how many rotations happened or the time taken to complete it. I also suggest making the rotation less sudden. It could be very disorienting, maybe freezing the objects and doing a quick rotation would work better.

Overall super fun game and I'm glad I played! 

Submitted (1 edit)

This is our first one and its so much fun . Your game looks intresting, i'll try and rate later.

This one is ours:


For some reason my computer isn't letting me unzip the archive file and isn't starting the .exe if I don't. I have no idea what's going on. I really want to play your game but do have this issue. Other then the main zip file, what else am I suppose to unpack?


oooh this was some epic copy-paste-fail.

I posted the wrong link (hope this happend only once xD). Now I corrected it. It should be

And I had the same problem with the zip file of this (wrong) game.


You're good! I played through and really enjoyed it. Solid art and solid gameplay!


On my way to play yours!


Fun game! I enjoyed the Scooby-doo quotes. The gameplay was fun and easy enough to get into to make the game super fun. Often times people make the base upgrades take to long or to quick in games like this, but you happened to hit that perfect middle ground where everything flows perfectly! 

If you wanted to improve I suggest adding some particle FX to the game, footprints or an animation when collecting food could add a lot to the game feel.

Overall, cool project!


Hello our game is Robots&Ropes 

We hope you enjoy it!


Whenever I try to launch the game, I get an error message saying a folder is missing. I'm going to forgo rating the game as I cannot yet play it.


Hi!! Yes there is a problem with the folder. You only need to change de Data folder name to:  Robots&Ropes_Data

Some other jamers warn us. If you rename the Data folder it will works. We will change that error as soon as the jam ends (you know we can't upload things while rating).

I hope you give us a second chance <3 Thanks for try it


Was able to do that and got it to work! 

Interesting game, I like the concept of one character being able to only create something and the other only being able to use it. The music was also pretty catchy. The platforming movement itself was pretty fun, I enjoyed bouncing one character off the other's head and getting tons of air.

However, the gameplay was super buggy. I was never sure when I could or could not create or use rope. I was only ever able to use one rope and that was in the first room. I was able to glitch my way into several other rooms.

To improve the game, I suggest a few things. Have the red character glow or have some form of visual indicator (even on the UI) when rope can be created. Similarly have something for it blue has rope or can use it (even a rope icon over the head of blue would help). I also suggest removing the sloped walls near the level exits, it may look nice but it is possible to glitch up them.

Overall, not a bad concept and I hope you keep developing it after the jam. If you do get a post jam version up, please let me know, I'd love to play it again with some more polish!


I'll give your game a try :) heres mine


Very cool game, I enjoyed the color aspect of it and was getting some reverse half-life vibes I really enjoyed. The gameplay felt good and I enjoyed the voice acting from the soldiers.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest adding hidden lore in places to explain what the aliens are and where they are from, stuff like that. Based on the "to be continued" I think you are either going to expand on it or create a follow up game. Either way I'm excited for it!


Thank you


I enjoyed the download instructions having "have fun" as a step. That made me laugh. It was a good indication of the humor that was throughout the rest of the game. I had a good time and very much enjoyed it. If you keep working on it, let me know. I'd love to see the 'cool fight scene' you ran out of time to make because of the moon walking bug.


hey i have added your game in my collection will be playing it tommorow or day after tomorrow :)

Here is my game-

I hope u like it :)


I liked the gameplay, the story was interesting and extra points for the voice acting. 

If you wanted to improve, I suggest adding different types of platforms, making them smaller and smaller only is fine but it starts to feel dry near the end of the game.

Overall fun game!


thanx :)



Graphics and Audio were great! My computer's a bit older so it didn't run the best, I'm not going to count that against you in any way. The game looked amazing and from what I could play was really fun.


It'd be awesome if you could give our game a try too ^^

Armor of God sounds actually really badass, I'll take a look at it :)


I really liked this game! I felt the controls were responsive and the premise worked really well for the theme. I also enjoyed how the asteroids could destroy the enemy ships. I think that worked very nicely and added a lot to the game feel.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest not allowing the two ships to overlap. That made the game a lot easier and made it so it was easier to have one ship that fired twice as fast. My suggestion is to have one ship not fire if the other is in front of it.

Overall fun game!


Looking forward to checking yours out- here's our project, Conductor.


Truly a beautiful game, nothing I could suggest could improve this work of art.

This is my game! Browser only, and you will enjoy it!


Really fun game, I enjoyed the creepy atmosphere and loved the music. The only problem I had was I was unsure of where to go, everything looked the same and I couldn't find anything. To fix this I suggest altering the level design to filter the player towards a specific point or down a specific path in the beginning, then opening up into the large area.

Overall, fun game!


Hello! I have rated and really liked your game. I would appreciate it if you would rate and review my game:


Interesting game, I really enjoyed the retro-theme especially with playing it on a (Microsoft?) game boy. It was fun although the enemies didn't pose much of a threat, I was able to run right through them and get to the end of the levels fast. I finished level 1 in only 14 seconds.

The only think I can suggest to improve on is making a death restart the level rather then kicking the player back to the main menu.

Overall super fun!



This is the first time participating in a jam and here is our game:

Have fun! Feedback appreciated!


I really enjoyed this game! Every level felt like a mini Metroidvania. All of the powers were nice and gave me some serious Avatar the Last Airbender vibes too.  Very nice game!

If you wanted to improve, I suggest giving each element both an attack and a defensive ability. This would open up gameplay a lot more with enemies that take more damage from a specific element and less from others. Some sort of collatable coin or hidden lore would also help to encourage the player to explore more. 

Overall, fun game!

Submitted check my game out thanks. 


Overall a super fun game. I loved the slow power crawl of being able to build a small army behind me. The graphics were good, the flashing enemies when hit was a nice touch. Unlocking new units felt natural and overall I think the game was great.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest having some sort of indicator on enemies if they are or have been successfully targeted, maybe make them flash or glow red. Also, if the player is attacking and the followers have no target, they should automatically start attacking.

Overall a super fun game. I really enjoyed it!


Please play mine too.


Cool game with a very unique concept! I enjoyed the puzzles and the different abilities the brother and sister had.


Thanks for the rate! We have a bit limited time but i hope you enjoy it :)


Wait dude were you the maker of the drunk thief? I remember we exchanged rates in gmtk2020. We were made a computer-glitch themed platformer back then :D


LMAO I remember that game! That's hilarious! Your game is very impressive, especially for being made in 15 hours. I enjoyed the mechanics and the art all looked nice.


Hey there! This is my game for this jam, Untitled Zombie Game. It's a zombie game with a twist: You ARE the zombie! I would appreciate it if you play and rate this game. Thanks!


Fun game, I enjoyed the feeling of slowly building up a zombie horde around me to take people down. The amount of levels was nice, the particles looked great when infecting someone.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest having bullets take out only one zombie instead of just going through. It's a little frustrating to have one bullet take out half of my pack and kill me too.

I also suggest adding in some UI scaling, everything came out kinda small on my computer.

Overall, fun game!


Glad to see another person from the BPT jam took part too!
Would love you to play and give feedback on my game about ripping atoms apart!


Really fun game! I enjoyed how you used the 'health as ammo' idea to it's fullest. It felt really satisfying to bounce projectiles off on enemies and right back into me. The game was fun overall and I had a good time.


If you are looking  for a first person Detective Game with good graphics, rich story and puzzles here is PARASITE 2: Parasite 2 by miguelfrnandez ( 


Cool game, I enjoyed what I could play of it. It lagged super hard on my computer and I struggled to get the interact thing to work (took me 10 tries to get the keypad working). I'm not going to hold that against you because my PC isn't the best.


Hope you enjoy! 

there are hints and spoilers in the description, and I recommend looking at the help menu before playing



Cool game, I enjoyed the art and the sound effects were good. The puzzles were nice too and made me think about the level and how to best utilize the mechanics. Overall, fun game!



I loved the graphics on this game, it looked very good. The gameplay was solid and the in-game tutorial was a nice addition. I felt like everything went really well together and overall I enjoyed it!


Have fun trying to merge 10 objects in one run! Appreciate it if you leave some feedback^^


Cool game! I enjoyed the fast paced nature of it and could feel the pressure of trying to keep up with what was being requested. I thought all of the combinations made sense but were pretty funny. Who knew an airplane is just metal plus wind? That gave me a good laugh. Overall a really fun game!



Hey! I remember playing your game from the BlackThornProd game jam, it's cool to see how much you've improved in a short amount of time. This game was really fun, the mechanic was unique and the puzzles were fun. The tutorial was a very nice addition.

I did happen upon a glitch where it said I had more clones then existed and I was able to delete the player character.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest adding some additional particle fx for when a clone is deleted or when the character is moving around.

Overall, fun game!

Submitted (1 edit)

Rated! Here's mine, really appreciate it! Enjoy!


Just played your game, it's very interesting. I enjoyed the feeling of slowly building up an army. I also enjoyed the in game tutorial. It was simple yet effective. The art was nice and the game overall felt really good.


Flyire is a first-person shooter, action, sky combat game.


It has an Endless game level, where the player has a normal jet with a mounted MG2B (Machine Gun) on the jet. The player has to travel as far as possible to make a high score.  

There are a lot of enemies on the run.  you have to keep moving and shoot them down to avoid them shooting at you.

The game would seem easy at the start, but the more score you make the more highscore will be harder to achieve.

Enjoy the Game.


Cool game, the visuals look nice. My PC wasn't good enough to run it very fast so I feel like I'm missing out on a lot :(


Hope you have some time to check out my submission, I'm looking forward to playing yours


Solid puzzle game all around! I enjoyed the graphics and the audio, everything seemed to come together perfectly. My only recommendation would be to add a timer so people try to speed run levels.


I'll play and rate your right now! :) Would appreciate it if you give mine a try when you have the time :D


I still can't get past the main menu :(

No clue what's going on, I've noticed it happening a lot with unity games on my PC so it's probably a problem on my end.


My first ever entry


Congrats on your first jam!

I enjoyed it, it worked well as a fun little puzzle game. Everything made sense and I like the idea of getting more people together to be strong enough to do specific tasks. I thought the art was nice.

It was a little glitchy though. I don't think I was ever able to make the spear and I could walk off both sides of the island and just float along in the air.

Hopefully you keep working on this after the jam!


Here's my game! Let me know what you think! :D Rate Hooded Brothers by David Harrington for Brackeys Game Jam 2021.1 -


I enjoyed this game a lot! The graphics looked nice, the particle FX added a lot, the screen shake was just enough. The puzzles all made sense. The timer mechanic and star rating helps to add a lot of replay value. Overall, I really enjoyed this jam entry!


I only spent 9 hours making this but here is the game:

Explorer's Cavern


For only 9 hours this is a really good entry. Apart from the bugs, I thought it was a very nice little platformer. The controls were responsive and when I died it felt fair.

If you keep working on this after the jam, let me know. I'd love to play a full and more polished version!


 This is my 1st Game jam


Good job for your first entry! I enjoyed the visuals, but I was a little confused what I was suppose to do in most cases.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest adding a camera change animation, the 'front view, left view' makes sense but it can still be hard to tell what is what.

Overall, fun puzzle game!


 This is my 1st Game jam


If you have time, please rate my game about playing with a puppy!


Cutscenes looked great and even though it was simple, still had a good premise to it. I wish I could get my dogs to play pong with me :(

Submitted (1 edit) A small, but challenging puzzle game.


A 2D Action Platformer where you play as a mage and a drone to complete a level.
The webGL ver. is not working so you have to DL the windows ver.


Hi. Just reviewed your game. Pls check mine too:

Appreciate your rating and feedback


Your game was really fun! It would be great if you could play ours too :D


Fun game! I enjoyed the puzzles and how there was a high degree of lenience with the levels. It really helped to add to the fun and light hearted nature of the game. I also enjoyed the sense of discovery with making new slimes with existing slimes. Overall a fun experience! 


My first game jam.


Fun game overall! I enjoyed the balance between trying to get parts then dodge more parts. I felt like the game has a really solid core loop going for it.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest showing what shape the player needs to collect at the beginning of the stage instead of the player just discovering it at the end and having to restart.

Overall, fun game!


I've rated 48 games so far! Anyone else have anything they want me to check out?


Here's my game, please check it out too. Thanks!


Cool game, I enjoyed the twist on traditional video game allies by giving me much more of a reason to be by the ally rather then just sprinting ahead. I think the game matched with the theme really well!