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Brutal Reviews, Honest Reviews or the Compliment Sandwich? How do you review??

A topic by Adam Wom created Feb 22, 2021 Views: 435 Replies: 25
Viewing posts 1 to 21

So I see and receive a lot of comments and reviews that are a variation of: "Pretty neat game. I liked it."

Jeesh, even I've given reviews like this in the past. Question is, what do people prefer? 

  1. Detailed honest reviews that can be as brutal as they come but contain a lot of constructive feedback to carry forward
  2. Nice reviews that warm your heart a put a tear in your eye
  3. Pointless reviews because hey, a review is a review, right?!
  4. A compliment sandwich, pointing out the best parts of the game with a slab of constructive criticism in the middle

Personally, I'm a 1 or 4 kind of guy. Game Jams for me are about helping me to hone my skills and try something new so any constructive feedback from gamers on how I can improve are what I'm all about!

What kind of feedback do you crave?

Also if you fancy a game to make you laugh check out my submission -  Chad Flame: The Ultimate Man


And if your submission doesn't have much of the feedback you're after, drop a link to it below and I'll give you your desired kind of review ;)


Yeah! I want an honest review! here: 

I'll give yours too

Submitted (1 edit)

yup. you can give me 1 and 4 both (the order of review you made on your post)

heres the game and thanks

i have put yours in my collection and i will play once i have time :D


press the "WASD" keys to move and space bar to jump. to shoot you just hover your mouse on top of the enemy in the level which you are supposed to do.

after the meeting part you can press "R" on your keyboard to swtich to the red boi, "Y" on your keyboard to switch to the yellow boi and "P" to switch to the player (cyan boi).

press "L" to restart the level if needed because "R" was taken 

Thanks :) 


I'm definitely a 4 kind of person...on my way to rate yours if you want to check mine out :D


I like to review stuff honestly but always end it positively, even if someone has made an objectively bad game, the only way they can go is up :)


I like that, being supportive to people in the community is super important, hence why I created this post. I hate seeing people get demotivated by critical comments. We could all do with a bit of positivity right now. At the same time, from my experience, I've learned way more from my failures than I have from my successes. 


exactly! They say the best way to make someone improve is ask them what they did wrong, because they know what to improve but don't feel upset that you aren't impressed with what they've done


Can you try my game pls =)

Do the review you want lol just don't make me cry


I'll give your game a go and I'd love to see you give me a brutally honest review


Your submission is awesome! The cutscene's were really cool. One of my main problems was the size of the download. The falling also felt a bit weird, almost like player had too much gravity. Other than that though the sound design was good and the game fit the theme decently.

-Here's mine if you'd like to give it a look:


Thanks for the thoughts Daniel! I didn't even consider the download size! must be the cutscenes! I've added your game to my list. 


Thanks! If you have any trouble with the size of your project in the future, a good avenue of finding out what part of your project is taking up so much space is to generate a build report. Typically though a good place to start is sound and textures. Since your game has really good sound design I would guess that's probably where 70 - 90% of the space is going.

Submitted (1 edit)

My game is a puzzle platformer where you move 2 characters at the same time called Crabby Together and this is the first game I've made in Godot. I'd like honest reviews!


I'll take a look and get a review done ASAP, I've given myself a huge task of leaving a load of comprehensive reviews so bear with me!


I forgot to say how how I normally leave reviews. Normally I say what I think about each category so for this jam I say what I think about GAME DESIGN, INNOVATION, THEME, GRAPHICS, AUDIO, and FUN.


I think 1 and 4 are the better options for feedback, I prefer to do 4 as everyone has put at leastsome effort into making a whole game so I want to find the positives and let them know whats good but I do want to say what I didnt gel with too ( cos i want that from reviews of my games)


Number 1 for me: Newtraction is a puzzler where you manipulate gravity to bring your orbs together.


Hey, if you want to play a puzzle game there is a nice game for you. Thank you very much !

(Download the link above the button Download)


I'd love a 4 kind of review of our game Castor! We don't have many ratings so any kind of help would be nice :)


I think honest reviews are the best, but not too brutal. Basically you point out some things that could be improved, because how else will people learn what to fix? But, you also point out the good things or people will want to give up after getting bombarded with things they messed up.


This is actually an interesting question.

When I review I usually go with 4, but depending on the situation I might slip into 1 or 2. If the game was really amazing I will definitely go with 2. If someone specifically asks for constructive criticism I'll go with 1.

For what reviews we like to receive: We're actually pretty open for this. 1, 2 and 4 are obviously the favoured choices, all for different reasons. But a 3 now and then is appreciated too.

At this point I basically have no other choice than bringing the usual shameless self-advertising. We'd appreciate it if you were to check out our game: Just give it the kind of review you feel it needs (preferably 1 or 4 though) :D

Regardless of this, I'll take a look at Chad Flame. This looks like exactly the humorous self-awareness I love in my games.


I usually do the "compliment sandwitch".

I also adapt the comments to the game and game develloper. If the dev seems to be a beginner I will point some major and easily solvable problems and encourage him. If the dev is intermediate level I will usually go for a more detailled approach, listing problems and potential improvment. If the dev is an expert and his game has no flaw I will usualy just compliment him.


I prefer reading honest reviews, they should point bad and good things about games.

How I do it?

I try to give honest review, with things that for me wasnt good, but also I point good things that I liked. Or just say - "yeah game sucks, but you uploaded it, and thats good. Now you know on what you should work on"

My game got some reviews, maybe not really detailed one but I got some. But if u have spare time Id love to hear some constructive feedback. It can be mean and all, if it contains useful information.

here the link: 


Give me the kind comment you like. It's more important you say something, and for me it can be fine just to say that you liked the game. Feedback is naturally appreciated, but reading the same critic again and again is not that interesting.

Submitted (1 edit)

I've been lucky enough to have plenty of constructive criticism, mostly about the mechanics being a bit tricky to understand at first. Although It does annoy me to see comments that are general enough that they might not have even played it, saying things like, "Good game" and thats it. It defeats the point of commenting on someone's game, and turns it into a self advertisement

Anyway, let me know what you think!