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A member registered Aug 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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Very valid feedback, I will keep it in mind next time. Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

Glad you enjoyed it! I agree, some parts turned out harder than intended, good job for making it so far regardless :)

Thank you for your feedback! I was aware that the last two levels were definetly on the harder end but I tried to build up the difficulty towards them - could have probably made them a bit less intense though, you are right.
I was also aware of the camera issue, but I could not find an elegant solution where your camera does not go out of the map, thanks again for the feedback!

Really cool game overall, I especially like that you build your own level. The visuals and the sound also tie together nicely and the game loop works well as a whole.

My only complaint is that the movement feels a bit too rapid/jaggy in my opinion, as you go from standing still to full speed immediately - maybe having a bit of acceleration before reaching your max speed would have helped with that but that is honestly personal preference.

All in all it is a great game though, well done! :)

I just went through those exact steps again with the only difference being that I turned down the volume a bit - sadly the result has not changed for me :( hard to say what the issue is, but if it runs fine for you, I hope the issue is on my end so others can play the game as well

I liked the cute creatures, they had some interesting character design! The game loop was simplistic and I did not really know how to raise the health of a creature. Also I dont think the game relates to the theme too much, but I still thought it was a nice small experience. Good job! :)

Really creative idea, I also thought the art worked really well and the paint brush effect on the main character was a very good idle animation. I got stuck pretty early on so there might be more stuff that I missed but from what I saw the gameplay was pretty simplistic with not too much to do and I am also not quite sure how the game was related to the theme, but that could also have been something that was explored later on.

Overall really creative with an emphasis on art, well done! :)

This was one of the most unique takes on the theme I have seen, I enjoyed it very much. 

It felt like multiple small games in one and at first I did not really understand what was going on, but by the frog stage it clicked. The whole concept reminded me of the game Spore and how in one playthrough you go through the different stages of life. 

The frog stage was also my favorite stage, although it was the hardest - it almost felt like a full mobile game already.

I dont really have much to critique, maybe the art or the sound could have been polished a bit more but it was also not something that stuck out to me negatively. 

I also like that you used a quote to sum up the whole message of the game, that worked really well. Great job on the whole game! :)

I liked your take on the theme, I havent seen the egyptian theme related to scales anywhere else. I also appreciate that you made the art yourself, you could tell that a lot of effort went into that.

I do have a few small notes though, first of all it was a bit confusing to get into at first. It would have been nice to maybe have pointers towards the objectives, which would have also helped later on when you dont know where you have not been yet.

Another thing I had issues with was the player character. The design is really cool, but a small transition animation would have made accelerating a bit more natural. I also felt like the character did not control too well, especially when trying to get through tight platforming passages. Also, it couldve helped to not have the camera stuck to the character but have it follow the character so that the movement does not feel quite as rapid.

Overall I thought it was a fun idea though and I could really tell the effort and energy that was put in. Well done! :)

Hey, I liked your take on the genre, it felt similar to games like "Getting over it". The banana being curved and its collision shape made it a bit more unique though.

I felt like the controls were a bit less precise than in other similar games though and I also encountered a small bug, that if you charge up your jump while you are in the air the bar shows up and does not go away until your next jump. I think it might have even been fine to let the player jump at least once while they are in the air instead of just on the ground in order to make it a bit more beginner-friendly and in the later parts you could have had passages where you have to use this mechanic to make it over.

Thats just my thoughts though, as I said overall I had a good time and I liked your unique take. Well done! :)

This game seems really fun, the art is great, I love the music and sound design, but I could not really give it a try because for me there were simply not fish spawning.

I loved the fisherman and the different levels, they looked really great, but no matter what level I went to, it was just the empty water without any fish, so sadly I cant really say much - I hope that this was an issue on my end and that others can give it a try as this game seemed really promising.

I could tell that a lot of effort went into this, so well done regardless! :)

The whole game felt very polished, the art and sound design very coherent and at a very high quality. I loved how the music changed between characters and how everything just fits together really well. Also being able to play in web is always a good thing.

My biggest issue with the game were that the controls did not feel very fluid/responsive, I dont know what exactly it is but I had a hard time controlling the character the way I wanted to. It would have also been nice to have a volume slider in the options instead of just being able to turn sound on or off.

Im also not too sure about the implementation of the theme - was the point that the two characters have a different scale?

Aside from those minor things the game seemed to be at a very high quality and I had a fun time. Great job! :)

This was a pretty fun small arcade-style experience for me! I thought the visuals were nice overall, however the game could have used some anti-aliasing. The music was pretty catchy and the sound design was also very good.

The game was however a bit confusing to me at first, even with the tutorial. I did not really know what to aim for and there was not too much feedback to reinforce correct behavior. After a while the game also became pretty repetitive, as you are essentially doing the same thing over and over, however that is just how arcade-style games work so that is not really on you.

Aside from that it was a fun experience, good job! :)

I had a good time with your game! I liked the main mechanic with the staff, I liked how you can see a little preview underneath the object you are holding, I liked that you could swap between modes without having to let go of the object - those things matter!

Aside from a few minor collision issues the moving and scaling also worked suprisingly well considering that you can scale freely wherever you want.

I also thought the visuals were very good, although the whole game was very dark (at least on my end). It also was not always entirely clear to me what I had to do, maybe you could have highlighted important spots a bit more, because the pressure plates blended in with the rest a bit, especially in the dim lighting.

Those are only minor critiques though, overall you did a great job, well done! :)

Hey, I had a pretty fun time with your game! It is definetly unique, Ive never played a game with a control scheme like that. It works pretty well and really had me swinging in front of my pc with my character! :)
I did however think that it might have been a bit too hard for a new player. I get that during development you play the game a bunch and that it becomes hard to evaluate the difficulty for someone who has not played the game before, but at least the start area could have been a bit easier as it took me longer than Id like to admit to even get up the first wall.
Overall I liked the game a lot though, it was a really fun and unique experience. Well done! :)

I just released an update for the temple run inspired endless-runner, that I made for the GMTK game jam. I would love it if you would check it out and give me some feedback!

I also documented my progress, if you are interested in that you can see it here:

Well that's a new one haha
Glad you had fun though!

A good game with a nice atmosphere that got me a bit addicted :) Great work! At times I had to place like 5 hearts and no monsters, I guess the monster/hearts are randomized, which is understandable but it was a bit annoying to me. The art also looked great, overall you did a great job!

It's so adorable! I loved everything about it :) Please gimme more levels to enjoy haha

Cute hungry snake :3 I liked the game, well done!

The design was really nice, but the instruction were confusing and it took some time to figure out how to actually play, it was also very irritating that there was no indicator which sea-creature you were controlling. Nonetheless its a really creative approach and is overall a fun idea and a nice game :) Great job!

Sending out some unreal-love! Unfortunately I couldnt enjoy the game too much because I ran into performance issues, but the moments it worked were very enyojable. I liked your concept and you could really see the effort put into this game, well done!

Really fun idea! At first I was confused why I could not open the gold chests but then I read your description about how the game works. The inventory size was quite limiting but I suppose that is part of the challenge. I also think that the scrolling goes the wrong way through the hotbar if that makes sense? I think usually if you scroll down then your selection goes to the right and for you it was the other way around, it would probably help to stick to "norms" like that.
Other than that a nice and fun little game, good job!

Great concept, worked really well! There were lots of interesting risk/reward tradeoffs with the main mechanic of the game. You had to think twice if you wanted to deal with enemies or if you would rather try to run past them and it was interesting to maintain time as well as health. Small note, the gun sound got annoying really quickly and it would have probably been a good idea to have a minimum cooldown between gun shots and then balanced the game around that so you dont have to spam left-click quite as much. Other than that I had a really great time, well done! :)

It was a bit hard to pick up at first but once you get the hang of it it was quite satisfying. The slow-motion while rotating was a really good idea because otherwise it would have probably been incredibly hard to aim. Fun to play and with high replayability, well done!

Definetly on the larger size, Im gonna take that into account next time. Glad you enjoyed it overall! The controls were in the top right corner of the main menu but that was probably easy to miss and would have been better placed at the start of each run. Thanks for playing!

Fun game, you did a lot of things right! I really like the risk/reward ratio of wanting to stay out as long as possible without getting hit, also the red highlight that indicates that a field is about to be hit really helps, although that could have been there for a little bit longer before the strike actually comes down. I would have also liked it if you did not come out of hiding on a timer but as soon as you selected the hole you wanted to go to next or maybe on another button press because sometimes I knew that the hammer was busy and I would have been safe but I still had to wait for my timer to go down before I could start collecting points again.
Overall this was a fun little game though, well done!

Great entry! Love how step-by-step there was a small ecosystem building app, adding some interesting risk/reward scenarios like standing close to an enemy in order to lead the snakes to them while still trying to avoid the enemies attacks. The player character also felt great to control as it was so fast and small, which helped with avoiding enemies and projectiles. One of my favorite games of the jam, well done!

Short and sweet! I liked the overall mechanic of placing the fans ahead of time and then seeing how your strategy pans out, however some little quality of life features would have been nice. What I liked is that you already implemented camera controls, however it would have been nice to have your fans maintain their position in between tries. That way you could just make tweaks to your strategy and see how that changes things instead of trying to match the settings youve had before.
I also found the fan spawning a bit irritating, as it never spawned in the place I wanted it to and then grabbing it was sometimes a bit finicky. Maybe instead of the plus sign you could have had a fan icon that you drag into the level to determine where it was supposed to spawn, I think that would have felt better.
These are minor critiques though and mostly personal preference, overall you did a great job! Well done :)

Very interesting take on the genre, the dialogue is funnily written and it had me go through the game multiple times in order to see different endings. The buzzer sound effect at the end of the round was also a really funny idea but not gonna lie, you had me thinking I had a virus for a second haha
Well done overall, really creative!

Pretty fun! The idea of swapping between characters was definetly interesting and I have not seen it implemented in quite the same way as it is here. As others have mentioned already, diagonal movement would have helped a lot with controlling the character. I also felt that the game was a bit confusing at first, maybe a small tutorial would have helped, but once I got the hang of it, I had a good time. Good job!

Really fun, easy to undestand and music, design etc fit really well together! But also really difficult haha (my highscore was 3 :)

Absolutely amazing :) It wasnt quite my cup of tea but the overall experience was great, it was really creative, a bit random but I enjoy that. Really great, thanks for sharing!

This was pretty fun! Always nice to see another unreal game. I liked the general idea of giving your customers the fitting item, although as it is right now you basically just had to wait for them to explicitly say what weapon type they need - maybe instead you could have had them say what kind of quest they are going on and then you have to determine what would be the fitting equipment to add a bit of challenge to that part.
I liked that you could also do something else with your money, but I think it would have been cool to have some influence on what happens. Maybe some kind of mini game, some way to directly influence the outcome of the fight, I am not sure what would fit best but I mostly waited for bets with a chance above 50% and avoided the others, but there was not much more strategy to it than that. The waiting times between customers also felt a bit long sometimes as there was not much to do in between.
It would have also probably added a bit to the mood if you had picked out a fitting font, as that stuck out from the rest of the game. Other than that I liked the general look of the game and I also think that the music fit very well. Keep it up, well done! :)

Quite a few fun ideas in this one! The character looks great and also feels very fast and fun to control, only the jump is maybe a bit floaty but then again that helps with platforming. I also liked the interactions with the platforms, although there needed to be a bit more depth for a puzzle game and a bit more mechanical difficulty for a platformer, it felt like it was sort of stuck between the two every now and then. Overall really enjoyable though, good job!

Thank you so much for the elaborate feedback! I agree with all points you mentioned, especially that something negative should have been mirrored as well. That would have added some more depth and the game turned out to be pretty hard anyway so a little help definetly would have been a good thing. As this was my first finished game I kind of mismanaged my time, I got the main game loop going and then worked on all the menus, restart buttons, highscore system, etc. and had to kind of rush most obstacles except for the coins on the last day - learnt my lesson here for next time, I ended up not having playtested the final state of the game enough to notice balance issues.
I am really grateful that you went into detail and explained what you liked and disliked about the game, that really helps a lot, I might release an updated version of the game once the reating period is over with the feedback I received in mind :)

This game was more on the simple side but fun regardless! It could have maybe profited from some more pickups, walls, etc. to add a bit more strategy as for me the gameplay mainly consisted of running from corner to corner. I also ran into the issue others have already mentioned that the arrow keys moved the screen, maybe you couldve bound the arrow keys as well as WASD for the movement so players can choose their prefered movement style. I also loved the background art, it wouldve been great to have that in the game itself too but I am assuming you ran out of time to implement that.
Overall I thought the game was fun and I think with just a few tweaks it has a lot of potential! :)

One of my favorite entries! The meta commentary was funny and fit the general theme of the game, the "coding" puzzles were also really interesting and sometimes had me scratching my head for a minute or two. Another great idea were the sprite editors that conveyed the feeling that you were actually making your own game. My biggest issue with this game is the amount of content but that is to be expected in such a short time frame, would love to see this concept further expanded upon! You should be just as proud of this game as I am of my victory hat

You could already tell how polished this game is from the interactive start screen - the sound effects and overall player feedback work well, the game loop is addictive and the upgrades are also fun and rewarding. Only point of critique is that it was a bit hard to get into, maybe a short introduction or tutorial could have helped. Otherwise great job!

Great concept, had a really good time with this! I especially like the camera movement when you move the car, that really sells the feeling of swerving across the road uncontrollably at high speeds. Knocking away the pedestrians was also really fun - almost too fun as this was something you were originally supposed to avoid ;)
Great entry, good job!