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A member registered Jan 23, 2014 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! I appreciate letting me know you streamed it!

I also appreciate getting a couple of bugs on video because I haven't had anyone else playtest other than me basically haha.

Honestly the default green dice MIGHT be the best one, because it's the most consistent.

However with the red dice, even though the default dice is one of the best, it's more about quantity than quality with the red dice.

Fun little game, I quite like the score being displayed the way it was.

- For a game like this I recommend having a local high score. It gives it x1000 more replayability.

But good job, well done, and keep up the great work.

oh yeah the fire is also very hard, but in fairness they're all hard haha

Nice! This game was very addicting, thanks to the leaderboard which was a great addition. :D

Managed to get myself in the top 10 (please don't knock me out haha)

Very cool concept! This idea could easily be scaled up to a full game.

I can imagine you building your party, gaining different dice and learning different skills.

Overall great job!

Very polished game! Very addicting, perfect art style.

This would be an amazing mobile game, it has all the addictive attributes. Even in it's current state as a game jam game!

Well done team, good job!

I think the doubles idea is good!

Although it's hard to play around in any meaningful way, so it just slightly incentivises grabbing extra dice. But there is already huge incentive to grab extra dice, to help get the right paths, especially when you can walk past hallways.

Hey, great job! The art and audio was very well put together, and the core gameplay loop is really cool!

I also loved all the little animations!

- I found the enemies quite frustrating to play around, combined with the limited dice rolls.
Because of the limited dice rolls you don't want to waste turns playing cautiously, if the enemy may NOT block your path.

I feel like a cool alternative to that would be to show you exactly where the enemy is going to move, before you decide on where you will move. This will still force you to play very strategic because of your limited dice rolls.

Regardless, the game was great, fantastic job. Keep up the amazing work!

Great game! It felt pretty polished, and the comedy was a nice touch.

I think if there was voice narration for the dialog it would have been perfect, because it was a little bit hard to read while also staying ontop of the keys changing.

Great work overall, keep it up! :)

What a beautiful game, the entire team should be incredibly proud!

I absolutely adore the art style, it was very cute!

The music was amazing (although the shooting SFX got a little bit overbearing when you can shoot quickly, perhaps different shooting noises for different shooting speeds might have helped).

Beautifully polished game, easy top 100 contender. Well done!

Great work!

First of all I loved the art, you did a great job!

I also love the idea of using the same dice rolling mechanic to talk to people, it adds an element of skill to dialog.

My feedback:
- Make the dice explode sooner (or on contact). My strategy ended up being just running and throwing because aim didn't feel very important.
- The dialog is quite hard to read and enjoy, because enemies don't give you any space. Perhaps hide NPC's out of reach of enemies, or pause during dialog.

Overall fantastic work, keep it up!

Haha, this was unexpected, but a pleasant suprise.

I would have loved to see a full game of 10 frames, with different people's heads.

My main feedback for this is:
- Make the badly chopped head still able to get to the end, just with more bounciness. (In my experience a bad head literally can't reach the pins.)
- Reset the player's positioning each frame, otherwise you can strike every frame without having to reposition.

Great work though, loved the voice over work! Keep up the good work :D

Very cool puzzle game, very challenging!

It definitely made me feel too dumb haha.

Great execution though, it looks like you fleshed out the idea very well!

Very cool platformer! I really enjoyed it. I got through about 6 or 7 levels I think, but got too frustrated haha, it's a very challenging game.

I love the core mechanic you did a great job.

My only feedback was that something feels a little off with the spikes. I feel like I am dying earlier than I should be. I think one of the main issue is the spikes killing you from the sides, which feels a little bit off.

Anyway great job, keep up the amazing work!

Fantastic song! And a very cool concept.

Is the song on Spotify? As I would genuinely listen to outside of the game haha.

Awesome job, keep up the great work!

Very cool game! 

BUT having "shift" as the button you need to press to get past the title screen is very untuitive and most people will give up.

I recommend putting a quick disclaimer in the "How does your game fit the theme?" description, explaining to press shift.

Anyway about the actual game:

It's really fun, even if it's incredibly difficult (I died about 40 times before giving up haha)! Good choice of audio and SFX. The bosses moves are all really cool, although I think the lightning shoots a little too frequently, it was basically always an insta-kill on me.

- I think a health bar would have gone a long way. I might have been more persistent if I knew how close I was getting to beating it.
- An in-game tutorial also would have been very helpful. I nearly gave up because I didn't know that there was a shoot button.
- The control scheme is very weird. I think this wouldn't be a huge problem (because you can re-bind them, good job!), if there was a quick tutorial image explaining the default keys for jump and shoot. (And that there is a double jump, I died a lot before accidentally discovering that haha).

Overall though, great job! I had fun playing this :)

Hey, great job on this game!

I really like the art style, and you did a good job on choosing the soundtrack and SFX.

- The player can't rest looking up, down, or the diagonals. This makes using any of the guns very difficult.
- Any kind of visual feedback for the reloading would also make the guns much more usable.

However I love the animations, and the roll+ability change feels pretty good.

Keep up the great work!

I unfortunately also got an infinite loading screen, on the windows version.

First of all great job!
Fighting with the dice is cool, and I love the DND art style.

Neat levels (my favorite was the top-down hallway level).

Some feedback:
- Keep the enemies health floating above them, even if they are knocked over.
- I think the game would benefit from a way to tell how the damage is being calculated? Maybe rolling the dice first to calculate it's damage, and then letting the player throw it.

Overall though great job, I beat the whole thing so it definitely kept me playing.

Super fun arcade game! :D

Very addicting, although the best I could do was 1503, couldn't reach the covetted 2000 haha.

My feedback was GOING to be to weight the points differently for the harder objects, but then I realised you actually were doing that, it's just hard to tell in the heat of the moment. :) A good way to make it clearer to the play might be to have the "point value" of the item appear under the picture at the top, OR to do like a POINTxCOMBO type popup everytime something is eaten.

So for a pen with a 7 combo a little 15*7 would appear (or just the actual value, so 105 in this case).

Well done though, very fun arcade game (I could actually see something like this in an ACTUAL arcade haha). :D

Really great work, I loved the concept and you executed it well. :D

The graphics are quite good, especially for a game jam, and the soundtrack is solid. :)

A little bit more variety might have been nice, like moving obstacles or something like that, but what you had was enough to keep me engaged. I also do love the polished bonuses of the rage minigame and the police chase, very good additions. 

Overall, a great game jam submission, well done! :D

Such a fun idea! The concept of power accumulation is so good, it was fun seeing the game get more and more complex as I went, with different interactions gettings harder to manage.

The audio was great and the graphics and animations were so fun to look at.

The level design was even great, overall just a topnotch submission.

I was getting old school Newgrounds vibes from this game (that's a compliment haha) keep up the great work all of you. :D

Simple and peaceful. To me this is basically "Kitten Cannon" meets "Flower" haha. Very zen, and quick enough to be addicting.


  • Make the tutorial "pages" skippable, to speed it up for faster readers.
  • The momentum gained from each seed ejection didn't feel like it made complete sense, although I might have just been misunderstanding the mechanic a little bit. My best strategy was to eject all but one of the seeds one after the other, in quick succession.
  • Might be worth stealing some ideas from Kitten Cannon, and allow you to upgrade your "tree" to have improved seeds, based on the distance you reached. Gives the game much more long term playability.

Well done on this zen experience, keep up the great work :)

A fun take on the bullet-hell "out of control character" type of game in this jam. While I like the general concept, and think you did a pretty good job at implementing it, I have just a couple bits of feedback.

  • The audio gets really repetitive really quick. This can be avoided by adding some variants of the shooting noise into the game. (Perhaps 2-3 noises for the player, 2-3 for red enemies and 2-3 for blue, or something along those lines, however I know that's easier said than done in a game jam haha).
  • I sorta cheesed the game, because I realised if you hold left, you're pretty much impossible to be shot at. Using this tactic I got to 100 health, and decided to quit. :P This can probably be avoided by adjusting the way you spawn enemies, but also maybe changing the way enemies shoot. If the enemies shoot towards where I'm going, that would require me to dodge (although make the game a lot harder), OR you can give the enemies shots a bit of spread, randomising their shooting patterns a little bit.

Overall though, great effort, I'd love to see this idea explored further.

A really fun little idea, that got a lot harder than I expected when the green sphere gets introduced. Definitely a solid concept that could be expanded on further :)

Feedback (if you want to keep working on it, or maybe just things to consider for the next jam):

  • The music track got real annoying real fast. This can be avoided by having a longer looping audio track, and make it persist through levels/restarts. Especially in a game like this where you are restarting so often, hearing the first 4 seconds of the track takes it's toll real fast.
  • Add a little bit of juiciness to the deaths, an explosion or some little visual tell, that you died. 
  • I know you were embracing the "Unity Default Project" look for this (no offense I hope haha), I've discovered a great trick to avoid that is to see the Clear Flags of your Main Camera to Solid Color, and choose a color. That blue/grey horizon is ingrained in most game jam players heads at this point I think haha.

Great work, you made a genuinely interesting game design in 48 hours, that's definitely worth exploring more, keep up the good work. :D

I love the concept of trying to reach "critical mass" of a population, and see a lot of potential in this. 

Definitely needs a lot more polish though, menus between levels and an actual "game end" state would be a big step in the right direction. Also a little bit more in-game guidance on how to use the chemicals would be very helpful.

Another awesome mechanic would be some other factor that changes population growth (might be a bit whacky, but imagine throwing in basic genetics, so you want the tadpoles with better genetics to be the one's that reproduce the most).

Overall great concept and a very good effort, keep up the good work. :)

Super fun idea, and very well executed. Simple and to the point. The last level definitely had me thinking for a few minutes, and I would have kept playing if there were more levels for sure. :D

I don't really have any feedback, you did the concept justice. :) Doing more with the plot could have added a juicy layer ontop of the neat gameplay, but that's easier said than done in a game jam haha.

Well done overall, keep it up :)

Fun and simple arcade style game. Had a good bit of fun with it. The graphics and animations were quite good (I love the slow down and zoom of the slash). The music and audio also felt really nice as well. :D


  • The lives system is a little bit confusing. I realised after a bit of playing that the lives are more there for if you miss a dummy, and not there for the spikes (which more often than not, insta-kill you). I think the solution is to either get temporary invincibility after hitting a spike, and only lose one life OR replace the hearts with pictures of the dummies, and make the spikes properly insta-kill you (not drain all the hearts really quickly).
  • Only other feedback or idea would be to give the player a multiplier if they hit multiple dummies at once. This encourages more risk/reward gameplay, and adds another layer of skill ontop.

Good job overall, keep up the great work. :)

Satisfying in only the way a game just about mowing grass can be haha.

Very pretty, with smooth controls. Everything that's IN the game is great, however it could have used more complexity to spice up the gameplay a little bit. It's hard to say what (it is a game about mowing lawns after all haha). Perhaps flower beds the player had to avoid mowing down, or something of that nature. That also would have added to the color palette of the game nicely. :)

Great work overall, keep it up. :D

Thank you so much for your feedback! I am so happy you enjoyed the humor (it's usually the focus of all my games haha).

From here on I'll address the bugs you mentioned, which DOES contain spoilers.
{SPOILER} Yeah, not allowing 2->4 was an oversight on my part. The kind of oversight that comes with designing a stupidly complex little puzzle game in 48 hours haha. Also yes, that laser bug is also a very good spot, so I'll fix that for my post-jam fix. It also sounds like you found my *game breaking* ending bug. I was devestated to realise after the deadline that one of the ways to reach the ending has a critical bug (I adress it in the description of the actual game page).

I love the art style so much, and even though you didn't make the audio, the music you chose fit really well. :)

The idea for the gameplay is great, it's very difficult but that comes with the territory of these types of games, and I suck at normal bullet hell's, let alone versions where you can't control your character haha.

Only real feedback is to add a main menu next time, and maybe a quick screen between levels to give the player a moment to breathe. :) These are big quality of life improvements that can take a game jam game to the next level.

Otherwise great job, keep up the awesome work. :D

A fantastic game. A fun take on the 2048 style merging games. If there was a mobile variation on this game I could see myself getting dangerously addicted. 

At first I thought "this is so chill and nice". Then you finally start reaching the edges, and the panic knocks up a notch haha.

Well done, love your work.

This is probably my favourite game of the jam so far.

The art style is awesome for a game jam, from the UI, to the level transitions, to the actual game, it's all great!

The music is so chill and professional, and the in-game SFX are also perfect.

And don't even get me started on the level design. You perfectly introduce each mechanic, I just wish there were more levels, you all did such an amazing job.

Keep up the amazing work!

Cute art style, funny dialog, and the premise itself is great as well. :D

The audio fits really well (I know you didn't make it, but you chose it well).

Well done, keep up the great work. :D

I really enjoyed this. It's a beautiful mixture of skillful and frustrating (may as well have called it Super Ice Boy haha).

The art is adorable. I was a little bit confused to why sometimes I could climb walls, and sometimes I couldn't (I realised after some trial and error this was bound to how cold I was). This mechanic could be used in some awesome ways. :)

I gave myself a pat on the back for finding all of the fountains, and my only advice after finishing it would be to maybe tone down the slipperiness just a fraction, because I think the auto-jumping off walls is a great mechanic in its own right :D

Keep up the great work!

As a multiplayer game this would be so much fun. Playing it on my own just sorta stressed me out so much, I didn't make it very far haha.

Soundtrack was killer, and the general idea was really good. :)

Keep up the amazing work.

Thank you! :)

Yeah it was quite ambitious, but doing voice work and comedic elements is probably my favourite part of game jams (and I worked around the clock all game jam to try and pull it off). :D

Thanks for the kind words  :)

First of all I've never seen this type of controls before, it's really cool! 
The only downside for me is that I couldn't pass the second level... I realised after a little while you get more jump height by jumping as soon as you hit the bottom of the ramp, but still couldn't get the height.

In future maybe ease the player into those kind of game mechanics. 

Otherwise though, I really liked the audio, the mech felt like it was really stomping around, and the UI for changing gears made perfect sense after a little practice.

Keep up the amazing work, well done! :)

Fun little FTL (I'm assuming) inspired game. Could become a really fun multi-tasking game in the same vein as FTL with some extra mechanics added in. 

Love the way the audio is adjusted as the ship takes damage, and the graphics were really nice. (Even if you didn't make the art and audio, it definitely fits well, which is all you REALLY need for making a game).

Keep up the great work :)