Thank you for updating Santiago!
The applications must be run as described above. After updating their permissions with chmod, they will attempt to run but produce no output when launched from Finder.
I am the balancer and everything is in my hands. I control the future.
Played til the end. Great work! I really enjoyed this game. I think it was a bit too easy to keep things balanced at all times, which made the ending feel unfair. It would be nice to be able to advance the text. Also there were some times where the text overlapped on screen.
thanks! I’ll check out and rate your game today!
Nice work! At first I was trying to keep ghosts away from the sacrifice box in the middle (lol), but once I understood the mechanics I started having fun. Knocking ghosts into the sacrifice box and scoring powerups was satisfying. I didn't love managing my own health in addition to protecting the statues. I think the game would be more fun if I didn't have my own health bar to worry about. Awesome job getting this done as a solo dev in three days!
Nice work! The game has a fun Vampire Survivors thing going where the screen fills up with enemies in later waves. I did find it eventually difficult to parse whether or not I was successfully hitting enemies. Some health bars or other visual feedback would be helpful there. The needed kill thresholds felt a little high for the beginning waves. Overall, this is a fun game. I ended up attempting a run with each weapon.
I dropped you a rating and some feedback. Please check out my game if you have some time:
Enjoy your vacation :)
I really enjoyed your game! Very unique approach to the sacrifice theme. I would love to see this explored even more. Maybe allow the player to control all the parameters of the incoming waves based on their (non) sacrifice. For example: spawn rate, enemy count per wave, removing the ability to shoot down enemy projectiles, etc. Awesome work, especially for a solo project!
Rated your game! Please check mine out and drop some feedback:
Good work! The game is super difficult, I suggest giving the player some health. It might just be my system, but it seemed like the music was retriggering and layering every time I died? I agree with other commenters that WASD would be more ideal for a kb and mouse setup like this. Solo development is super tough, so I hope you're proud of your game!