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A member registered Feb 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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thanks, It's my first "real" Tutorial, and I learned a lot making it.
I was planning to add more fun facts, littles funny texts every 5-6 turns, but I spent all my time on better UI, better Tutorial, better feedback.

You ask us if we ever read you, but you're the one not reading anything anyone says. All you do is keep ranting about how Communism is bad. Despite lots of other subjects, you always come back to Communism. I think you are a very close-minded person. There  are subjects we could agree on (burn Nestle), but you can't talk about anything without being aggressive, and you bring EVERYTHING to communism.

You seem unable to communicate without bringing everything to your vision of the world.
Are you that scared of anti-capitalists militancy?
I can understand your point of view, even if I disagree. You clearly can't and it looks like you're talking alone, saying the exact same thing over and over again.

I see you at least took time to read my comment this time, even if most things I said weren't understood.
I'll go more in depth about your point 4.
The law that forbid the use of neonicotinoid has been voted in Europe (starting in 2018 i think).
The ONLY derogation is for the big sugar producer.
They managed to get  until 2020 to "adapt"
then they managed to extends this to 2023.
The production is for export, the need for Neonicotinoids comes from the "need to make profit"

Capitalism allow rich industry like that to influence democracy.
You may not see the link between capitalism and environmental destruction, if that's the case I guess we just have a too different vision of the world to be able to communicate.
It's my turn to ask you to give me an example:
I say 95% of the time, a capitalist system is always putting profit above environmental issues. Do you have an example where it's not the case?

"Well then firstly tell me what that system is." I joined this jam to think, explore ideas, and communicate on that subject. I personally don't know "what that system is", but i believe such a system exists.

"Next realize that this same exact thing has been tried and tried and only leads to communism"
I don't know if you know, but Communism is a political system, while capitalism is an economic system. Both can happen at once, and destroying capitalism doesn't mean destroying our politic system (Sure, it'll changes a lot of things). I don't have any links to send to you right now, but I may do some research if you're interested.

"when dismantling a system it universally always creates a  power vacuum in which a dictator takes place"
Sadly this happens often, yes. But it doesn't mean that's an universal rules.

"How entitled do you have to be to think that capitalism is this big evil while your living in all its riches."
uhh, Climate Change? Ecosystem destruction? I may see a world without bees because toxic pesticide are overused and big companies use their money to influence laws. In France, neonicotinoids should have been forbidden since 2018, but the big sugar producers managed to get a special derogation until 2020, then until 2023.
Maybe you think the world should work like that, and riches company should have their word to say in the laws, i don't. A world were the riches can change the law to get richer is far from a true democracy.

"You can spend time arguing with a random dude online on technology which would be unthinkable even a hundred years ago"

yeah, technology, not capitalism. It seems to me you confuse lots of concepts with capitalism.
We live in a capitalist world since a lot of time,  so much time that lots of people can't even consider/imagine the world without it.
That's the point of this jam. Thinking, Imagining, sharing. Exploring possibilities deemed impossible by some people.

You send lots of links, I'd love to read them all but since it looks like you didn't even read what I'm saying and just continue ranting about your ideologies, I guess I shouldn't take the time.

I could end by saying something something like " your type can't even understand basic ideas out of their comfort zone ",
but i don't believe that and i hope we may be able to communicate. Read my comments again, nothing to do with communism.

"This jam is for you who thinks that any alternative to capitalism will automatically send our society into chaos, fire, and destruction."
I don't think you read the description, nothing is about communism.
"Games are also fun (or playfulness in its broadest sense) and are one of the best mechanisms to spread new ideas."

spread NEW ideas.

your belief in the fact that there can only be communism and capitalism is yours, but I believe most of people who joined this jam don't agree, and I know I don't.
You say there is no example of anything that lasted, correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think something can be proven as impossible just by a lack of example. 

So... you think there exists only 2 systems? That's how you see the world? 
Don't you think there could be tons of possibility for organizing life as a group?
Damn, it looks likes that kind of event is really needed, if some people's belief  in TINA is enough to call a game jam "murderous".

Thanks, for scaling the only way is the settings resolution, I should have disabled window resizing to make that more obvious.
I had blurry text and sprites with the godot auto scaling, so i ended up with only integers scaling.

I decided to spend most of my time on UI, feedback and tutorial, as most playtest feedback i had were concerning the difficulty of keeping track of all the rules. Sound and graphics are the aspects of gamedev I'm the least comfortable with, Clearly a thing for me to work on for nexts jams.

Thanks! When i had the idea of a game with forgotten rules, i took a chess game and tried making up rules until i was having fun. I ended up with this kind of placing game with adjacency bonus and effects. I spent a lot of time on the tutorial, I'm glad it was enjoyed.

From the feedback i got, the rules/strategy may have been a bit to complex to really enjoy for a game jam, something I'll have to work on for next time.

Really cool metroidvania, the level design works really well. It looks like you can grab the sword and the dash in any order, wich i really like.
Congrats again on the level design.

Thanks! I spent a lot of time trying to clarify the rules, adding feedback and informations. The tutorial is a bit dense right now, I guess a more "fluid" tutorial, bringing rules slower as you play a normal game would be far better.

Thanks for playing.
I sent a message to a friend who makes music but with no answers from him, I focused on the tutorial and UI/feedback.

The last day I decided to improve what was already in the game and add some stuff to the tutorial rather than adding audio,.

Thanks, I tried to stick with the game mechanics i had at the beginning, and spent most of my time working on UI, feedback, tutorial and general polish. I'm glad it payed off.

Nice idea, I love the main character graphics and animation. Combat feels a bit weird, i think some feedback when hit/hitting would add a lot.
I managed to destroy all enemy castle on my 2nd play.

very cool game, the best combination of Navigator and UnderPressure wildcards I've seen so far. Having to constantly switch between the 2 modes, one for progressing and one for  defending yourself works very well. 

Very fun game, it feels really polished. The casting system is very good, and it feels very satisfying when you cast really fast. 

This game has a very good potential, gameplay is already fun and engaging with the limited enemy type and spell variety.

Very nice game, the upgrading/proximity mechanic works very well. Difficulty seems really well balanced, it's hard to fill all bars before the old producers collapse,  and the changing Layout add to the challenge ( and forbid "optimal" layout, wich is extremely good for that kind of game).
I really loved it, ended up with 37050 points on my 2nd play.

I just tested back, and it's a mistake from me. the problem i had were in the hard part and in think it was when i was holding S at the end of the platform, and just missed the jumps ^^' . The game goes so fast it's sometime hard see what exactly happened.

I didn't notice i just had to tap, but i think a tap is good. It's just very difficult for my brain to handle timing, how long to press the jump, and timing for the fall. I feel like it's harder if i use different hands too, it's unusual as a control for video game.

the only area were fall control were frustrating were the 2 last checkpoints, especially the first of the 2. I thinks it's because you need to time it along with the jump timing.

Not really sure how to do it best, main problem with my keyboard is i can't jump unless i released S, so it added to dificulty of timing inputs.

Maybe only allow the fast fall during a jump? so you don't fall straigh after a platform if holding S. That would mean disabling it when touching ground, and allowing it again when jumping. That may cause some others problems elsewere, not sure if fast fall is needed anywhere without a jump.

I finaly completed the game after around 20 minute spent at the last 2 checkpoints, Maybe the difficulty should grow more smoothly. The last 2 checkpoints are very hard( in a good way, every attempt is better and feel easier than the previous one), and since it's the first time we face those kind of jumps, we have to learn them from the difficult section.

Thanks for playing! When i had the idea of forgotten rules, i took a chess game and just played the pieces and rules until i was having some fun.

I spent a lot of the time on UI, feedback, tutorial and general polish, trying to keep game mechanics to the basic idea i started with, glad it payed off :))

yeah, i didn't do the math on the real max score possible, but if you could place anything anywhere, the max is 265. The max score me and a friend achieved are the ones in highscore, so there is probably better strategies to find.

Thanks for playing it, I didn't plan scaling very well from the start, and the stretch from godot was making thing blurry. The 2 biggest resolution were added just before submitting, to counteract a bit this problem.

thanks, the tutorial is very dense but there was a lot of things to explain, and it's the first time I'm making one so i kept is simple.
the leftmost overlay shows witch piece are in a group, as well as how many point the group is scoring.

Very nice game, really addictive. I spent around 8 minutes dying at the same checkpoint (the series of  precise jump with small platforms), but now i rarely die before the 4th/5th jump. Jump physics feel really good and consistent, it's easy to time the jumps after some time.

The hardest part is the fall control, having to time 2 different inputs is hard, and it feels less accurate/consistent than the jump.

Very nice idea, it feels a bit slow, especially when the snakes have to travel the whole screen to kill you. I ended up stuck when I failed the green rune throw, couldn't find how to die.

Re-doing piece graphics was on my to-do list, but i ended up working on other things until time ran out. 

Very nice idea, I love the idea of puzzle solving with very limited and basics actions. Progression feels very good, with new inputs unlocking and more complex levels. Having to figure out the effects of each inputs is a big part of the solving fun. Very nice job.

Thanks for playing, the "old rules" are the real world rules from today. My idea was that in the future, most of chess rules were forgotten, resulting in a totally new game without anyone knowing it.

thanks for your comment. I had a lot of feedback during development asking to implement a way to stack/store items, but for me it's part of the theme ^^. In most RPG games, the player is always selling lots of crap to every shopkeeper, and it has no consequences. I wanted to show kind of a "behind the scene" of what the shopkeeper has to endure everyday.
I may improve that for a post-jam version, I'll put that on my list.
yeah, a last minute bug with the potion can make the last level possible without the last craft :/

Very nice game, I love the panicking animation and the destructible objects.
Having harder enemies after some level is very cool, it surprised me and got me more focused.

It's not very clear if a bullet is going to hit you or not, that made dodging difficult to me, and the attack animation feels a bit slow but other than that it's fun to play.

glad you enjoyed it, some of the art were placeholder sprites I never had time to upgrade, and I'm not an artist at all.

there is a last minute bug with the potion during fight, it made the game easier (in all but one case) and allow you to finish it without all the crafts, which shouldn't be possible normally.

Very nice little game, it feels very hard at the beginning, but after 4-5 try the difficulty is very nice, not too easy, not too hard.
The art is very nice too, I wish there was more levels to play.

glad you liked it, my original idea included only the shop part, with a very basic animation during the night and full random loot.

Then I thought about the hero part, and I wasn't sure if it was worth the time invested, but it became the part of the game I spent the most time on. 

Yes, there is only 1-2 new recipes per level, and at some point you have to farm an item to get to the next level, so it's just waiting for 2-3 days.
I had the idea to make a fast forward button to solve all fights without render, but as the game isn't too long, I spent my time on more levels.

Thanks, I'm not an artist at all, and I had no idea how it looks for someone who didn't spent a week on it. Some asset were planned to be updated, but I choose to add more levels first and I ran out of time. ( The Hero sprite was just a placeholder that I never removed)

I was worried about the clarity of the goal and progression, the game doesn't help you a lot and you have to discover how it works.

glad you enjoyed it, I was planning to work on the items pickup but I ran out of time. The area was even smaller at the beginning and I increased it once but that was not enough apparently. 

Very nice idea, but it feels very hard. I grinded a lot in the meadows until having 2 leather armor piece, only to get killed by a 2 monsters in the next region.

equipment doesn't last long, and is super expansive considering how hard it is to earn money.

sometime RNG only allowed me to buy a knife and a bread to go back,
some other time i encounter 3 cow and bring back 20 coins, but even then that trip costed me 10 coin ton start with (1-2 knifes, 1-2 bread).

I really want to see more of this map, but the initial grind is feeling slow.

Damn, i found it, i inverted a 0 an a 1 on the last minute code i did ^^. Time to learn how to compile a patch with Godot.
The game check if the hero has potion, but try to use it from the rock, so hero never runs out of potion and can't die...
btw, you can kill it with 1 bomb, but this bug may appear elsewhere.
i think i didn't notice because hero can use potion between fight too, so even if he goes to -3, he can resurrect.

small rock from level 3? or the one with lots of crystals in the last level?
it's very strange, the small rock cannot be hurt with the level 1 sword, only with bomb or level 2 sword, but all Melee monsters should at least do 1 damage to the Hero. As the the big crystals one, it has a base attack of 7. i may have messed up something when debugging the use of potion during fight the last day.

do you remember wich ennemy it was? i hadn't time to test again some levels after the last changes i did to the combat system.

for the items, i already improved it once, but it was on my todo list when i ran out of time.

Hello everyone, as the deadline approach, i started thinking about license and i have never done that.

I've started looking around and i think i quite like WTFPL .

What license (if any) are you using for your project?
is there any restrictions from the Game Jam Rules? (i didn't found anything)

anyway, good luck everyone for the last hours

(sorry for my English)