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A member registered Oct 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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Latest build doesn't work, with there being no start button or a quit button making me exit with alt+f4
However earlier builds of the game does work for me so i'm not sure what the problem could be, perhaps a resolution problem.
Anyways, the game is really damn fun, love the fact that pressing the same button does different moves! with the 3rd one even dealing a bit of aoe dmg.
The level up system feels perfect as if it really belongs in a game like this. Love the little touches of the cards rotating to the mouse position
amazed how you got so many effects to work like dealing extra dmg and etc. 
Dash felt very satisfying as well while playing.

Some enemy variety could help instead of everyone being bob ross haha and each enemy could have different abilities and then a boss that the player has to kill to then steal that ability, replacing the dash. Different enemies could also appear as you level up to increase difficulty and every 10 levels could be a boss to really show that you're progressing. 

Cool and cute artstyle, there were multiple levels, that's a big plus and there was enemy AI which is great in any game that can be played single player. 
However the characeters were simply too small and there was pretty much a lot of empty space with viewing the whole level, could of been closer like Mario
This feels a lot more like a platformer as well than a fighter, with the fighting being completely optional.
Slopes are very buggy
Hugging an object like a box, tree or enemy disables your ability to jump, instantly getting stuck
The jump is too floaty, making platforming very difficult.
However it contained nice elements and was fun 

I really like the card system of the game, it's a different style from what is usually thought in a fighting game, however it still contains the elements of a fighting game which is great!
Though some improvements could be added like, a higher quality model for the characters. A arrow to point at what card is being used in combat since it's confusing on what is doing what and when.

Some features that would be really cool to see is an energy cost. Since there's numbers at the top of the cards i assumed you had planned this but, using certain cards can then  make it so other cards aren't useable, like using 2 kicks wouldn't allow you to use a block on the 3rd slot.
Of course deck building could also be pretty cool!

I know it's not my game but, we weren't told to make a brawler game, we were told to make a fighting game, and this can be considered a fighting game since there's punching and health, it's just a different method of activating those punches and kicks rather than buttons.

Cool lighting and area but that's the most I could really compliment about the game.
There's no fighting so i guess the title isn't wrong about the character being immortal. 
The lighting is weird and can walk off the map, but when doing so everything goes dark
the 3d model doesn't have any animations either so it's a bit weird...

Would of loved to see more characters in the game, really I would kind of hope you guys work on this game on your own time and send it out into the world since I would play it the hecc out of it with some friends.
Some bugs that I did notice was that the character would constantly go into a running animation and would never stop even though the character was standing still 
Some more options would of been cool instead of it all just being keybinds
somethings you could add is music and sound effects to the game to spice things up!

A gang beast fan game with 0 explanation as to how the controls work nor an explanation of how to even use the controls. I hadn't even known there was a jump button until someone told me lol
Having the controls on your page while sure, it doesn't appear on the game jam page and instead should of been put inside the game.
while the game looks good, the fun thing was trying to figure out how the controls worked with a friend instead of combating my friend to see who will go off stage first. 

even when the controls were figured out, it felt as if i was fighting the movement of my character instead of the opponent. 

As the other's said there's no game built
However from the screenshots the art looks great

That was short but sweet! Love the art and I'm not sure what you were talking about the keyboard controls feeling weird when they felt fine for me, if you really wanted to make it better, right click for kick could of worked well.
I did like the lighting, something that's done well in the unreal engine.
Nice touch of a health bar above enemies and the dmg they have taken
Love the look of the health bar for the main character

However, there was some lag in some area's I'm not sure as to why when other's game ran smoothly, possibly something on my hardware end but it's strange since im running with a 3080.

Enemy bodies remained, meaning that the character would get stuck on them and that you can constantly kick the enemies even when down to infinitely farm points. I believe despawning the bodies after a certain period would help fix both issues of getting stuck on bodies and infinite point farming. 

The lack of music and sound effects was also a little disappointing but all around great game. 

Fun looking game, the art style is great and the controls feel responsive, or at least moving around and jumping did. From what I could tell was that this was a game of tag, however it took me way too long to realize that. You guys got an options menu to work, that's great, but some text next time explaining what the game is and how it works would also be great since the game name doesn't tell us what the game is either, only implying to be a rage game. 
Options menu also always return to default and I'm not sure some options work like the quality settings from low to high and the volume also not working since the volume always stayed the same, round timer also didn't work, only the resolution and full screen only being functional. 

However after figuring out what the game was and how to play... I still had to find how player 2 would also play which took just as long

The animations and characters look good, i enjoyed them. it's a shame that the Boss and a few other things i heard about aren't in the game, though i heard some pretty convincing excuses as to why.
I enjoyed the features of there actually being a block and that the kick actually pushes the enemy away

However it really feels like the kick really teleports the enemy's to the left instead of the direction i kicked them. Also the whole area being a wood texture feels a bit weird, not making it feel like it's space or Astral instead of just being a tavern fight between aliens.

The art style was unique, enjoyed the variety of different enemy types and multiple different features of the game, surprised to even see that there was a boss in the game
Liked how the tutorial was in the game instead of outside in the menus, made it friendly to beginners even showing the button that needed to be pressed instead of writing it down.

However i kept running into bugs and not even sure how. At times my character would disappear, some other times I can walk through locked doors, sometimes i cant deflect objects back at the tank nor the final boss.

However i really enjoyed the feature where it's basically a teleport and that it would slow down time when you activate it, giving you plenty of time to decide when and where you want to teleport.

The hand drawn character and animations look really good. The use of actual auto combo, being pressing the same button 3 times is actually really interesting. There could be some music and sound effects added to the game to spice things up. There could also perhaps be a way to use the mouse to select the buttons instead of just using enter to confirm selection.

There was gameplay, however with the lack of any original 3d models and perhaps even animations, it lacks anything really exciting to the game. You also always lose to the second enemy with no dodge or block function. 

The game is probably the most polished that i have seen so far, with an intro animation for the title screen an actually animated main menu with the menu appearing after the box shows up is a cool feature. Liked that instead of having a separate how to play feature, it included a sign that instead showed how the game is actually played.
I enjoyed the movement with the double jump and the dash, however at times it felt as though you can't fit through some spaces with the jumps having to be very precise.

I really liked the feature of the reflecting of the enemy bullets and throwing it back at them, it was confusing at first how it worked but quickly saw that you controlled where the lasers get reflected with the mouse.

The music is also nice, I'm not sure whether it was made new or if it was taken from somewhere else but either way it was a good choice.

1,6 GB to be extracted, and sadly no build for the game, when given the chance please do build the game haha

The game had music and a menu! Big plus!
Sprites were cool, however the transition between the animations could use a little polish with it taking a small delay to transition to the next animation while moving for example
The buttons very unclear, most of my time was spent finding how to punch, i pressed so many buttons other than S because i believed that would be a movement button like the rest.
some more variety other than a punch would also be great

Great art, the animations are also good, it's cool to have more than 1 level in the game having a whole extra level already makes the game stand, liked that both levels had their unique enemies and even the inclusion of 2 different bosses! 

However some sound effects and music would of been pretty great and perhaps a variety of moves for the character to make as half way though playing the gameplay loop felt a bit boring, for example a meter could fill up that would allow for a special move like a TV to be thrown
The HP is too high, quickly realized i can win just by walking up to them and punching the characters without consequence. A how to play could also work in the menu since it somehow took me a while to realize how to punch.

Haha Jojo squirrel!
It was good, loved the animations, loved the enemies, loved the sprites, could use some sound effects and music, unless that's already in the game and i couldn't hear it for some reason. 
It was funny to push around the other dead player while still being alive
Win condition would of also been great

but good job! I had fun!

The stage looks nice, the sprites look good, 
Characters get stuck together half the time
if you hold space and move you constantly do dmg
cool that you can actually fall of the stage 
Characters do move way too fast though

The artstyle of the game was good, the sprites and his movements looked nice, it's even nice to see that there is a menu and a quit button that's accessible
However some problems
The game was supposed to be a fighter not a platformer, perhaps if it had enemies that would spawn preventing your platforming i could consider it a fighter
Jumping wasn't as good as i had hoped, it didn't feel like our character had any weight to him.
When dying in V3 of the game, it doesn't respawn but instead shifts the viewpoint to the outside

What I had realized is that the game world is surrounded by terrain meaning that the game is taking up more resources than it actually should. 

Nice to see a main menu to start the game instead of being thrown instantly into it, probably a good idea to add the game title haha
The sprites look nice and i can see the potential
However I had no idea what was happening and wasn't sure if you could even attack in the game...

Sprites look cool, like the background and the controls felt responsive 

Somethings to add for next time is a How to play in your menu
Sound effects for the enemy and for the main character 
Less particles being thrown around since it's hard to tell what they kinda are in the first place

Thank you for the compliment about the art style!
Yes the game is laggy unfortunately for the underpowered computers, my computer is so powerful that it can run so many games fine and optimization wasn't in mind, which will be for the next time

More songs will be added if I ever get to work on this game again!

Unfortunately the time given only allowed me to learn the engine and then only make one song + tutorial

Thank you for your feedback!

The music sounded fine to me, but that may be cause my headphones broke and i've been using terrible earbuds that come with phones, or used to.

Audio levels will be in mind next time

I'm aware that the notes don't sync up with the song all the time, especially at the beginning of the song, that's also going to be in mind when making another rhythm game

Points based on accuracy is in the game, however is also bugged, not working when you've already scored more than 10 points, I unfortunately only discover how to fix this bug after I already submitted.

Thank you for the feedback! 

Probably cause it's unreal engine haha
My computer is so powerful that I didn't think anything was wrong with the optimization XD

It's a great bird haha
Indeed, it's a great look! 

Yes I'm well aware of the notes not syncing up! Believe it or not didn't have time to fix that issue
Adding text like "prefect" & "good" were also scrapped to save time sadly
Learning a new engine took most of my time in the first place 

It's a very cute game!
You looped the obstacles fine however the background not that great, what should of been done is to make a extended background so it wouldn't loop on the players screen but instead before the player could even see it!
Very cute game though!

For some reason the mouse didn't work when the game opened, had to alt tab to press play. Loved the art style of the game though! very pretty with just pixel art! 
A shame it simply just ends and isn't forever

Another thing that would of been great is to add some collectables along the way to create a score system of sorts to create a proper goal for the game. 

Cant play game a the game isn't built, wont be opening unity to try and recreate the game on my end...

I don't know why i decided to go through all the options but i did, so that's great, easy to play, liked the grading at the end, liked the variety in options as well, good game, was a bit shorty which is understandable, loved having an anime harem for a good 5 seconds 

Would be pretty cool for something like a timer when running through to see how far you have gone ahead in the level or something to judge progress.
Might be a bit picky but the rolling animation seemed a bit off to me and there were also times I couldn't fit through some holes, which makes it feel that there isn't any different paths and only one select path through the entire game. 

(1 edit)

Almost broke my keyboard trying to get past 10 fish, fun if my arms didnt hurt right now 

The art aint the best, only a few blobs that look to be made in 10 minutes, the idea is decent though, reminding me of Stardew valley with how they fish though also completely different. 

The difficulty curb is also a bit high, if you dont mash your keyboard like a madman, you wont go past score 7

Love the style of the game, always wanted to play a cowboy game so this is really great to me
However I did find difficulty in rolling backwards, however that was perhaps only just for me since others didnt seem to have that problem 

I can't find where to open the game... did you just pack the unity game project and not build the game?
No wonder I had to unzip 12k items....

A shame that it doesn't let me turn around after you go up to the second level, it quickly reminded me of something like "Getting Over It" with its design of random objects placed in random places for you to travel on.

I like the art style, very calming and i got to about 20m 
I would of really liked some upgrades personally where collecting ores as you dig would upgrade how much you would dig down or even getting different tools, seeing as there is already a shovel model it could be pretty silly and fun

Clicking doesn't give you enough air which results in mass spamming of the click button to get up high enough, i was lucky to go through the first obstacle and the reason i was lucky because the background goes on top of the obstacle making it impossible to see where to go.  

It was fun although a bit short, liked the little flabby bird reference in the cave. Some music would of made this really even better and then the music turning into a bit of an echo as you go through the cave, would be great