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A member registered Jul 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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This was my favourite game from GBJam 11.

That's an interesting idea, the movement based oxygen depletion!

Thanks for playing, and for sharing your thoughts! =)))

Thanks! Yeah, we hade that one idea for the gameplay and really honed in on it, trying hard not to overextend our scope and instead focus on making that one mechanic better. 

Happy you liked it!

Cheers! I concede the music might not be a perfect fit; when I made it, the gameplay was very different from the finished product. Less destitution, more quirky jankyness ^^,

Thank you for your candor!

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Thanks! That means a lot, and makes us very happy to hear! <3

Glad to know you enjoyed it :)

Thanks for the insight into a player's mind!

Thanks! =)))

Thanks! I'm glad you found it in the end!

Haha this is lovely! Very hectic trying to get the ammo! Managed to score 32 points!

Nice to hear! That you liked the game, that is. 🙃

I'm happy you enjoyed it! And thanks for taking the time to comment!

Agreed, this game is nuts!😆

Nice lil racing game! Camera was a bit low for the speed, it was hard reacting in time, and it was a bit hard to know which obstacles were jumps. But the handling of the car felt really good!

Too hard  for  me. but cute game:)

I love milk and cows!
Nice idle-feeling game, chill music, calm gameplay.

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😩 im sorry, i will increase the ship hit box with by one player character immediately

Fast Paced Fist Flyer

10/10 would punch again

Trippy AF! Love it! My high score: 1'03"93

I'll join in the chorus praising the title screen!

Thanks! I agree, @dafali makes some pretty sweet sprites! Thanks for playing!

Happy you made it back safely! Thanks for playing and reviewing!

Great concept! Variable palette is nice. 

Best golf game this Jam!

Out of all the games in the Jam, this is definitely one of them.

Thanks for playing!

Music is great, and I like the neon colour palette!

I should probably be stopped from spamming the shooting key, as it made the game quite easy.

On the other hand, 1 hit insta death made it a bit frustrating. Unfortunately, that did not balance it out in a satisfying way.

I appreciated the tether as a mechanic to keep me from getting lost.

Overall, nice lil game =)

I wish it was a bit bigger, and that it didn't use the mouse.

But it looks cute!

Wow, those animations are so smooth! And the platforming felt great! Other aspects of game might be a bit minimalistic for my taste, but just running around jumping and slashing was good fun!

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My friend, the "How to play" is right there.

Really appreciated the tutorial screen! 

However, everytime I got a game over I really thought I was doing good?! It just came out of nowhere, so a little info on why it happened would be much appreciated!

And yes, add that elbow-pipe plz ;)

Other than that, the game was very enjoyable! The art and music jibe perfectly, and the gameplay was engaging. Great work!

Yeah, I think you may be on to something with the x/y thing; balancing the feeling of being lost in space with the feeling of progression was the big gameplay conundrum we faced whilst developing.

Glad you made it back to your ship! Thanks for playing and commenting!


Why add more thing when small game good?

Much appreciated! Thanks forplaying!

Thanks a lot! =)

The intro really does add a lot to the feel of the game! It felt trippy, aided by the pastel colour palette.

Maybe it was a bit too easy to find the ship parts... but it would have been daunting, nigh impossible, to search without any directions... 

The aliens were well scary at first, but then I realized I didn't have to kill them but could just outrun them, which was less fun but at least I didn't have to kill them! 

I did like the recharging blaster mechanic, and the fact that the shot came out of the blaster slightly off-center. Nice attention to detail.

Music meshed nicely with the game, and the sound effects were spot on.

Great jam game!

I'm happy you played! And that you got back safely!

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i wrote you on discord 👌

That gerk! How sneaky his movement!! And sometimes he camped on my coffee, which in turn made me invisible when I picked it up! I will assume this was a feature to give me an extra challenge. 

Damn gerk always finding ways to make my day more difficult.

Relatable game, proper Gameboy look, sound, & feel.

10/10 would avoid boss again.

Darn space bugs tryna eat our constellations! I will save them!

But then the game said "YOU MURDERED THEM ALL", and I had a "Are we the baddies?" moment...

I like the music! And the variable color-palett is wonderful!

It looks swell; could be great with some music!

Hope you finish it!!