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A member registered Sep 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very impressive art! Would love to see the gameplay more polished

Nice art! The dash seems a bit too fast compared to the normal move speed. The stealth attacking is very powerful and the shurikens are very weak. Would love to see where you take the game, good luck!

Very impressive! Would love to see the dungeon be more dark/spooky and filled with stuff, and the enemies be more of a threat. Sometimes they get stuck (in-place or circling player) or stop chasing. Would also be cool to see the synthesizing have 3D models for ingredients and potions. Can't wait to see where you take the game from here, good luck!

Nice! Would love to see where you take the game. An increase in abilities and difficulty would definitely add a lot. It'd be cool to also have a reason to leave the nexus instead of sitting on it the whole game. Good luck!

Very nice for a first game! I liked the visuals and wish the player and fish were bigger. I encountered a bug after trying to play from the tutorial, as well as some UI scaling/positioning issues when entering and exiting full-screen mode. Also found the health and sword sometimes seem to get half as wide when losing and starting again. Good luck in your game-making journey!

Nice work, I like the visuals! It was fun dancing with the enemies to get them into the light, though I think making it a little easier would go a long way. It would be cool to see the enemies fire projectiles too. Good luck!

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Very fun game, I enjoyed playing it! I think adding a small margin for blob-on-player collisions could be great for making it easier without changing any gameplay. Similarly, it would be nice to have the current and next cards more noticeable or at least closer to the player character. Continuing in the card variety direction, it could be cool to be able to tell which type of cards blobs drop. That way the player can strategize which cards to pick up and the order they do so. I noticed the blobs tend to group along the edges, which makes gathering their cards very  risky. Lastly, I think a custom cursor would add a nice touch to the game. Looking forward to seeing where you take the game!

Thanks, glad to hear it!

Appreciate the feedback! Thanks for playing!

Nice work, love the atmosphere! For me the UI is off (incorrect position/size) unless in full-screen mode. The music restarting when pressing play can be pretty jarring imo, while the stopping after pressing the tutorial button is a nice touch. The card turning/revealing feels slow, especially with adding up/updating the score being instant. It could be worth trying out revealing each pair of cards individually instead of all 3 pairs revealing at once. Looking forward to seeing where you take the game from here!

No it's not you sadly, we were the ones too stupid to figure it out in time. Thanks for playing though!

Nice work so far, I enjoyed it! I noticed the humans visibility is limited to their light, so you can sit at their feet (and even push them around) and not get caught. Being able to push chairs is nice, I think it'd be cool to see them taller with the ability to roll under and through their legs. Not sure if it's just me, but when entering full screen mode, I noticed the UI at the top (excluding the bowling pin image) is half-way off the top of the screen. I also got some very strange flickering visual bug thing during the level failed screen. It seems like the black background isn't covering the screen entirely. In full screen mode it happens on the sides of the screen (I'm guessing because I'm using a 2560x1080 monitor), and in the normal in-browser mode it happens on the top and bottom of the  level failed screen. I also often experienced very low framerates unfortunately, and noticed the camera collision update frequency is very noticeable, especially when pointing the camera straight up to be under the player. I also experienced some weird instances where colliding the camera with a wall temporarily removes  the player's front light source. Lastly, I think some level spawning transitions would go a long way, as it can feel pretty jarring when dropped into a new level in addition to the music starting over. I look forward to seeing where you take the game!

Neat little game! Impressive for only 3 hours. Just wanted to let you know I seem to have come across a bug that allowed the enemy bike to cross over my line. I'm guessing because it was so close to it traveling horizontally parallel to my line. When it turned vertically into my line, the nose of their bike was already crossed over my line, and they lived. Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

Cute little project! Although the cover image is cool, I think it'd be more appealing if it closer matched the 3d style of the game. I found the fire visuals to be a little confusing in determining where exactly I needed to spray the water. With the very limited time, I wasn't sure if I could increase it somehow so opted instead to just run through the flames for a more direct route. I think there is just a little too much going on in such a short amount of time. I would recommend focusing more on the huge potential of the fire, water and tree climbing mechanics. I think it would also be useful to know where the baby koalas are/were, even roughly or occasionally. Lastly, the download size is a bit rough on slower connections. Looking forward to seeing where you take the game!

I knew it, your jimmunication seemed familiar. That sounds like a very fun idea!

No problem! Glad to see your improvements. Interesting, it does keep things interesting even with only 3 enemy types.

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I also found another targeting related bug where I switched from closest to highest health while a big enemy spawned. It seemed to take a second for the units to start firing again. I also had a wave 2 with only 2 slime enemies, not sure if that's intentional

Awesome! I love the changes you made, though I think you made it a little too hard. At least the big enemies in particular are too hard. I think there's a bug if you lose with one enemy remaining, wave 1 only has one enemy. One last "problem" with the targeting/projectile firing is at the start of waves. Normally they fire instantly when enemies appear on the screen, but sometimes they seem to be delayed and wait a second before firing at the enemies. One tiny "visual bug" I noticed was when a normal bipedal enemy unit is touching and attacking the structure and gets hit, they seem to get knocked leftward a little into the structure. Lastly, I highly recommend changing the background colors of your itch page to a less bright color. A similar shade of green might look nice with your game's art.

Impressive simple game, especially for 5 hours! Couldn't beat your score, but I tried. Made a nice challenge

Pretty jimpressive little game! I enjoyed the creative writing the most. Would be cool to see more shooting visual feedback. I recommend making the mini-map a little more zoomed out with the speed of the characters. I was also confused about the limes and thought it was bugged, so was pleasantly surprised when I saw them be picked up eventually. I think it'd also be cool and more challenging if the zombies targeted other characters that I could protect.

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Cool art and music! I was confused what the purpose of keeping vs skipping was in the first portion of the game. I think an option to go back and forth between the two portions of the game combined with the ability to swap kept selections with the remaining skipped options would add to the ease of difficulty. It might give a smoother and more relaxing gameplay/music-making experience, if that's what you want. Keep up the good work!

Really amazing potential here! I think you're onto something. The speed is a little uncontrollable on the ground, and the bull makes it really easy to get stuck. Also, without knowing where the milk tower is, and without clearing it (getting stuck under the wood beams), it's not as satisfying to knock over as it could be in my opinion. I recommend also improving your itch page description. I think you should really emphasize rocket propulsion and milk jets sooner. Otherwise, the cover image, screenshots/gifs are awesome! Keep up the great work!

Very cute and well done 2d art! Sadly, it leaves me wishing the actual game could match. Personally, I would recommend at least making the 3d world more vibrant. I also found myself mostly staying near the dam and wishing the camera was behind the family and looking upstream. Would also be cool to see the character movement more smooth and not be able to go through the side of the river or the dam. The only other bug I came across was after collecting some logs then turning and moving, the log drifts away from the player character while remaining "attached" to him. My last complaint is to make the images and section headers on the itch page smaller, or at least not as tall. The huge difference between them and the body text is pretty confusing. Nice visuals though and super cute background!

Impressive game! I recommend some hint for the cube path objective along with a collision body. If you get close enough when attacking it, the lunge forward makes you miss. The automatic leaping targeting to enemies is a bit strong, but it was still a fun and challenging experience. I did get some error when trying to restart while the character was alive (after falling off map). Also experienced some occasional low framerates, would be really nice to experience it as a desktop app.

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Neat project! It's cool to see more people getting into Godot. I loved the look of the environment you created. I liked the movement too, though the sprinting is a bit much for the small size of the map in my opinion. The mouse sensitivity was just a bit too high for me as well, but luckily still playable. The only "bug" I found was not being able to shoot enemies that are too close and clipping through the gun. Also just fyi, for some reason the itch app doesn't detect your game as downloadable/installable. Usually I've found it's because of it's strict folder/file structure requirements.

I really like what you made so far! The art in particular is very nice. Definitely impressive for a solo project. I had a very similar experience as Or with the balancing. I found the screen shake to be a bit too much personally. I also noticed the projectiles can have a hard time adjusting to new targets. It's especially noticeable when archers kill the closest enemy before mages can even fire their projectiles. This technically could repeat and the mages would never fire a single projectile.

Nice start! Would be interested to see what you do with it next, particularly with the auto-targeting feature. The only bug I found was when rolling into a group of slimes, they seem to get stuck/attached to the player character.

Cool game and really cute art! Looking forward to seeing where you take it

Fun game! With such movement and level variety, I'm interested to see how you'll implement death mechanics.

Nice abstract piece! Pretty relaxing experience. The first level is a bit tough, but after that it's smooth sailing

Cute small game with a nice message! I like the simple movement, but I noticed a horizontal move followed by a vertical move is faster/snappier than a vertical move followed by horizontal move. I also came across a seemingly rare visual bug that leaves a player sprite on a teleporter after being teleported then moving off of it. While not affecting the real player sprite at all, using the teleporter again removes the duplicated player sprite unless the bug happens again. Just thought I'd let you know

Neat game! Might be cool to see it move left/right while it spins

Thanks! Yeah, the one I had as a kid was McDonald's Sonic's Speedway, which is what we used for inspiration

I'm a hobby programmer of 4 years who'd love to join your team. You can check out some of my personal hobby projects here. I'm open to using any software or language. My discord is hqtyt.