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A member registered Apr 25, 2016 · View creator page →

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the hand GOT me. it's a funny idea to have a runner-y style game where crashing into the walls doesn't kill you and you can stop. i didn't really know why i would want to stop, but it was good! nice work <3

i'm going for a pacifist run. i tried flirting, telling a joke, dancing, none of it is working!

Thinking Of Beautiful People wins best game title of the whole competition from me 

so sick

this is awesome

damn this game is gorgeous. the visual and sound are 10/10. it felt like the game or camera got a little confused about where i was sometimes and sometimes i was in complete darkness while still playing, but it's really great overall. 

nice! my highscore was 863 light. those spitting guys can go to hell. i loved the upgrades, i couldn't work out how to do a ranged attack? i was just shrimp meleeing the whole time. i had fun though

i like how it's a high score chasing game but it has no score so you have no idea if you're doing better or worse than last time. this game is hot trash and putting mr beast in the thumbnail did get me to download it so, here we are.  

this is my favorite game i have played so far. the jumping feels great, nice and squishy. if your light meter just refilled immediately when you got into light it would be great for speedrunnning. 

this is great! i love the visuals. it's like hotline miami set inside a computer. i couldn't work out how to get through the really tight corridor with the red angry arms monster blocking the passageway. i couldn't get around him! there is obviously something i'm missing

i keep just watching TV and sleeping. i think i am roleplaying the depression a little too effectively. great concept!

i love to shop!

me too! that feeling of looking out the car window and imagining you are running along and griding along the powerlines and stuff. that is exactly the feeling i was thinking of when i made it

the darkness won. this game looks and sounds so good. i love the sensation of slowing down when you turn on the light, it has such a satisfying gradual motion to it. nice one 

thanks! i really wanted to get online leaderboards done in time but it took aaages getting the character customization working. i'm definitely gonna expand upon it once the rating period is over 

the sparkly little eyes are so cute

at first i saw the candle sitting on the stump and i was like DAMN that's a big candle! the man in the woods is very scary. nice work!

he is bad at walking, but AMAZING at jumping. hahaha

this is really fun! and hard, i got stuck on the level with a line of traps down the middle on each side. the bears are brutal. hahaha

screw that bear duck man, he's a cheater. the game looks beautiful, great job!

i got 'em! i like the concept. some sound effects would really bring it to life!

really beautiful game. i do play the guitar and had the same experience as beepone in the comments, it's so hard to visualize the chords sideways! i had to hold my hand up next to my face and then turn my head to imagine it. hahah. that's not a criticism though it was a fun challenge. great job! <3

woh what the hell that is a crazy score. hahahah. you should put a leaderboard in!

i got 42ish! it was fun. you should try figure out how to put a high score board in it, i would love to compete!

really great art and concept with this one. i agree with some of the other comments that it is pretty simple to breeze through without too much strategy, but i still had fun! try get some sound in your next one, it makes such a big difference to lock in the vibe <3

this is fun! my high score is 35000. at first i didn't realize i could  glide without using fuel. once i realized that i was surviving for like twice as long 

haha i love how insane it makes you feel when keys don't do the thing you think they should, it's a great idea.  this knight must have insane calf muscles to be able to leap 20 feet in the air in full metal armor. very impressive 

i won! it actually felt pretty good to jump around, next time you should try get a jump sound effect in there, i think it would make it feel really snappy! 

this is great! i love the platforming and the notes. normally i don't endorse tax fraud but i love this. <3 it reminds me of the game "Daily Daddish" which i also love

super cute. i love the music and the animation on the kiwi attacking is so good. as a new zealander i am immediately patriotic for this game

thank you!

damn i got my ass kicked. hahaha. i love the perspective and the vibe, it's a shame you didn't have time to get any sounds in i feel like they would really make it come alive. good job!

i agree! i am really bad at it too, but i want to improve. hahah. thank you so much for playing <3

thank you!!



omg the big like, poop monster that gets bigger and bigger and bigger when you shoot it is so funny. it took over my entire screen. this game is pretty good! it feels good to control and squirting the water looks great. good job!

i won! my favorite character was the guy who is cooler than me. i love that he just gave me a photo of himself, what a cool guy.