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A member registered Jun 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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This is easily the most visually impressive game I’ve seen all jam – it looks like a full-fledged release! Love it.

I'm impressed that you managed to nail this level of game feel in a platformer during a game jam – very nice work. The movement, that squash animation on the jump, the feeling of bouncing on enemies and spitting out the dice? That's some real good stuff right there. Nice work!

The fact you have a good UI for showing the dice sides really adds a nice amount of oomph to this concept. It really leaves room for strategic play – that's fun! Good job!

(1 edit)

Clean and clever! I really liked that you managed to find room for actual strategy in the Jam window!

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I really liked that you could pick up the mechanics of this quite intuitively – I have to admit I skipped the tutorial, and it still only took a couple of minutes before I hit that sweet "hey, look at all the gameplay nuances here!" moment. Nice stuff, a great spin on resource management!

Totally agreed – just ran out of time right at the end there! Thanks a lot!

Thank you so much, very kind!

Thanks a lot!

Bless you – thanks!

Thank you!


Thank you very much!

Thank you!

Yeah, totally agreed that it needs some tuning. Oh well! Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you!

Thanks a lot!

Agreed, the rhythm element could definitely use some tuning. Thanks for the feedback!

Glad you liked it!

Love the idea of a ring – thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit)

This feels really good! Forcing the player to move around the battlefield to pick up ammunition is a great idea, and it plays really well. There's totally room to build it out into a series of nuanced choices where the player can decide what kind of projectiles they want to risk their life for – kind of accentuate the risk-reward thing.

Ditto the other comments, I'd love to see further exploration of this concept! Love it!

This was a really cool version of the idea of playing with risk and reward. There's a lot you could build on here, I like it!

(1 edit)

This was a whole lot of fun – a numbers-based rhythm game. Simple, but I feel the raw gameplay is really well executed. Don't talk yourself down too much! Own it, this is really fun!

The game feel on this one is really spot on, backed up by sound great sound design, and ugh god bless such a cute piggy. I really liked the first level being such a satisfying tutorial to the concept. Really nice!

This is so well polished and charming – some of the best sound and visuals I've seen in the jam!

Oh wow, there's a whole lot of really cool interconnected ideas bouncing off each other here! Loading your weapon with movement, and buying yourself time to get the best rolls – it's a really compelling gameplay loop, I like it! And it helps that the rolling sound effect is that satisfying. Great stuff!

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Ditto the other comments, I think this game would really benefit from a more rigid grid system for the player to move around in, and I think another twist alongside the random bonus moves would really  complete everything. I do really like the concept, though: a maze game where you have to be conservative with your steps is the kind of idea you could really nicely flesh out. A really cool effort, and I love the player character – very characterful art!

Oh wow, this is a striking looking game!

And the gameplay is really fun too – an especially satisfying version of the "playing around the odds" format that keeps popping up in this jam. Scoring the player based on their number of moves is a great extra twist here. I love it, great stuff! All fives, all the way down!

I really enjoy the idea of the player nudging fate in different directions – that's a really cool concept for how a player could interact with a game. I think perhaps the difficulty curve needs to ramp up a little earlier and a little more smoothly. That aside, this is the kind of mechanic you could really spin out into a full game.

Oh, and the art is fantastic! Characterful, lively, well animated. It really added a lot to the experience – some really nice enemy designs!

Love the visuals and music!

Really enjoyed this – part tower defence, part infinite runner. Really good visuals and some great polish. Amazing stuff!

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I really liked the way the game rewards you for moving in counterintuitive ways. It added a satisfying friction to the gameplay which I think you could develop out into a whole game. I think you probably need more challenge to really bring that element out, but it's such a solid gameplay loop – I'd love to see more!

Which is to say nothing of the art, which is just so full of character. Good stuff!

Is it just me, or are the animations on the player character very satisfying? That dice roll is such a fluid-feeling jump animation I just found myself constantly wanting to jump. I really like this!

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What I really liked here especially was one specific gameplay beat the main mechanic kept leading me into: when I'd just got the hang of a control scheme and I wanted to make the most of knowing which button took me in the direction I wanted to go, and so I'd hammer that button like I'd just lined up a really good shot. The way this game kind of turned your familiarity with each control scheme into this resource you could play around was very satisfying. A simple mechanic but surprisingly rich and compelling. Nice!

(3 edits)

I realise you didn't have enough time to build a lot more substance out of this, but honestly I was genuinely compelled by what was here. Making a sort of diorama-world on the surface of a die and letting the player explore is a nice twist on the theme, and I think that's helped here by the visuals, which really nail that kind of [gestures wildly] natural, hinterland, hiking feel. I think you could build a full game of this concept and feel. A really great effort!

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Really enjoyed the way presentation made this felt like a kind of a minigame for the GBA. Fast-paced and engaging, I enjoyed it! As a sidenote: I wasn't bothered so much by the camera moving with the mouse, it added a nice twang to the game feel – I found it satisfying and juice-y. Awesome work!

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I had a bit of a struggle with responsiveness (ditto comment below) until I switched browsers, but then I found myself really enjoying a lot of the ideas! If the Jam had given you enough time to get a working animation in here for the player, I think you'd have something genuinely really great, because I think without it it feels like there's less going on than there really is. I do think this could be developed into something if you can still bear to look at dice after this whole thing is over! Great work!

(2 edits)

Big fan of the presentation and the concept here – lots of polish on everything I saw. Simple enough, but still an engaging little gameplay loop. It's always fun to see a jam game involving story into its gameplay and then managing to execute it quite as successfully as this. Nice work!

(3 edits)

This game is very cool – having chance dictated by coins rather than dice gives it a lot of flavour. The gameplay loop of flipping coins and using them in battle feels really good, and the visuals really reinforce that nice gamefeel. I think there's a lot you could expand on here. Oh – it also looks really, really polished. Great work!

This is fantastic – one of those times where a simple concept is elevated by a single detail, in this case the dice side tracker in the top left. Very intuitive and fun to play, and looks great too. Nice!

I really enjoyed the setups here! Simple but engaging, it kept my attention. I like it a lot!