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Isaac Estudillo

A member registered Jun 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Great work! Nightmare is probably my favorite.

Very funky! Great work!

I'm glad you liked my soundtrack! Tidying Up is my favorite too, though I'm really proud of what I was able to do with THE RUSH.

Thanks! The cover was the first thing I made, because I thought I could base the music off of it.

I like the sound of the more ambient tracks like "Murky Waters" and "Oceanic." Keep up the good work!

This is a really fantastic soundtrack. Each track sounds super professional and cohesive with the next. I'm not lying when I say I can imagine these in a Pixar movie (or a Pixar-like game.) Great work, keep it up!

Sounds great! Your idea is very creative! Keep up the good work!

Sounds great! Keep up the good work!

Sounds great, good work! Keep it up!

Great soundtrack! I especially like the track "Aquamarine."

If I had to offer any criticism, it would be that the track "Mosaic" doesn't sound quite epic enough for blasting off into space for the first time.

Keep up the great work!

This soundtrack is awesome! It perfectly captures the feeling of being on a high and completely crashing down. Excellent work, keep it up!

These tracks sound excellent! I just wish I could know more about your imaginary game!

If I had to offer any criticism, it would be that the track "Unfamiliar" sounds less like you're exploring a strange unfamiliar world and more like you're exploring hostile enemy territory.

Keep up the great work!

Refresh rates wasn't something I ever considered while making the game. I'll have to keep that in mind for later projects. Thanks for telling me!

I found an exploit in which if you go to the very bottom of the screen, the leaves will never hit you. Then the game becomes impossible to lose.

It's a fun idea, but avoiding bullets becomes nigh impossible when your controls are down, and sometimes it seems that your tank will suddenly take damage for no reason.

Keep up the good work!

Aiming feels unintuitive, especially since ammo is tied to health, and lining up your shot while avoiding bullets feels unnecessarily difficult.

Keep up the good work!

The gameplay is pretty barebones, as there's no challenge to shooting the zombies. The bullets are barely visible, and the hitboxes on the zombies are inconsistent, sometimes dying in one hit and other times needing to be shot multiple times.

I agree that the jump feels weird. Something to keep in mind for the future. Thanks for your feedback!

I really think the timer should have been visible, and it's really annoying when you keep getting yelled at for stepping on the buildings. Maybe they could have just blocked the player instead of punishing them.

Keep up the good work!

The character felt a bit too floaty, and pressing shift to dash is pretty awkward. But overall a fun time.

Keep up the good work!

The art is incoherent and the controls aren't responsive. Just overall a messy game.

Keep up the good work, though!

The time limit is really harsh for this kind of game, and the kaiju's hitbox feels way too big, so you end up clearing more boxes than you mean to.

Keep up the good work!

There's a lack of feedback that makes the game difficult to understand.

Keep up the good work!

I really wish there was more feedback. I couldn't tell when I got hurt or when I hurt the little dudes.

Keep up the good work!

As soon as you destroy the attack buildings, the challenge disappears. I think the player's projectiles should have been faster, as well as the enemy projectiles being bigger and easier to see.

Keep up the good work!

No one wants to read a wall of text for a tutorial. I wish the tutorial was more in-depth so I could know how to play.

Keep up the good work!

Presentation is great, but I have no idea how to play. The game never takes the time to show the player how to play, so I never got to any playing.

Keep up the good work!

Doesn't really fit the theme of kaiju, and I have no idea what's going on. It just leaves me confused more than anything. A smaller nitpick: since the game is controlled with just the keyboard, I think the menu should be too.

Keep up the good work.

A very chill game, though there's a general lack of polish. I really wish the player could jump or that I could play with just my controller. I also think that the interactions with the kaiju could have been more interesting, considering that the entire game is just rounding them up.

Keep up the good work!

I have three builds for my game: Windows, Mac, and Linux. Each has their own zip file. I can't upload each zip separately because whenever I press the upload button and choose a file, it replaces the previously selected file. Butler won't work, and I'd rather not make the user download all of them together.

What I'm trying to accomplish is to have separate download buttons for each version of the game. What do I do?

Loads of fun, uses the theme really well. My only complaint is that I feel the bullet obstacles don't really have a place in the game, since Lenny himself is already difficult to control.

Keep up the good work!

A very fun and simple game. The controls are a tad stiff, though, and that jumping sound is rather unpleasant.

Keep up the good work!

Doesn't really fit the theme nor does it have much juice. The audio leaves much to be desired, too.

Keep up the good work!

The presentation is great, but the controls are what really frustrate me. The character moves way too slow, and you can't even move backwards. I couldn't collect one of the candy things because it dropped behind me. It's also a tad strange how the mouse is used to shoot since its position isn't tied to the bullets whatsoever. It's also frustrating how you can't jump through platforms.

Keep up the great work!

A very charming game, but it leaves much to be desired. My main problem is that it's hard to really tell what's going on. The music is great, but the sound effects are barely audible. I also don't really see how it fits the theme.

Keep up the good work!