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A member registered Jun 27, 2020

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This was such a cute little game! I liked how Aliar said "Bones are weird, when you throw them they come back and keep going" and then you knew that you could turn around and throw bones further distances. The art and level design was great - felt like a 2D Zelda game. If you work on this some more perhaps you could add some sound or visual cues for what the buttons do when you press them, like if pressing a lever opens a door you use an unlock sound, maybe even pan the camera to the unlocked door temporarily to show the player where it is while you freeze the player in place for a second or so. Without any cues I had no idea what the buttons were doing if it wasn't close to my character so I had to guess as to which buttons to activate to unlock the door I wanted, but I got through the game and I think it's a really good game jam submission!

This whole game is amazing! The voice acting is wow, the music is fantastic, the gameplay is fun, and I knew that I could figure out how to get 12 with just a few trials. It's sad that the cowboy is still upset after you get a 12 though, I thought maybe he'd be happier to get a perfect song out haha. Even though the gameplay is limited I love the bite sized nature of it, and I had a great few minutes playing it.

Gun go pew

Cute game! The gameplay is fun and can easily be expanded into a larger puzzle game like Bloxorz, which probably inspired you. I was confused at how to defeat the enemy at first because I thought you needed to roll next to it with the same number but you actually needed to roll on top of it. I also rolled through the walls in some parts accidentally but that's okay. I think someone with a bigger brain than me could have a lot of fun figuring out how exactly to flip the dice, since I just did it randomly most of the time XD

Such a beautiful game! I had fun figuring out the puzzles, and decided to stop at level 13 because it seemed like an endless game. Around level 11 I saw little arrows on the right side and decided to try them out to see if they were the answer and it worked, which made the levels trivial, but I assume that was a debug feature not intended for the player. It's really cool how you were able to make a procedurally generated game like this for the jam, since I know it can be buggy and difficult to have the computer generate levels by itself. I could definitely see this being in the top 100!

The file took a long time to download and ran slow on my laptop - the engine definitely isn't made for people like me but that's okay. I found that the rooms were really dark and it was hard to see the dice, but once I found it I completed the first room and went through before picking up the dice in the second room and having the game crash. I wish the dice stayed rotated when you picked it up from the pedestals again, because it was hard for me to see what the side numbers were after I rotated it and the die kept going back to the original rotation when I tried to adjust. I don't know how long the game was but I could see a bigger puzzle game being made with these mechanics as well as additional puzzles to figure out.

I lost the first time but the second time my thorny ocean turtle got me through so we could take a dang nap! The art and story were very cute, and the pokemon inspired combat was enjoyable. As a longer game I think it would get repetitive without some other mechanics but it's short and sweet and uses a simple elemental system that's always fun to play with. Good job!

This is an interesting take on the dice roll, and bullet hell type games are always fun. The music was jammin. I found an exploit where if you hid in the very corner you would dodge all attacks and survive forever, so if you plan to continue development you could look into that. This could definitely be a fun little game with different levels to complete, maybe with different kinds of dice for different attacks.

Top down shooters are always fun, I was confused at first with a few things, like why I couldn't shoot sometimes when I clicked (because I was rolling) or why there were sometimes bullets in all directions (because I rolled a 6). I still don't completely understand what each number does, and I was confused when the piano chord played and I couldn't shoot, but it's enjoyable trying to dodge the enemy bullets for a while.

This is such a cool game! It could definitely be a full game someday with levels and unlockables, like being able to unlock a larger roller for the later levels with all the muffins. It's crazy how you got all this done in 48 hours.

This was the most interesting game I've played so far, and I think it could be a great puzzle game! I wish I knew what the points were based off of so I could try to get a higher score each time, since it was easy to fit all the dice once I figured out to make rows of the same color dice so it wasn't fun after that. I could see this as a puzzle game where you have limited board space and you are given a set of dice to fit into the squares so you can move on to the next level or something like that, or a tetris-like game where your board is filling up so you need to match dice or make certain combos like adding up to 10 to keep your screen from filling up. Nice job!

I wish there was some extra strategy or skill to help you win, because as of now winning is random which makes the player feel less excited about trying. I think the mechanics were really well done, the dice looked great and they stayed in the play area, even bouncing on previous dice. I wonder if you could have missiles shoot out of each die you hit and roll over when you shoot a new die to increase your chances of winning and to give the player a purpose. I also had a bug where the die I rolled landed on top of another die and the missiles didn't shoot so the game must have thought it was lost or something.

I think the art is really cool, I like that you used D20 dice instead of normal 6 sided dice. I tried to click the How to Play option but it didn't work, so I played it like a regular platformer and got stuck on the big yellow platform. I think having different characters is interesting but I didn't know what each of them did. I also felt like the hitboxes for the spikes were too big because I kept dying on them when I didn't think my character touched them at all, which made it almost impossible to make that 4 spike jump.

Like the other comments said it was easy to get stuck in the clouds, and it took a little bit for me to figure out how to move the star from one point to another, but the idea of a puzzle game where you have to push the platforms to help get the object across is really cool and I think it could make for an awesome game if you wanted to continue development. And it's really cute!

I loved all the doodle bugs! <3

I couldn't get past the second level with the spikes, I was probably doing something wrong, but the concept is neat!

It was a pretty hard game but I liked the art style and the cute chickens in the audience :) The premise was really unique too, good job!

This is such a cute game! I like the art and sound design and the cute theme, it was strange having the arrow keys to move instead of WASD but I got used to it after a while. I wasn't sure if there was an ending so I played till I delivered 50 letters. I could see this being a larger game with different levels as well. And the messages were really cute and fun! 5 stars

As a comedic game, this is great haha. Not sure where the mmorpg part comes in, or the 420 part comes in, but so far this is the only game I've played in this jam with an intro animation, so bonus points on presentation! A silly game to play for a few mins I think

I love rhythm games, and this concept reminds me of the guitar battles in Guitar Hero 2 I believe, where there are powerups and attacks that you can use against your opponent. The main problem with this game, and I know it's difficult to perfect everything in just 48 hours so I don't blame you, is the lagginess of the notes, the slow and messy inputs and responses from the game, and the fact that the notes don't seem to line up with the music. I found it difficult to tell if the notes were under the little boxes at the end to indicate that I should press the notes. This may have been part of the design to make it difficult, but it wasn't as enjoyable as having the notes line up like in other rhythm games. If you continue to work on this game there is a lot of polish that you can put on it, and I think that you could make it more fun to play if you worked on making it more clean and precise for the player :)

Thank you for the alternate version! The artwork and the visuals are so smooth and enjoyable to look at, and I think the gameplay is fun and challenging (I couldn't get past the level where you went to the right to get different bullets before going back and up) and it was really funny seeing the little guys in fear of the orb haha. I'm sorry that the main download wouldn't work, but congratulations on completing a game jam!

I don't feel like the out of control aspect was implemented very much in this game, because even though the controls for the WASD keys weren't there it was still controllable with the mouse. The level was challenging enough for me to quit after I fell from the top haha, and the game looks beautiful Great work on finishing a game jam!

I'm on Firefox, the game also freezes my browser when I try to click play. There was a popup from my browser asking if I wanted to close down a process that was slowing it down. When I click the previous page arrow I can hear the music from the game for a brief second before it loads the page again. I'm sorry that your game can't seem to be played.

I liked the gameplay a lot! I found it almost like a rhythm that I had to memorize in order to get through the levels. I got stuck at the right is left level because it just got too hard for me, haha, and I had to stop spending time on it. It has that level of frustration that you get from playing something like Mario Maker for hours. I liked the art and the sound a lot, and I thought it was a cool idea to have a goblin at the mercy of a necromancer as the story instead of simply telling the player that their controls are messed up. Good job! Five star game to me.

Although I feel like an out of control car isn't as unique as some other game mechanics, I thought the game looked great and felt good to control. Shooting out the pizzas was fun, but I couldn't get a single house haha, maybe I'm a bad driver. I definitely think this game concept could make a full fledged game, with different levels and maps to try to deliver pizzas in. I tried running into the house that needed pizza and I ended up falling out of the map haha, which only makes me laugh in small games like this. Good job on submitting to the game jam!

I figured out the mechanic, though I was confused when you couldn't change the words back. Maybe that's the point though, so if you intended it that way that's perfectly fine. It's not as fun from a gameplay perspective, but there is a place for games that deal with heavy topics like this, and it certainly does feel like you have no control in an abusive relationship. I liked the mechanic of changing your words a lot, and I think it can fit in a lot of different dialogue based games as an alternative to having lines to choose from, and that makes it feel very unique. Don't be afraid to hone your skills and use games as a way to talk about important topics like this. Kudos to finishing a game for the jam!

Simple game, but unique! I liked that the out of control theme was very obvious in the simplicity. The colors weirdly gave me a "pimple popping game" sort of vibe with the white squares we had to remove, haha, so it was hard getting that gross image out of my head, but I liked the way the art style was flat and 2D even though the cubes were 3D. I think my score was 53, not as good as necrosaint haha. Looks very polished for a game jam game, and I applaud you for that.

I like the idea of the ammo coming from the enemies, but I didn't understand the multiplier at the top. I think it had to do with the enemies spawned? And I also think that limiting the shooting to such a long timeframe of one second between bullets makes the game seem too difficult to beat because there's no way the player can keep up with that many enemies while waiting so long to shoot. I'm not sure how the out of control aspect is different than other games with enemy hoards, because eventually they get out of control too, so it doesn't seem unique enough. I also found it strange that the player could move so far out of view since there wasn't a border for the playable zone. But congrats on submitting to the game jam! Keep on learning new skills and becoming a better developer! :)

I'm not sure what the goal is in this game, because it seems like nothing is really changing as I take pictures. Unique concept, I like the idea that the main gameplay mechanic is taking pictures and seeing how that affects the world, but I just didn't see any chaos happening. Perhaps I didn't take enough pictures? Nonetheless, the gameplay is smooth and it looks pleasing, and it's cool that the characters have animations included as well. Congrats on completing a game jam! I know this game can improve by a bunch if you keep working on it, and so will your skills!

I love the cute art and the audio, especially the way the little character's glasses go up! I couldn't make it to the end because the levels were getting hard for me, haha, but the design looks solid and the concept is easy to understand once you realize that the jumps are timed by the bar. And I'm glad that the indicator bar is there to tell the player when they will jump, I think it's a really nice and simple way to communicate that message. Good job! Loved it.

I love this game! It's so cute and I love the art and idea. At first it was confusing but like all puzzle games I got the hang of it. The last level was challenging in a good way! This is one of my favorite games I've played in this jam so far, good job!

I don't understand how I actually do anything if I can't control the player, other than clicking and hoping the character goes to the exit? I see that you can place walls, do you just barricade him in? I think it's a cool idea, and I like to imagine the little dude is supposed to be Hagrid haha, but it isn't much fun for me since it was confusing to play. Good work though, and keep practicing your skills! Congrats on finishing a game jam!

I thought the visuals and the audio was really cool, and I was surprised to see you made the audio yourself! I think the idea of having wonky controls is done often in the age of surgeon simulator type games, and it's fun seeing a different take on that. Obstacle games have been done a lot before and so I can't give high scores on originality, but I had fun playing it and I got to the end to see if I could do it :) Still don't understand how or why someone would play with inverted controls on regular games! I think I had a bug at the end because I couldn't press the back button, and since I couldn't see my cursor I didn't know if it was moving or if it was still in the center of the screen. I also couldn't move my cursor outside the game window or press escape to exit, so I had to use keyboard shortcuts to open another program on my computer so I could exit out. But other than that the gameplay was fun and easy to understand, and the simple graphics worked to your advantage here because I really see no need for you to add more to it visually. Congrats on submitting a game, and keep perfecting your skills!

I like tower defense games, and I think they're inherently fun to play, but this one wasn't as unique as I thought it could have been. I ended up placing a lot of turrets on almost every part of the road, getting lots of money, but I felt like the shooting side of the map wasn't much fun because there was no change and no way to get better at it as more enemies start appearing. Your gun can only shoot so fast, and at a point you literally cannot keep up with the enemies so the player is destined to lose no matter what they do. I don't think it feels original enough to win a top spot in this game jam, but I love that you tried and made a solid tower defense game (the left side) that ran smoothly and was easy to pick up even without a tutorial. Keep making games and improving your skills!

I understand the message of people using unhealthy ways to cope with their lives and put them back in control of something, which is a powerful message. The gameplay was simple but I understood the objective after a bit of messing around. I had a few issues that I'm not sure were bugs or not: The tutorial said to right click to pick up objects but I could only pick them up when I left clicked. During my first playthrough I slept in the bed and got energy, and also got energy from the alcohol, but clicking on the tv and the junkfood didn't do anything besides fade the screen to black so I'm not sure if they were also supposed to give energy. I was confused by the location at first because I wasn't sure if I was on a stage or television set, or in a laboratory being studied, or if I was hiding out in a cave with strange construction equipment, so the setting confused me a bit but I understood that climbing to the top of the hole was the goal, to escape to greener pastures. But I could see this becoming a longer narrative game talking about the issues of control in one's life. Simple game, but still enjoyable.

Same as the others, the game won't run on my Windows machine. I'm sorry I couldn't play it and rate it :(

I played this a few times to see if I could beat the puzzle but I was stuck trying to figure out the cypher, I saw some of the different letters it was talking about but was completely unsure how the popups helped me solve the cypher. I think it's a cool concept, because I love hacking games, but it was too difficult for me to solve. I think there was too much text in the cypher box to get through and it was small on the screen, it frustrates people and gives them eye strain. Not as fun as it could have been I think. Good submission though :) It was unique.

Even though your game isn't top quality, don't be too hard on yourself! There are many chances to improve your development skills and submit to future game jams if that's what you enjoy doing! I like the concept that you're being attacked and need to keep the civilians from escaping, and I know that there are shooter games that have protection levels in them that work really well. I think you should try to focus on a game concept that you're excited about and that feels fun and unique to you personally, because that makes the development process much more enjoyable. Since you're being hard on yourself it seems like you weren't as confident about your concept or how fun your game would be, which doesn't have anything to do with the art or the gameplay but with how you feel as a creator. I mean, game jams are an opportunity to make whatever you want so they should be fun :) Keep working and you can hone your skills even more in the future!