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Kyklop Karsten

A member registered Dec 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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I imagine its because of the download requirement, is it possible for you to upload a webbuild? :D

Simple yet polished :D

Sends vibes of urban strike :D

Great to see rebindable controls, wouldn't have been able to play since I have no arrowkeys

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Got a sore index finger from clicking, but held them pesky sheep at bay


Can you tell me about getting stuck in the garage? Would like to fix it, but I think it slipped by me :P

Loved the nitro effect, wish you could hold it forever

What can I say - I did not expect this :P

Felt authentic to throw packages about - quite sure that is how my deliveries are treated as well at times

Feels great to fly the plane. Gets a little laggy as it goes on

wish there was a score indicator while flying

Simple, yet quite compelling. One of the games where you actually feel the don't-get-surrounded shine through

I would suggest making holding lmb do auto fire, but at a quite limited rate

currently spamclicking fast enough almost lets you achieve the same as the burst option :P

NIce style

Novel idea for the theme :D

Great parallax effect on the backgrounds :D

Nice take on the theme with a shrinking environment

Was a little confused at first about which unit was mine.

pretty intuitive, was a little hard to navigate to ensure the UFO shot the targets you wanted it to :P

Wish the screen didn't shake when I fired

Other than that, pretty darn solid, played it till the end - might've been nice with a "you won" screen in the end

Nice handwriting :D

well, if I couldn't already hear my mouse clicking like crazy, now I can also hear it from my speakers

Wow that tune goes crazy, quite stylish game :D

Quite a novel twist with the flying vehicle being a unidentified flying object (on a string) great twist to the theme :D

What a great handdrawn style :D

Wish the bullets were bigger, before I fullscreened I had no idea if I was shooting.

Interesting with the floaty controls which was kinda fun

I wish the windup time for the slingshot was faster, think it would give a much smoother shooting experience :)

Other than that, a cute arcady-airballon-slingshot-seagullshooter-game

If Plato could see the amount of men you just slaughtered he would be very upset

Very smooth. Nice art as well - overall a very polished feel

Would wish there were some indicators to where enemies were

As a fellow FTL enthusiast I love the idea - bonus points for being a MS paint ally as well

Difficulty was wild though - I am not sure if I am missing something, or if my hands are just getting too old to be put in charge for both firebrigade and engineering on a spaceship in combat

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Great style but I must admit the amount of towers thrown at you right at the get-go is a little daunting, especially since you can't read any stats of any of them. 

Shows great potential, if you continue on it I would suggest railroading it a little bit with different levels, and unlock a handful of towers each level or something

Great job :D

EDIT: Also normally when I play a game about being reincarnated as a gun who has to hire people to protect their holdins I am unsure what the game is about - but when approaching  "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Gun and Had to Buy People to Protect My House"  I had a decent idea it might be a game about being reincarnated as a gun who has to hire people to protect their house

Great artstyle - reminds  me a bit of Baba is You

Also a quite original idea, nice to see sometihng novel :D

I think the goblins or the axe were a little too small, making it hard to hit consistently to get on a satisfying roll

It was also a bit confusing starting with a whole bunch of items with different icons - where it is a little unclear what it does

With that said - It offers some good arcady action as it is already :D

Really liked the use of negative space, also the tasty foilage on the later levels

super-jumping didn't feel super intuitive. I'd suggest maybe another key combo? alternatively a double jump where second jump is just a slight boost

great idea with implementing a cheat/skip level, ensures people are able to get a slice of all the levels at least :D

Great start, definitely something that can be developed into a cool shooter. Gives me vibes from Enter The Gungeon.

Would've wished for more enemies and faster firerate though :P

Love the handdrawn style. I think it would be improved if you had maybe like 3 HP or something, so us people who are horrible at the game are able to see more of it without needing to get the game over screen burned into our sad eyes

Also, sick shreds. 🎸🎸

Very great feel, but I must admit I wished for some more information about what I was doing

First time I tried to craft a creature I failed, and I was never able to produce a second one - I am not sure how the looking for survivors work - if it is a random chance or if I did something wrong

It would also be nice if you could double the textspeed when holding down left mouse button or something

I really loved that fella there:


lovely handdrawn style, wish you had used some sort of shader for the 3D parts to make it seem more integrated - but still a neat game :D

I love the style, reminds me of the game Griftlands

Great game, wish there was more of a balancing thing upgrade wise, where you are forced to decide between power and economy scaling but i enjoyed the experience as it is

Visually it is simple, again quite pleasing really.

One can only hope there will be more one day

Wish it had a faster pace